
Pink Haired Hero

The world was forever changed when some humans gained the power to make contracts with gods. Gaining unique powers and access to the system the world soon became one embroiled in a conflict between heroes and villains. But All that had nothing to do with Sara Medeil. Born to a wealthy family that loved her their was no way the system would ever choose her for a contract. That was until she witnessed her father brutally murdered by masked strangers.

Miyan_Derk · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs

Strangers Part 2

I sat their for a long while, just processing. But I had to get up, who knew if those masked people would come back? It was as I had that thought that I heard some voices approach from the direction of the door leading into my house.

"So why we gotta wait jester? Their ant no damn living soul here!" a loud boisterous voice spoke but the strange part was that I couldn't figure out the gender of the voice, it was like the harder I tried to remember how they actually sounded the harder it became to remember it. After a bit I heard a sigh and a tired response.

"Boss wants this thorough, Only the girl and the mother lives.... no other" The man trailed off as he entered the open doorway and stared dumb founded at me. The moment he had gotten within 5 feet of me I could remember the mans features, though like the other 3 both him and the much bigger woman behind him wore mask. The man wore a jesters mask with a business suit while the larger more muscular woman wore a horse mask with that same Suit. They just looked at me as if they could not believe that I was actually there.

"Is that the girl?" Horse mask said after a while to which the jester shook his head. "No, the girl doesn't have pink hair and unless she gained the power to dye it in under 5 minutes I doubt it."

Pink hair? what were they talking about? But before I could process that bit horse mask seemed to blur and appeared right in front with a thundering crack as the stone pavement under her feat turned to rubble. Yet instead of her fist hitting and probably turning me into sarapaste my body seemed to go on autopilot. I sidestepped the attack and then a took in a deep breath. It was like no breath id ever breathed before. Energy, sweet energy filled my body rejuvenating my muscles, making them stronger.

It was like before this point I had never taken breath of fresh air. It was amazing and unfortunately I had no time to appreciate the feeling. On complete instinct I drew the energy and guided it towards my fist causing it to glow a dull pink color. As my connected with horse masks face I could hear the crunch as her jaw dislocated from the sheer force.

"GAH FUCK!!!" Horse mask screamed in surprise and Jester once again just looked on dumbfounded as blood seeped from the now dislocated jaw of horse mask. It was my turn to be dumbfounded as the jaw seemed to relocate itself, although from the hissing sound it was not a pleasant experience. With a sudden roar she charged at me and I swore she was a foot taller then when I had hit her. As with the first time my body just moved on instinct. Seeming to glide out of the way of the attack before I delivered another counter breath filled counter punch to her ribs. I heard a sicking crunch as the women's rib cage shattered and then even more sickening sound as I heard the ribs reform and this time I actually saw the women grow an extra foot, her muscles had grown bigger two. They had already been the size of my head, but now they were approaching the size of tires.

Before I could even react to that I heard the unmistakable sound of a shotgun being fired. Once again on instinct I rolled to the left just in time to see cracks form were I had been standing, then to gape in surprise as the pellets flew out of the holes they had made in the pavement and begin making a fast beeline for me. On instinct a shielded my body taking a breath and channeling it to my arms and instead of holes the pellets only left bruises. It still stung, and it was in that moment that a huge fist slammed into my side, I barely had enough time to infuse my side with breath before I sent flying into the bushes.

I needed to run, I couldn't take on both of them. They were way too strong! So as Horse mask charged after me I did the brave thing. I started running like death was on my heels. Which in this case it probably was. I dove into thicket grimacing as an idea hit me, If I the energy that made me stronger was the Iron breath. Then that meant I could use for the quite breath. So channeling it I felt it course through my body, I snapped my fingers and to my relief no sound was made. So I just hid in the thicket watching horse mask look for me.

"dammit! She got away!" the large women said before heading back muttering about cowardly contractors. I still didn't leave and stayed watching the two as they started to talk to each other. Eventually white mask appeared and did not look happy as they explained the situation he was so unhappy that he slammed jester into the pavement before all 3 disappeared.

I sat thier for what felt like hours. Too afraid to move in case they decided to come back, the silence effect long since. The Police find me later, clothes torn, but apparently my hair had returned to normal. I barely payed them any attention and had attacked them when they tried to get me to leave.

All the while I thought the same thought. I was going to kill them, I didn't know how, but I was going to get stronger and I was going to kill them.