
Pink Haired Hero

The world was forever changed when some humans gained the power to make contracts with gods. Gaining unique powers and access to the system the world soon became one embroiled in a conflict between heroes and villains. But All that had nothing to do with Sara Medeil. Born to a wealthy family that loved her their was no way the system would ever choose her for a contract. That was until she witnessed her father brutally murdered by masked strangers.

Miyan_Derk · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Stangers Part 1

I sighed in boredom as I waited for class to finally end. Normally, this class wasn't so boring but their was only so much you could hear about how good hero's were before it just kinda lost all interest. It was on the subject of the 5, the strongest hero's in the world. Everyone knew about them so I never really liked going over them again and again every year.

So it was a great relief when the final bell rang. I made my through the halls of "Erison University" it was a private school/college for the sons of daughters of the cities elite. The city being Erison, the first city ever crafted by an engineer which just slang for a contractor who could create advanced technology. It was basically a smart city, everything was connected through the Erinet, if you wanted to open a door anywhere that you had access to? All you had to do was have your phone out and click a button. The best part was that it was entirely private, nobody had ever managed to get access to the personal data that Erinet kept.

Their was one downside to the city, the city existed on an island outside of any nations jurisdiction and so counted as its country. In Erison, the legal age of adulthood was not 18 but 25. That was why most high schools in the city also acted colleges. It was one of the many interesting differences of the city and one many countries across the world had debated making the change to themselves.

Once I made my way to the front, I only had to wait a few minutes before Jacob arrived. Jacob Was my families driver who'd been in my mothers employ since I was 6 years old. Jacob was a handsome older dark skinned man who looked to be in his early 30s instead of the late 40s that he actually was. He offered me a wave as he kept the door open for me, asking me how my day was going and all the usual polite small talk before he parked the car in front of the large sprawling mansion of my house. The place was a big, not as big as some of the mansions my fellow classmates had. Yet from what I gathered a house the size of 4 football stadiums was not the norm.

Jacob was about to get out presumably to let me out before he suddenly stopped. A deep frown adorned his the usually smiling face of the man. He spoke something I couldn't hear into his earpiece before turning to me. The frown had been replaced with a very worried expression. One that filled me with cold dread, though I had no idea why.

"Sara I need you to listen to me. I'm to activate the cars security. Whatever you do DO NOT leave the car, no matter what happens." I gave him a quite nod, too shocked at the sudden change in his mood. He nodded then grabbed a gun from under the cars dashboard. Once he got out he activated the security measures built into the car, a low hum could be heard as a low grade energy shield enveloped the car.

Jacob made it all the way to the front before a loud "BANG" could be heard. I screamed as I saw the man I'd known my entire life slowly slump to the ground as masked figures began to exit. In my shock at what had just happened it completely escaped me that aside from the masks I couldn't make a single other detail of the group as the slowly walked out of the house. Not their gender, ethnicity, nothing. One did have a tattoo that I would later swear was vaguely familiar but at the time I was just too scared to notice how weird that was.

They were all dressed in suits, I could tell that much each wearing a different mask. One was of an angry looking tiger, the second was wearing an oni mask and the third wore a white featureless mask with slits for the eyes and mouth. After they made it a certain distance one of them looked towards the car, it was the man in the white mask but Tiger simply gave him a firm shake of the head after which the group seemed just disappear. It was like they were their one minute and then in the blink of the eye gone.

Jacob was dead.... I ran out of the car once I was reasonably sure I ran out as fast as I could. I needed to check. I had to be sure, maybe he was still alive but as I approached and came to close to the open an even more horrifying site awaited me. My fathers slumped dead body, stuck to the wall just in front of the door with an odd spike made of no material id ever seen.

No.... No..... NO!!!! this could not be happening. It was some dream, right? it had to be a dream! please I had to wake, please god let me wake up. That was when the world around shifted, and I don't mean that I had passed out, no one second I was staring horrified at my fathers corpse the next I was in a featureless void.

[Congratulations! you have been chosen to take on a bloodline! please wait while the best bloodline is chosen!]

The void turned from a pitch black to the scene of a battle, a women with pink hair sliced through a giant behemoth, it's size was easily that of a mountain but the women seemed to cut through the behemoth as if it were butter. She seemed to blur as a massive fist the size of a scyscarper came baring down for her. But she just ran the arm a blur of blood and viscera as she cut strait up the arm and then through the beasts heart. I felt resonance with her, I don't know why but it was as if the very cells in my blood screamed that she who had I should become.

[Divine breath bloodline chosen! granting access to system.]

Name: Sara Mediel

Bloodline: Divine breath

Level: 1

Skills: [Breath of silence] [Iron breathing] [The Pink lotus style: Beginner]

then the world shifted back and once again I was forced to face the reality of what had happened. I slumped down to the ground and just sat their disbelieving as tears streamed down my face. They couldn't both be dead. No, this was some kind of joke. But it was no joke, Id just gained what everyone dreamed of getting, but what I had lost was not worth it.