
Golden Giant, The Behemoth Submits

Biên tập viên: Atlas Studios

"Who is it? Who dares disturb Sacas' beauty sleep?!" The Multi-Armed Behemoth roared furiously.

Its voice was as though the dull booming of roiling thunder, its reverberations erupting in the sky and blasting people's ears.

"S-Sacas, my… My old friend!"

In a terrible panic, the Uni-Horned Rose Python's voice trembled as it stammered, "I… I'm here to visit you. H-how are you?"

"Die, you lowly worm!"

The Multi-Armed Behemoth let out a ferocious roar. Then, without another word, it grabbed a gigantic ten-meters-long stalagmite and hurled it at the Uni-Horned Rose Python. It didn't take Clara as a friend at all.


The stalagmite produced whizzing sounds as it hurtled through the air. It blasted straight toward Clara like an intercontinental missile, and the might it contained enough to blast an E-100 apart.

"Hiss, hiss!"