
Phoenix Fire

Jacob Phoenix, known by the nickname Nix is the bastard son of a member of the Phoenix clan. He was born out of wedlock. His mother was the elder of the clan, while the father was an outsider. An adventurer she had met during of of her missions. They had shared a few magical nights together during the mission, and she had never seen him again. Her father one of the elders of the Phoenix tribe grew angry with his daughter when she refused to speak of the father, no longer letting her out of the sect. Even though he was a bastard son he was doted on by his mother and his grandfather. He grew up in the Phoenix Sect, surrounded by the members who cultivated fire magic. At the age of six he was of the age to begin down the path of cultivation in the sect. Fire magic was the only thing the phoenix sect cultivated. Pure fire magic. They did not stop so low as to use weapons or fancy techniques, they believed the truth could be discovered purely from the flame. The sect had been this way for as long as anyone could remember, and would continue this way for the foreseeable future. Their adamant belief in the purity of fire magic had earned them a nickname to the outside world. That was the Fire Cult. Nix was gifted in fire cultivation. From a young age he had stood above his peers in the the gathering of fire energy. He quickly soared in popularity in the Sect. At the age of ten the Elders Honored him by giving him the chance to visit the secret Demi zone of their sect, the Phoenix Basin. There his world would change.

Morbidwishes · Thành thị
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Nix was not at all a normal member of the Phoenix Clan. He was biologically inferior to those who were true members. He had been born out of wedlock, his father was an outsider. His grandfather had been rather upset by that, to say the least. This did not stop him from rising to fame in the clan though.

He had just turned 10, and based on his talent for cultivating in the element of fire he was had at long last been approved to join the rest of the youth in their exploration into the Phoenix Clan's demiworld Phoenix Basin. It was said that a long time ago a Phoenix had saved their ancestors life, blessing him with the mark of the Phoenix. From then on the clan had worshipped the Phoenix as their own private Diety, and taught to unravel the secrets of fire.

After years of exploration their ancestor had set up their sects headquarters in the heart of an active volcano. Their small city was protected acidic air by a group or arrays, But it did not in any way filter out the heat. This heat had killed many of the descendants in the past, as well as now. The clan had no pity for those who died. Only by living with the flame could their sect reach the pinnacle of fire, Just like their ancestors savior.

This constant culling had caused an evolution in the Phoenix Sect, Those who survived had the highest affinity for fire. There were those who even were said to be close to perfection. The higher the affinity with forex the better one could cultivate their fire magic. And in this world, only those who had strength could truly be considered of importance.

As such the culling of the weak in the Phoenix Clan had caused their population to remain in check, but the power of their clan could not be denied. Every single member had the potential to be a power house.

Nix, who was only a half blood of the clan had already stepped into the path of greatness simply by surviving in these hellish conditions. Unlike the pure blood children of the clan, he did not have an innate fire resistance. Only by the favor of the Phoenix had he managed to survive up until this point. He had been blessed with a high affinity to fire, much higher than his peers, but he needed to cultivate relentlessly to build up any resistance to the insane amount of heat that they were subject to day after day.

While the other children were out playing he could only watch from a distance, while he continually trained his body and his mind. In this way he also differed from the peers of his clan. Only through training both had he been granted a chance to thrive in this environment. His peers, as well as the entire clan, only focused on training their minds, and thus their affinity with fire. They had no reason to train their bodies, as the clans bloodline had already raised their resistance to fire, which would become greater as they cultivated.

Nix did not become discouraged because of this, he actually enjoyed the relentless torture he put onto his body. He wiped the sweat from his brow as he stood up from completing his rep of 100 pushups, before he moved on to doing squats. This was all part of the routine his grandfather had passed onto him. He had searched far and wide for the best path of cultivating the body for his grandson. and had finally found a method that mixed well with the phoenix clans unique bloodline.

Everyday Nix would cultivate his body as he circulated his fire energies through his body. But this was not enough, from the age of six he would be forced to go further towards the lava as he cultivated. He was forced to the extreme limits of what he could endure, all for the slight hope of building up his resistances.

At first he could only get as close as 20 feet from the Lava. He would spend his entire day there, relentlessly cultivating his body and energy at that distance. As time slowly passed he was able to inch closer and closer to the Lava. Currently he did his cultivating a mere foot away from the lava river that ran through town.

The heat from the river threatened to scald his skin, and yet the circulating magma like energy in his veins seemed to resist the heat from the outside. An outsider would have likely fainted at seeing the 10 year old boy so close to the lava, and even the most hard core cultivators would have given pause at the sight.

But this was not something that truly crossed Nix's mind as he continued his routine exercises. In his head he only thought of reaching the stage of the other children. Little did he know that even those children who had natural resistance to fire dared not approach as close as he did to the river of magma. Their resistances allowed them to comfortably live in the small city, but not to be so reckless. After all, until they descended into the basin and recieved their gifts from the Phoenix all of their effort u till this point truly meant nothing. Only the Phoenix could awaken their powers.

The powers the Phoenix clan awakened varied from child to child. There seemed to be no rhyme or reason to the powers that were awakened. The only truth that had been found out through the years was that the farther one ventured into the basin, the greater their gifts would be.

Nix had no intention of getting a weak gift. He knew that as a half outsider he needed to push himself further than the rest of the children. Any sign of weakness on his part would earn him the distain of the clan. If he wanted to stay here, he had to travel twice as far as the weakest link. Only then would he be safe.