
Pirate’s I’ll become stronger by fishing

Zhang Jun travels through the world of One Piece and binds the fishing system of Ten Thousand Realms. "Ding! Congratulations to the host for catching the Navy Six!" "Ding! Congratulations to the host for catching 1,000 combat power!" "Ding! Congratulations to the host for catching the photo album of Empress Qiwuhai!" ... With this fishing system, it is really a moment of fishing. It's cool for a while, and it's always cool to keep fishing! As long as you have enough bait, you can directly become the strongest in Pirate World! Catch the heavens, start with the pirate!

Jeffrey_Nin · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
100 Chs

Chapter 53 Sudden encounter! Mr 1

When they circled around, they returned to the previous port.

At this time, Klockdal and others were also nowhere to be seen.

Yes, after all, a few days have passed, and he can be considered a busy man.

In Zhang Jun's mind, Krokdal was busy eliminating bandits and pirates in order to gain the popularity of the people!

"Ding, mission completed: arrived in Alabastan successfully. Mission reward: the best bait*2!"

Just arrived, the sound of the system rang.

"Huh, it's worth it!"

Zhang Jun nodded in satisfaction.

If Zhang Jun hadn't reacted quickly enough, maybe he would have been left forever!

"So hot…"

Everyone was walking on the way to Na Rohara at this time.

Narokhara is the port city of Alabastan. Zhang Jun and his party need to supplement supplies here in order to travel smoothly in the desert.

"Brother Jun, do you smell a good smell?"

Suddenly, Siljeong's nose shrugged, and then he said something.

"The smell of perfume?"

Zhang Jun also smelled it, and the closer it was to Na Rohara, the stronger the smell.

"I want to eat! No perfume!"

At this moment, Missoga launched a protest, his stomach groaning in despair.

Although there is Zhang Jun's system, a lot of food is stored in it, but it has been exhausted after such a long voyage.

Zhang Jun and Hill looked at each other and smiled, speeding up their pace.

"Oh, a few of you, it's a bit unpretentious! I have a good thing here, do you want?"

Walking on the street, there were people coming and going, and the shouting of vendors was also endless. At this moment, a man with a golden apple in his hand stopped Zhang Jun and others.

"What what? What good stuff?"

Hearing what the hawker said, Missoga was overjoyed, and went to ask.

"Look, my brother, this is the legendary golden apple! Secretly tell you, this is the god I got from the ancient ruins! One bite can live a thousand years!"

Seeing that Missoga showed signs of being taken the bait, the hawker quickly whispered pretending to be mysterious.

"What!? A fetish? Live for a thousand years?!"

Misuga's eyes widened suddenly.

"It's true! See if you have a destiny, little brother, let's just have a thousand Baileys!"

The hawker's eyes lit up and frowned as he said embarrassingly.

"What?! Thousand Baileys?!"

Missoga is ecstatic, as long as one thousand Baileys can live for a thousand years?!

"It's all right, don't be ashamed!"

Hill finally couldn't stand it anymore, and dragged him away with the collar of Misoga.

At the same time, Gui Moyan quickly took out the knife and closed the knife, the curtain of the fruit stand broke in two, and a person inside was painting the apple with golden yellow paint.

"Unexpectedly, this scene will also appear in my pirate group..."

Zhang Jun couldn't laugh or cry, and followed Hill's pace.

"No! As long as one thousand Baileys I can live a thousand years..."

Missoga who was dragged away still screamed unwillingly.

"Stop it! The restaurant is here!"

Suddenly, Hill let go of his hand, and then said helplessly.

"Wow! It smells good!"

Missoga looked at the restaurant in front of him, suddenly energetic, and quickly stood up and rushed in.

"Boss, more food!"

Zhang Jun found a table and sat down.

Then Zhang Jun called the boss over.

"Boss, have you ever seen a man with no clothes on his upper body, a hat, and the white beard Pirates logo behind his back?"

Zhang Jun looked at the boss expectantly.

He remembered that this restaurant seemed to be the first place where Ace and Luffy reunited, although Luffy didn't seem to see Ace.

"White, the White Beard Pirates?! Um...it doesn't seem to be..."

The boss was surprised at first, and then he thought about it.

"That's it, thank you."

Zhang Jun came back with disappointment, and then signaled that the boss could leave.

"It's a pity that I didn't meet Ace, but there is no way, after all, I came so long before Luffy."

While eating, Zhang Jun murmured.

"Boss, who is Ace?"

Missoga didn't raise her head, her mouth was full of food and asked vaguely.

"Can you stop being like a hungry ghost!"

Hill gave Misoga a glance, then looked at Zhang Jun with the same puzzlement.

"Ace, he is someone I admire."

Zhang Jun's eyes were a little erratic.

In fact, it should be said that Ace is one of the favorite characters of One Piece King Zhang Jun. Although he died young, he has left a strong mark in Zhang Jun's memory.


Hearing Zhang Jun's words, several people were a little surprised. There are people who are as powerful and capable as Zhang Jun who admire?

"Hey! The swordsman just now was you, right?"

Suddenly, a tall bald head walked up to Gui Moyan's body and said it without anyone else.


Gui Moyan's red pupils exude a strange light, staring at the person in front of him for an instant.

He felt a sense of restraint in this person!

"Huh! Your sword is fast! It hasn't been a while since I killed the swordsman, fight with me!"

The bald face said terrible words without expression.

"Oh, bald, you are Mr1, right? But, anyway, let's finish our meal first!"

Zhang Jun quickly realized the identity of this person, but still said with a smile.

Because even if his combat power reaches 1320 points, he is not his opponent, as long as he is in the second gear, he can instantly defeat him!

However, for Gui Moyan, who is now able to reach 1280 combat power after training, he is a rival!

What's more, if Zhang Jun remembers correctly, this person's abilities are quite restrained by swordsmen!

"No! Don't bother to interfere."

Gui Moyan seems to understand Zhang Jun's meaning, it seems that this person is a powerful enemy to him!

However, it is the strong enemy that is interesting!

Therefore, Gui Moyan nodded to Zhang Jun and looked at the opponent with war.

"Huh! If you know you, come with me!"

Mr1 snorted coldly, but did not directly attack Zhang Jun, because he felt the threat of death on Zhang Jun!

Although I don't know what the identities of these people are, since they have already spoken, they have to proceed.

"Ding, task trigger: Gui Moyan defeats Mr1, task reward: top-quality bait*1! High-quality bait*1!"

The sound of the system sounded in due course.

"Want Gui Mo Yan to defeat him?"

Zhang Jun frowned. It would be easy for him to defeat Mr1 by himself, but it would be ghostly...

It's a bit worrying...