
Pirate’s I’ll become stronger by fishing

Zhang Jun travels through the world of One Piece and binds the fishing system of Ten Thousand Realms. "Ding! Congratulations to the host for catching the Navy Six!" "Ding! Congratulations to the host for catching 1,000 combat power!" "Ding! Congratulations to the host for catching the photo album of Empress Qiwuhai!" ... With this fishing system, it is really a moment of fishing. It's cool for a while, and it's always cool to keep fishing! As long as you have enough bait, you can directly become the strongest in Pirate World! Catch the heavens, start with the pirate!

Jeffrey_Nin · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
100 Chs

Chapter 14 Black Bear

The sea is not always calm, and the Longjun Pirates who are going directly to the nearest town on the new route have encountered the first sea storm since they went to sea!

"Missoka, hurry up, tighten the sails and don't let the boat blow over!"

In the heavy rain, Zhang Jun gripped the rudder to control the direction of the Longteng Wanli, and shouted at Misuga.

"No, you can't put the sails away now! Wait a minute!"

Misoga hugged the mast firmly and carefully observed the surroundings.

"Wind up! Zuo Man Ruo!"

Suddenly, Misuga realized that the time had come, controlled a strong wind ten meters around him, and at the same time asked Zhang Jun to hit the left full rudder.

Zhang Jun did not hesitate, maintaining his trust in his partner, with both hands hard, the rudder shot to the left instantly!


The hull shook, and a burst of gas ejected from the stern!

Suddenly, the entire ship flew out toward the left front under the action of several external forces!

"This is?! The wind is coming!"

Zhang Jun was surprised and said that although he had long known that the Longteng Wanli and Wanli Sunshine had the same capabilities, they had also installed Coke as an energy source before.

But this is the first time that the wind of the Longteng Miles has come to blast!


"Head! Head! Look, there is a spaceship!"

Outside the dark clouds, on a pirate ship with a black bear flag, a pirate pointed at the Longteng Wanli that broke out of the dark clouds and said with a face full of hell.

"Spaceship? What is it?!"

Aside, a man lying on a recliner was taken aback, then took off his sunglasses and rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

This man is burly in shape and covered with black hair. From a distance, he looks like a black bear!



The hull shook, and Longteng Wanli landed steadily on the sea.

Missoga didn't seem to have expected the ship to fly, and ran around on the deck excitedly.

"Okay, okay, don't run away, our ship has more functions! You can see it in the future! And, there are people who will help us make appropriate operations."

Zhang Jun gently stroked the hull and said with a smile.

Suddenly, a pirate ship swiftly approached Longteng Wanli, aggressively, and obviously the one who came was not good!

"Hey, brother on the opposite side, did your ship fly in the sky just now?"

Naturally, this pirate ship belonged to the Black Bear Pirate Group. They stopped by the Longteng Miles, and the black bear-like man asked Zhang Jun roughly.

"The visitor is not good, be careful!"

Misoga stepped back and whispered behind Zhang Jun.

"Huh! So what?"

A cold light flashed in Zhang Jun's eyes. With these crooked melons and cracked dates, his highest combat power was only three hundred, so he dare to hit his idea?I'm afraid I don't want to live anymore!

"Don't get me wrong, we are not malicious! Just want to come and make friends!"

Seeing that only two of Zhang Jun had such a big boat, the black bear was not afraid, and his heart sank for fear that he might run into a hard stubble!

As he spoke, he gestured to the little brother behind him.

The little brother behind knowingly walked into the cabin.

"Friends don't have to, we still have business, let's go!"

There was a sneer at the corner of Zhang Jun's mouth, and the chill in the black bear's eyes grew deeper.

"Is my friend afraid? Why not come for a drink?"

The black bear stepped forward and said aggressively.

Misuga frowned behind Zhang Jun, feeling that something was not quite right. These pirates were obviously unkind, so why did they appear to be kind to others?

Are you still afraid that so many of them can't beat the two of them?

"Ding, task trigger: Healer Poison. Completion condition: get a new crew member, Doctor Hill. Quest reward: ordinary bait*2"

The sound of the system suddenly sounded.

"it is good!"

With a move in Zhang Jun's heart, he immediately agreed to the black bear's invitation, leaving Missoga alone behind him.

It was these two common baits that reminded Zhang Jun of bad memories.

For the two ordinary bait he obtained before, Zhang Jun originally thought that maybe he would be able to have two more navy six styles, but he did not expect to catch a messy book and a set of clothes, which is still a lady's clothes!

Shaking his head, Zhang Jun cast aside his troubles and nodded to Misoga behind him, beckoning him to believe in himself.

Afterwards, the two were led by the black bear to the cabin of the black bear.

"You two, please sit down. This is a rare good wine! Please also taste it."

The black bear sat on the chair with a golden sword, and the little brother on the side brought three glasses of bright red wine.

Zhang Jun ignored him, folded his hands on his chest, and looked at the black bear with deep expressions, while Misoga next to him watched around nervously.

"You two are not giving face? Don't make any excuses for not drinking. Although the two are young, since they dare to walk on this sea, naturally they won't even know how to drink alcohol!"

The black bear narrowed his eyes.

"Okay, I said this bear, don't use the aggressive method. I think you know what's in your wine. I think you probably don't know why I followed you!"

Zhang Jun saw that the black bear looked ugly but didn't interrupt him, so he continued.

"Is there a girl named Hill on your boat?"

Zhang Jun leaned forward slightly, staring straight at the black bear, his eyes forced to ask.

"Huh?! It seems that the two are also for money! Then, there is nothing to say!"

Suddenly, the black bear's complexion changed. I don't know when he grabbed a handful of powder and splashed it at the two of them!

"Hold your breath!"

Zhang Jun gave a low shout, and rushed towards the deck with Missoga.

However, the hatch has long been locked!

"Haha, two boys, you are too arrogant! You dare to go directly to the enemy's base camp! Ridiculous! Really ridiculous! Now you have no energy?! Your flying ship, let us take it. !"

The black bear pushed towards the two of them step by step, laughing wildly in his mouth.

At this time, Zhang Jun and the two felt weak, and Missoga had even fallen to the ground.

"Huh, I don't know who is ridiculous yet?! Misoka, it's foggy!"

Zhang Jun whispered, and whispered to Misuga.

Suddenly Misuga used the fruit ability without hesitation, and the entire room was filled with mist.

"Boss, he has eaten devil fruit!"

An exclamation came from the mist.

"Don't panic! They're afraid they won't be able to move now! Go!"

The black bear's voice was slightly flustered, but he still held a big hammer and walked in the direction where the two were previously.

At this time, Zhang Jun's eyes flashed with electric light, and his whole body temporarily recovered consciousness under the stimulation of electric light.

Immediately afterwards, a long knife appeared in his hand, and the knife was covered with lightning!

"Die to death, chopsticks!"