
Phoenix Fire

Jacob Phoenix, known by the nickname Nix is the bastard son of a member of the Phoenix clan. He was born out of wedlock. His mother was the elder of the clan, while the father was an outsider. An adventurer she had met during of of her missions. They had shared a few magical nights together during the mission, and she had never seen him again. Her father one of the elders of the Phoenix tribe grew angry with his daughter when she refused to speak of the father, no longer letting her out of the sect. Even though he was a bastard son he was doted on by his mother and his grandfather. He grew up in the Phoenix Sect, surrounded by the members who cultivated fire magic. At the age of six he was of the age to begin down the path of cultivation in the sect. Fire magic was the only thing the phoenix sect cultivated. Pure fire magic. They did not stop so low as to use weapons or fancy techniques, they believed the truth could be discovered purely from the flame. The sect had been this way for as long as anyone could remember, and would continue this way for the foreseeable future. Their adamant belief in the purity of fire magic had earned them a nickname to the outside world. That was the Fire Cult. Nix was gifted in fire cultivation. From a young age he had stood above his peers in the the gathering of fire energy. He quickly soared in popularity in the Sect. At the age of ten the Elders Honored him by giving him the chance to visit the secret Demi zone of their sect, the Phoenix Basin. There his world would change.

Morbidwishes · Urban
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3 Chs

2 Let the test begin

Time passed as it always does. Nix continued to cultivate. Two years had passed and he just turned 12. The age itself meant nothing to him, but it was important time none the less. by some coincidence his birthday happened to fall on the day that the Basin would be opened. The minimum age to enter was 10, and it would be opened every 5 years.

He stood apart from his peers, ignoring their looks of disdain at the outsider. He was already used to such looks. Perhaps it would be different if he had the opportunity to play with them when they were younger. But the look in their eyes told him that it would likely not be the case. A particular group was looking at him and whispering, their looks told him that they were up to no good.

He could only shake his head at them. This particular group were known bullies, they tended to pick on the weaker children. The leader of the group was 14, turning 15 in a week. He had missed the cut off last time by a single week, which had caused him to be teased mercilessly by the older children. His name was Ryan. He was a rather large child, only a year away from adulthood. You could tell by looking at him that he had no intention of cultivating his body, his enormous belly was far larger than those of all his groups combined.

This did not mean his cultivation was weak though, the pure bloods of the Phoenix Clan only needed to cultivate their fire to grow stronger. In the rare case that the Phoenix awakened a physical ability for them it was not too late to start working on the body.

In front of them one of the elders began to speak, pulling Nix out of his thoughts.

"As you all aware, Every 5 years the Trials of the Phoenix are held in the Phoenix Basin. At this time the spirit of the Diety our ancestor made a pact with will descend into the basin, and grant you abilities randomly to the children who enter. You may have heard that the farther you progress in the trial, the stronger your abilities will be. I will tell you now that this is true."

"Some of the tests are simple and always stay the same. The first is a test of the blood. You will be tested for the Phoenix legacy in your Genes. The purity does not matter so long as it is present." He said this while looking at Nix, Several of the children looked at him and snickered.

"The second is a test of age, Only those between the ages of 10 and 15 are allowed to participate. The 3rd and final is a test of cultivation. Only those who are deemed by the Phoenix as appropriate to cultivate pass this test. This round tests your affinity with fire. Again this is not something to worry about, as you are alive in this place proves that you have met the resequent level of affinity."

"After this point there are now guarantees. The three test before this show that you have the potential to survive the test, but what you get out of it, and even if you live through it, all depend on you."

"There are five levels to the test after those three. Each level grants you a different tier ability. The ability you recieve at the end will be dependent on what level you complete. Each level will test you in a way that you cannot imagine. I cannot tell you what it will test, as each individual receives different tests. But I will tell you that the tests are not pass or fail, that the choices you make on each level will follow you to the next levels. Most of you will be eliminated at the 2nd level. The first level is passed after your first choice. As for the 5th level, Don't even dream about it. No one has reached that level, Not even the ancestor."

The elder paused his speech as he looked over the youth. "The ability you that the Phoenix gifts you might not be the gift you want, but it will be the gift that most suits you at that tier. Do your best to reach as far as you can. I can tell you that without a doubt the higher tier ability you recieve, the better your cultivation Journey will be. It can be said that today marks the true start of your cultivation Journey."

Behind the elder the large bonfire danced excitedly. The screech of a Phoenix could be heard as the fire exploed into a fiery portal. The portal produced no smoke as it smoldered, burning a hole into space itself. The adults who surrounded the kids cheered as the Elder gestured them inside. "Let the test begin"