
Pilgrimage of Dreams

Meir, an ordinary civilians have reincarnated inside a novel... "This empire will be destroyed in a war against the Main character" That phrase always seem to be the main focus of those individuals who get the chance of being transversed in another world. Now now... Let's be realist here, if you have that 'once in a ten thousand billion chance' getting transported in another world, is it the novel you read be your main attraction?, if not then will the fantasy world you get transported to be your main attraction? I will answer for myself first. 'Absolutefuckingly not! of course it is the latter!' This. is. fantasy. This world have magic! This world genre is the complete opposite of your plain, basic genre of being born, grow, study to get a job, marriage. children, old age, die. The lame but vicious life cycle. Like a bird life cycle. However, the genre of the new world is different. so vastly different. All your fantasy. all your dreams, this is a place you can fulfill it! Amazing right??? Right??? That is as such, what shall I do then? Of course it is to master sorcery! Learning to alter reality! Attaining the cosmic knowledge. The main character and all those nonsensical plot can go to hell. Not learning magical things in a magical world is such a waste! --- "I am going to fulfill my lifelong dreams!" Meir fist her hand and pump herself up for such grand Life... of course you can ignore the minor details like accidentally creating a Cult, accidentally taming that 'Devil', accidentally evolve the civilization, accidentally create -- [A/n: Please add to your library and find out more on what actually conspire] ......... "As a novel addict, it was fated that I will be filled with endless dreams and desire. An unrealistic dreams unless you reincarnate, rebirth or transmigrate. Dreaming different version of yourself accomplishing different version of your desire. I curb in my dreams and desire in the face of reality… I wish… I wish… The fulfillment of my figmented dreams… I wish…” ---- Night owl hood. ---

_cosmic_librarian · Kỳ huyễn
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34 Chs

Pilgrimage of Dreams 9

<Jointed Ball Dolls>

The Aranya wood that was shipped from the Farren kingdom finally arrived after a month.

If there is an aerial ship, things will be much easier.


Aerial ship…

Thats a big project, I alone will not be able to accomplish. I need more brains…

Let's put that idea aside for the time being.

Anyway, I can finally work on the desire jointed ball dolls.

There are many broken pieces and finished product of jointed ball dolls made from a somewhat better than ordinary wood.

Let's just say a good quality wood.

This fantasy world has many extraordinary woods so finding a quality wood is not a problem.

The jointed ball dolls made of good quality woods are skillfully painted over so it appears lifelike. If people do not see the naked body, they will be fooled into thinking that it was human.

It was me, It was I who painted them.

I am a somewhat above average painter in my previous life, painting was my hobby. With ether as assistant, my painting skills are upgraded to a master level painter.

"Hmm.. hum…"

Humming happily, I start working on the Aranya wood.

I have prepared all the necessary 'ingredients' to create a perfect jointed ball dolls.

The most important parts of the jointed ball dolls, the 'heart of the doll'. It was a heart shape purely made of one owns concentrated ether. The purer the ether is, the more lifelike the jointed ball dolls will be, it's also means the usage can be more diversified. A sigil of life is inscribed on the heart of the doll. Although it will have a lifelike persona, it is not truly alive as it does not have a will or it can be said that it lacks spirit.

An absent of soul…

It was but merely a soulless entity that acts only on command and instinct. Like a robot.

I have figured out that if we used a violet level pureness concentrated, we can infused our essence blood into the heart, this way, we can share consciousness with the doll body. It will not just be a puppet on a string but I will be able to see from their perspective, hear from their perspective…

It is an amazing function.

We can infuse our will into it.

How amazing is that?

It can be an inferior substitute version of homunculus.

I will infused my blood essence on the three jointed ball doll made of aranya wood, as for the remaining jointed ball dolls made of a slightly better quality wood?

Don't be kidding!

Essence blood cannot be produced as much as we want. It is precious! akin to our lifeblood. Well, it is our lifeblood.

I feel lethargic and weak after injecting my essence blood on the three hearts.

I decide to rest for the day.

There is a separate bed room beside the laboratory. I will just sleep there because I don't think I have the energy to go back to my actual room.

Mina was never approved of me sleeping inside this room.

Sorry Mina…

I sigh, preparing myself mentally for Mina nagging after I will wake up.


I have enters the same dream land again.

I don't know whether it is accurate to call it dreamland.

It was more like a vast emptiness.


Devoid of motion and existence, I feel myself floating in this vast emptiness.

Is it vast again? I don't know. I cannot see.

I have this dream of emptiness ever since I open my six chakras.

I seem to feel a presence.

I have felt this presence more clearly when I sleep.

Although I cannot see them, I feel secure at their presence.

I feel the same breathe from them. I feel connected.

They are part of me… after all…

They are…


Blearily, I open my eyes.

I turn my head to look at the clock hanging on wall but my sight was block by the person standing beside my bed.

I squints my eyes because my eye sight was still adjusting to the light.

When my eye-sight is adjusted, I finally get a clear view of the person beside me.

It was Mina who was folding her arm.

She has a discontent expression. Ugh… guilt suddenly washes over me. I feel like I have been caught red-handed in doing something bad.

I sit up quickly.

"I was sleepy…"

I made an effortless last struggling excuse.

Mina must have finally given up on nagging me to not sleep in this room anymore. I have slept here many times even after Mina endless nagging after all.

She sigh…

"The room is too small and is not safe or comfortable enough, I will have to find a way to station more guards here and empty all the vacant room nearby for more servants to stay in it… I will use whatever means to make this room a habitable place for miss to sleep in…"

Mina mumbles away.

The room is very comfortable and habitable, I don't understand Mina concerns.


I tug at Mina clothes.

Mina stops her quiet rambling and look at me.

"Thank you Mina" and sorry for troubling you, I look up at her from my sitting position.

"It's fine" she said "Little miss is just like madam, sleeping wherever is available. Even madam sleeps inside her office a lot instead of going to her room…"

Mina shakes her head a bit "Anyway, please excuse me little miss, I have to prepare the room and the servant room… Hmm.. Dinner will be ready soon too"

Mina said.

I nods my head at her in which she immediately leave the room.

I also went back to my laboratory.

My laboratory is a restricted room.

No maids, butler and servants are allowed to enter here.

It is my personal order.

There are about forty jointed ball dolls made of better quality wood neatly arranged.

I have to make forty more ether concentrated heart.

That will take a lot of energy.

Anyway, one of the aranya woods jointed ball dolls will be the manager of my store. I will then use six of the forty jointed ball dolls as a staff.

I will add more when required.

I have never run a store so I don't know much. I will have to ask Lina about it.