
The Restaurant

'The Rising...'

"Right..." Oliver turned away from the two weirdos and began to walk away slowly. "I need to go..." He said causally. They were starting to weird him out. Oliver walked a few feet away but stopped when he heard footsteps behind him. His eye twitched and he let out a sigh and slowly turned around seeing them both following after him. "W... Why are you two following me?"

"Oh uhh? We don't have anywhere to go. We just got here." Davi laughed. "So... You know... Feed us."

"W... What?"

"We saved your life by accident. That deserves a reward. I'm not running a charity. I wanna be rewarded!" Artemis announced. "We don't do things for free!"

"That's right!" Davi announced. "Pay up! We accept payment in food by the way."

"I... I..." Oliver let out a sigh. He reached into his bag for a moment feeling it was full of coins. "Alright. How about this. You guys did save me earlier so how about I buy us lunch? On me? I still have some money since I didn't buy that cool wand..."

"Yay food!"

"And then after you leave me alone?"


"Gods I hope that's a yes..."


Some Random Alleyway...

"So..." A low voice muttered. A young man rested on a small stone chair, sitting in a very casual manner. He had long flaming orange hair and bright flame orange eyes. "You failed..." He muttered quietly, though his tone didn't sound to disappointed. He seemed mostly bored of the situation.

This man was named Kaen. A very well known person in the criminal community. Which naturally means He wasn't that good if you were so well known.

From the darkness the 'Not Grimval' walked forward. Lightning covered Not Grimval's body as his skin began to change. He got a lot frailer and his armor changed to robes. He now had messy blonde hair and bright electric blue eyes and a small blonde beard. His red armor became a pair of long black robes.

"Yeah... Sorry Master Kaen." He said sadly. He bowed his head and gritted his teeth. "That damn asshole... He was some kind of super nerd or something. He was able to see through my Lighting Magic Disguise, Perfect Illusion! With only one glance he somehow saw every tiny flaw and pointed it out. I was 99.99% identical. And those other two idiots saved him... Damn them. I would have won for sure? I have no idea how they are even alive still. They should have been reduced to dust in seconds."

"What a shame." The man said letting out a sigh. "Oh well. It is of no loss to us. No one in this Pathetic town had any good magic anyways. Dragon Fallers would have no use for these lowly fools. We'll just move on to the next one and try again."

"Well... The thing is Sir... There might be someone in this town..."

"What?" He turned to look back at the man as he slowly shrunk down.

"The reason I lost... The nerd who saw through my disguise and beat me. He had Time Magic, and maybe had a Devil-Beast with him..."

"What... What!" His eyes lit up as he slowly processed it. "Time Magic... One of the really rare kinds of magic that have been lost to history... And a Devil-Beast... Those should have been extinct. This changes everything. Grab your stuff Pako!"

"My Lord?" The man asked confused.

"We have a wizard to capture. I'm sure Dragon Fallers will be happy to buy off a powerful Wizard like that!" Kaen announced as flames began to build up around him. "It's time to get to work!"


A Random Restaurant...

"W... Wow..." Oliver muttered making a bit of a face. "You two really are hungry aren't you..." He questioned slowly scooting his chair away from the boy and girl who were eating.

Everyone in the restaurant stared at the table Oliver rested at. More specifically, they stared at the mountain of food that was on the table that currently had two teens ripping into it like a pack of hungry, hungry wolves who haven't eaten in months...

"I have a very large appetite!" Athena announced grabbing piles of food and shoving them in her mouth. Her mouth seemed to open up like a snake as she dragged it down her throat. It was a pretty disturbing sight, and would leave anyone who saw it with nightmares as it slid down her throat. How was she not choking? Was she even human? She also had a plate for the stuffed red lion, but since it wasn't a living creature it wasn't eating anything and just stared down Jakey asserting dominance on the living creature.

"And I have a very particular set of tastes, and need to combine food." Davi wasn't really paying to much attention and was slowly making a sandwich out of various piles of food. He painstakingly took one piece at a time and lined it up perfectly. Which wasn't exactly bad, but he was putting weird things that should never go on the sandwich ranging from normal things like chicken, baloney, pickles, but then he also put weirder stuff on it that should never be mixed like ketchup, mustard, peanut butter, hot sauce, and even ice. The thing looked pretty gross but he seemed satisfied with the meal smiling as he slowly dug in using a knife to slowly cut it into even slices.

Oliver's eye twitched as he watched both of them eat. "One gurgle's food down as fast as she can, and the other one thinks he a chief eating a 5-star meal, made out of leftovers..." He muttered. "How did I get stuck with these two weirdos..." He pet Jakey in order to calm his nerves. He couldn't stop jumping whenever he saw Davi's teeth. It was like looking into the jaws of a starving beast.

"So what's with the Time Magic and the devil beast as a familiar stuff? I think that those kind of Magical abilities are rare?" Davi asked curiously eating his meal slowly. Next to him Athena started on her fifth plate.

"What? Oh, that." Oliver shrugged uncomfortably as he began to pet his dog slowly. "It's my magical type I guess." He shrugged. "You see roughly 35% of the planet's population has access to a power we call magic. It's actually become more common so those numbers could be false now adays and it could be more like 40% or even 45% now. Anyways, people who can harness magic are called Wizards, and the highest rank of a wizard is known as an Arcane Knight." Oliver suddenly seemed to get stars in his eyes for a moment as he began to gush over the Arcane Knights. "Those guys are super cool and powerful! An Arcane Knight are the heroes of every Country! Each one is also different! Like in Camelot their Arcane Knights are called the Knights of the Round Table. And here in Avalon, the Arcane Knights form things called Guilds. In order to be an Arcane Knight, you have to join one of these Guilds. It's my dream to join one of them!" He announced happily. "The Guilds protect the people, and the lands, fighting Monsters, evil Wizards, and exploring Dungeons! They're so cool and ever since I was a kid it was my dream to always join them! A single Arcane Knight is said to have the magic of a hundred Wizards, and the physical strength of over a thousand Knights."

"Neat," Davi said resting his head on the table.

"You could have a better reaction than neat!"

"Out of curiosity... Which Guild do you want to join?" Athena asked. "Probably one of the really famous one's like Dragons Claw right? Or the Shinning Sentinels or Silver Ravens?" She laughed. "One of those really good ones right?"

"Nah," Oliver said surprising both Davi and Athena. He gave a small smile as he ran his hand through Jakey's black fur. "Don't get me wrong. I think those Guilds are cool, and I'd be honored to join any Guild if it accepted me... But one, in particular, has caught my eye. It rose up from nothingness and has accepted members even from the other races. Most people don't like it since it is associated with the dark arts but... I believe it's good. I know it is strong and I know it can mold a true hero."

Davi, and Athena shared a look for a moment. "And which Guild is that?" Davi asked.

"Phoenix Flight!" Oliver announced standing up and pointing to the roof, and getting some strange looks. "No matter what they keep on rising towards the sky! Even if they're knocked down again and again! Their leader hasn't stopped and has kept the Guild open for years!" He announced. "They fight on no matter how many times they're knocked down! Phoenix Flight Fight On!" He cleared his throat and set back down. "They are a new Guild. Only having been opened for less than twenty years now which might sound like a lot but some Guilds have been around for a few thousand years now. Still though... Phoenix Flight is my dream Guild."

Davi let out a laugh. "That guild totally sucks. I'd totally join a better one." Athena shot her friend a dirty look for a moment. "What? Why join Phoenix Flight when you could join something cooler. I mean... Do you know how many people want someone with Time Magic? Hell we could sell Oliver on the black market for some serious Bells! Not that I would ever do that! Just... Theoretically we could... Is... What I was saying... So... Yeah..."

Oliver felt himself fall back at that as he gave a sheepish laugh. "I guess... I could try out for a cooler better guild if I wanted to but... But... Everyday. I woke up. And every day... I hold onto this naive dream that I can change it... My fam... Err... I mean. I wake up and want to join a Guild. And I see it all the time. Everyone always says the same thing about that Guild. I hear it everyday."

'It's full of freaks.'

'They cause more harm than they solve.'

'It hires monsters.'

'Their Guild leader is sick. I hear she's a Devil...'

'Why does the King let a Guild like that exist.'

'That Guilds only knows how to cause harm not fix problems.'

"Every day I heard people say those words..." Oliver gritted his teeth for a moment. "And yet... They never gave in. Even when an entire Kingdom talked down to them and called them weak and monsters, they kept on doing what they wanted to do."

"I guess." Davi shrugged. "I'd still go with a cooler Guild if I were you. I hear the Shinning Sentinels is cool. Shame their Vice-Captain is a total Bit-"

"What my friend Davi is trying to say..." Athena said shoving the last of the food into her mouth which she took from the plate in front of the lion. "I think someone with your skill could do better. I mean that kind of Magic is very rare. The ability to mess with time is always something dangerous. Even low level time wizards who can't affect living matter are still powerful. You're like a badass Oliver!"

"Y... You thin so?" Oliver asked blushing and looking away.

"I know so! Your time magic must be so strong!"

"You could say that," Oliver said looking down at his hands. His eyes drifted over to his wrist where his small wooden wand rested. "Time Magic is normally powerful... I can't control it though... Or at least when I use it for to long it hurts my stomach. You guys probably don't know how magic works since you're just normal people but, a Wizard develops a thing called a Magical Ability. That's my Time Magic, my Magical Ability. The power to mess with time. Everyone has only one Magical Ability, we use our Magical Ability to control our magic and cast what we call spells. Skilled users can use their magic without saying Spells. I can't... Most of the work goes to my sword which works like a wand I guess. It's kind of like the training wheels on a bike? Once you get to a point you stop needing them but I've never out grown my need for a wand. I'm so pathetic even low level spells are next to impossible to cast without a wand, and even with a wand I can barley cast medium level spells." He sighed. "The only cool thing is my wand is a badass looking sword. I'll never pull the sword of selections at this point."

"Sword of selections?"

"You haven't heard? Wow you two really are out of the loop huh." Oliver smirked. "In Camelot there is a powerful Godlike blade known as Excalibur. The strongest magical weapon in all of existence. Those who draw the blade are allowed to join the title of Pendragon. Only Arcane Knights can even attempt to draw it. It's always been my dream to join Phoenix Flight and draw that blade to show the world that Guild is strong! But I'm just so weak..."

"I'm sure you're just a late bloomer." Davi shrugged.

"Maybe..." Oliver let out a sigh slumping down. "Who knows though. I might not ever be good at magic... Whatever the case." Oliver stood up placing several golden coins down on the table. "I'll be heading out now."

"Sounds good to us!" Davi and Athena, walked with Oliver towards the exit of the building. They waved him off as they all went towards different ways. Davi, and Athena watched Oliver walk down the path for a few seconds.

"Hey, Davi..." Athena said slowly... "Why didn't you tell him that we ae also gonna try and join that Guild-"

"I didn't feel like it," Davi said turning away. "I didn't think I should have bugged him with it."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

RainyLiquid2020creators' thoughts