
Pet Store In Another World

Yeo Kyubok dropped out of the prestigious Seoul National University after his parents died in a tragic accident while hiking. To repay the kindness of the old man living next door who took care of him during his depression, Kyubok began working full-time at his neighbor's pet store. Sadly, the store owner passed of old age not long afterward. At his funerals, Kyubok met a mysterious foreigner who claimed to be a long-time friend of his deceased grandpa. The gentleman offered him a new job, but after accepting and signing the work contract, Yeo Kyubok woke up as Lloyd Aurelion, the owner of the same pet store but in another world ! Follow Lloyd's daily life as he manages his business in the capital city of the mighty Kingdom of Valor, one of the Central Continent's most powerful countries. (the story takes place on Lunaris, in the same world as my other novels Void Rifters and Duke Vermillion.) ___ > Updates schedule: 1-2ch/week Do not hesitate to comment the novel on d1scord, so I can improve it with your help. If you like my novel and want to support me for more updates, feel free to visit my P4treon. Tiers : 3$ to unlock all premium chapters. (always more than 5) Links at the end of each chapter. Novel published on Royal Road, Scribblehub, Webnovel. I own the cover, just please don't judge my terrible editing skills lmao. ___ If you ever come across my novel being sold under a different title / cover / synopsis on K1ndle or any other book-selling platform, or if it appears on a site other than the three mentioned above, please contact me without delay: On D1scord : nobletalon Via 3mail : nobletaloncontact at gmail dot com Or through Scribblehub's private chat.

NobleTalon · Kỳ huyễn
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26 Chs

First Mission Completed

As the moon hung high in the night sky, Lloyd and Thelec finally arrived back at the southern gate of the capital. 

The cobblestone path leading to the city, which was filled with carriages and merchants' caravans when the duo left the city, was now empty and quiet. 

Only a few people were currently entering the capital through the southern gate, most of them being adventurers coming back from their missions.

"It sure is quieter during the night. We could almost forget that this is the capital," Lloyd said.

An air of serenity washed over the tall outer walls watching over the city. 

"It's only because we're at the Southern gate that's mainly used by commoners and low-ranked adventurers, boss."

"What about the other entrances ?"

"The Northern gate is the most used by the military, and the Eastern gate by merchants and nobles. They are probably still bustling with activity, even this late in the night. As for the Western gate, it's always closed during the night."

"I see."

Lloyd made a mental note to pass through a different gate the next time he had to leave the city. 

Though he didn't like to stay outside his shop for too long, he was still curious about the nightlife in Valora.

Approaching the gate, the figures of Lloyd and Thelec carrying cages on their back drew the wary attention of the guards stationed there. 

The beasts growling inside the cages stirred discomfort among the guards. They approached weapons in hand, but their suspicion was short-lived ; when one of the guards recognized Thelec, he rushed back to the gatehouse. 

Soon after, a middle-aged man in a captain's uniform emerged from the gatehouse.

"High Inquisitor, sir," the captain addressed Thelec while bowing his head, his tone respectful. 

He cast a quick glance at the small beasts held inside the cages, before asking with a hesitant voice.

"S-Sir, if I may ask—"

"They are games we just hunted. Nothing more, nothing less."

Before the captain could finish his sentence, Thelec cut him off.

The laws regarding magical beasts were extremely strict in the capital. You needed a special permit to bring in living beasts within the capital's walls, even for livestock and other harmless creatures.

"I-I see... You are free to enter."

The captain was smart enough to not try to probe further. 

He knew that questioning an Inquisitor was the same as giving up on life. Even if Thelec showed up at the gate with forbidden goods or the severed head of an official, the Captain wouldn't be able to stop him from entering the city.

The only thing he could do was report it to his superiors afterward.

"Thank you, Captain. Here, take this and treat your hardworking men to a round of ale once your shift's over."

With a nod, Thelec acknowledged the captain's words and put a large shining coin in his hand, which was the size of the captain's palm.

"Oh my... T-Thank you very much, sir !"

It was a Royal gold coin, worth more than two continental gold coins. Even if the captain went to a reputed tavern and bought high-quality alcohol for all his men for the rest of the night, he would still have some change left.

Thelec motioned for Lloyd to follow him as they stepped through the gate. 

The transition from the quiet outside to the heart of the city was seamless, the streets bathed in the gentle glow of lanterns that cast elongated shadows on the ground.

Once within the city's walls, Thelec turned to Lloyd, his expression more relaxed than when he left the city. 

"Boss, do you need help to carry those to your shop ?"

He gestured toward the wooden cages on their backs.

"I don't want to keep you occupied any longer, Sir Thelec."

"No worries, Boss. After everything you've done for me, it's the least I can do."

Thelec allowed a subtle smile to cross his lips, recalling the day he visited the pet store for the first time. Like many of Lloyd's customers, Thelec also had a debt toward him.

"Thank you, then."

Lloyd also smiled in return, glad to see his customer so polite despite his higher status.

He appreciated Thelec's offer, especially considering the weight of the cages he had been carrying on his back for hours. This short adventure had left him completely exhausted ; he couldn't even feel his legs anymore.

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'I didn't know I was so endurant, though.'


Selita remained silent. She wasn't sure if she should tell Lloyd the truth or not—that his body was no longer human.

A carriage ride was necessary to traverse the city from the southern gate to the 7th district where Lloyd's shop was located. Fortunately, there were still a bunch of coachmen working even at this hour.

Thelec approached one of them who was smoking on the side of the road.

"Are you available ?"

"To where ?"

"7th district."

"Ay'. Hop in."

The coachman sent a suspicious gaze toward this odd duo transporting cages filled with captured beasts in the middle of the night, but after looking at their clothes and mistaking them for nobles, he just ignored them.

'Nobles, eh. Better not ask anything.'

The journey through the sleeping cityscape was quiet, with only the occasional flicker of lanterns illuminating the tranquil streets. 

Contrary to the bustling 3rd district, the streets of the residential area in the 7th district were very calm. Few souls ventured outside at such a late hour.

As the carriage came to a stop in front of Lloyd's shop, Thelec threw a silver coin to the coachman before helping Lloyd set down the cages. 

"Boss, I have some matters to attend to before dawn. I will visit your shop later."

Lloyd nodded, thankful for his customer's help. 

"Your assistance has been invaluable, Sir Thelec. Sorry for taking up so much of your time."

"Haha, it's fine. I'm glad I could be of help."

"Next time you're in the area, come by the shop. I'll have something waiting for you by then," Lloyd said mysteriously, with his usual smile.

He wanted to properly reward Thelec for having helped him, and he already knew the perfect gift to offer him.

From showing the way to the Adventurers' Guild, to leading him to the Menagerie, and even escorting him to the Starshade forest, all in just a day and a half...

If it wasn't for Thelec, Lloyd would taken at least two entire days just to reach the forest.

"On this note." 

Thelec offered a brief but respectful bow, before turning to depart into the night. 

"See you soon."

Lloyd watched him go for a moment, his thoughts filled with gratitude, before unlocking his shop's door. 

Once inside, Lloyd turned his attention to the owl that was still perched on his head, its presence concealed by its chameleon-like camouflage. 

"Hey there, Misty," he whispered, using the name he had given to his new companion on his way back to the capital. 

"You can come out now, it's safe." 

Responding to his words, the owl's invisible form gradually revealed itself, its shimmering feathers taking on color and definition. 

Lloyd extended his arm towards Misty resting on his head, offering a friendly perch. 

"I guess we're partners now, huh ?"

"Hoo, hoo."

The owl ignored him and peeked at his hand, as if requesting a treat.

"Hey...! You're quite demanding for a lady, aren't you ?"

Although owls were carnivorous birds, Misty seemed to have developed a liking for the seeds in Lloyd's pouch. Even when he tried to feed her with the rodents he used as bait to catch the other beasts, she refused to eat them and pecked him until he gave her seeds.

He couldn't help but wonder whether she accepted to follow him, or the seeds.

"Yes, yes, I'll give you some. But first, let me take care of these little fellows. Alright ?"

Lloyd pointed at the cages stacked in front of his shop's entrance, the timid creatures inside looking terrified. 

Their attention was fixated on Blackie who was napping in the middle of the store lobby.

All the captured beasts were silent, not daring to move for fear of awakening him.


Misty, on the other hand, didn't seem the least bit bothered by the two-headed dog's presence. 

She flapped her wings, and with graceful wingbeats, she landed atop a sizable shelf, her large round eyes examining the surroundings with curiosity. 

"You sure have some character, huh," Lloyd mused.

'Let's just hope she doesn't decide to challenge Blackie to a duel while I'm sleeping...'

Just to make sure that his hard-earned and beautiful owl wouldn't end up as Blackie's breakfast when he woke up, Lloyd quietly tied his dog's collar to the sturdy Cold Steel leash connected to his counter.

'Good grief... Just look at him. A grenade could detonate next to him and he'd probably snore right through it.'

[I wonder who he inherited this trait from.]

'Hey ! I admit I'm a deep sleeper, but let's not exaggerate... And don't forget that this plump furball was supposed to guard the shop while I was out.'

[Deep sleeper ? That's an understatement. I'd say you've achieved the realm of artificial hibernation at this point.]

Lloyd let out a resigned sigh, not responding to Selita's playful banter. 

'I swear, she sounds more and more like a real woman. Her previous cold and mechanical demeanor is nowhere to be seen.'

He thought, shaking his head with a chuckle. 

With Blackie's loud snoring in the background, Lloyd carefully placed the cages and their occupants within the store's reserve.

The creatures within stirred, their eyes reflecting the dim light. 

Thankfully, Blackie's presence in the next room made things easier for Lloyd. From the moment they entered the store, the beasts were very calm and didn't growl or try to bite his finger. Not even once.

Lloyd knew that they were afraid of this unknown place, so he took a moment to take care of them. He ensured that they had enough food and water for the night and tended to each animal individually, making sure they were comfortable in their temporary cages.

He was going to release them in the Chamber of Nurturing at first, but then he changed his mind and decided to do it the next day. He was too tired to walk through the Dark Chamber. 

Once all the beasts had been taken care of, he went back to the store lobby and dropped a handful of seeds on the shelves where Misty was perched.

"Hoo, hoo !"


Misty devoured the seeds with such enthusiasm that Lloyd felt the need to intervene before she choked. 

"Hey there, no need to rush. Those seeds aren't going anywhere."

He wagged his finger at her in a gentle scolding. 

With everything settled, he quietly moved past Blackie who was still snoring at the feet of his counter, and headed upstairs. 

After entering his bedroom, Lloyd sank into the welcoming embrace of his bed fully clothed. 

The weariness of walking without rest for more than thirty hours straight weighed heavily on him. All the exhaustion came at once. He was so drained that he surrendered to sleep without even bothering to change his clothes.

As he closed his eyes, a sense of accomplishment washed over him. It was the first time he had ventured so far from his shop, into this still-unknown world. 

He had visited the Adventurers' Guild, captured magical beasts, and even managed to acquire a rare Mistwing Owl, making her his new companion.

It was quite the day for a humble shop owner.


Meanwhile, outside the building.

Avea was keeping an eye on the pet store from her hidden spot. 

She watched the light slowly fade away soon after Lloyd entered his shop. 

'He most likely went to sleep...'

Seeing this, Avea decided it was time for her to leave as well. With the shop now in complete darkness, there was no point in staying there.

The notion of barging in during the night did cross her mind at some point, but she swiftly dismissed the idea. 

The presence of a Cerberus guarding the store, coupled with her lack of knowledge about Lloyd's abilities—having never witnessed him engage in combat during his short trip to the Starshade Forest—, made it seem far too risky.

As she turned away and was about to leave, an intense killing intent erupted just behind her. 

"Who dares ?!"

She instinctively spun around, her sword drawn in an instant already slashing at whoever ambushed her, only to find her attack intercepted mid-air by a firm grip on her wrist.

"Greetings, Captain Avea."

Thelec's sudden appearance was uncanny and completely unexpected, as though he had emerged from her own shadow. 

"Y-You ?!—Argh...!"

Before she could say anything, the Inquisitor violently twisted her wrist, forcing her to drop her weapon, before delivering a precise blow to her solar plexus with the palm of his hand. 

Gasping for air, Avea crumpled to the ground, her body convulsing in agony from the powerful blow that ravaged her insides.

Thelec approached her slowly, a chilling aura emanating from his eyes. 

He seized her by the neck and lifted her limp body with a single arm, his fingers exerting pressure against her throat. 

His voice, low and cold, cut through the night air. 

"Here's a little secret, my dear," Thelec hissed with a voice dripping with malice. 

"The only reason why you're still breathing right now is because Boss Lloyd chose not to act against you. He even allowed you to follow him, though his reasons elude me."

Avea witnessed a completely different person than the one who accompanied Lloyd.

'Was he just pretending to be nice...?'

He went from a cheerful and kind-looking man, to a menacing and intimidating figure clad in black from head to toe.

His transformation was nothing short of astonishing. 

Compared to before, his current demeanor shifted abruptly, completely shedding the facade he had maintained while accompanying Lloyd.

The warmth in his expression vanished, replaced by a cold, emotionless visage. His once amiable eyes transformed into a pitch-black abyss, fixed upon her as if he was looking at an insignificant ant. 

Thelec's lips, which curved into a friendly smile in front of Lloyd, now contorted into a wicked line that sent chills down her spine.

Before Avea was not Lloyd's friend and customer, but Thelec Sternoff, a High Inquisitor whose might was so grand that he received orders only from two people ; his direct superior, the eminent Lord Inquisitor in charge of the capital, and the highest authority of the Kingdom and Ruler of House Valor, the King himself.

Only those two men in the entire kingdom of Valor could stand above Thelec. This was reflected in his oppressive aura, which commanded power and authority.

Still grabbing her by the neck, Thelec released a part of his power without the slightest consideration for Avea's safety. 


Whether she survived or not wasn't his concern.

'Urgh...! W-What in the world...'

Facing this torrent of violent mana, even Avea, a peak 4-star swordmaster whose strength was admired among her fellow Arbiters, found herself utterly incapacitated. 

She couldn't even lift a single finger in front of the overwhelming aura emanating from Thelec's hand grabbing her.

The pressure he exuded was unlike anything she had encountered before. The only person she knew who could generate such pressure with a single hand was her commander, Caeleth Dawnfeather.

Realizing the abysmal difference in strength between her and the Inquisitor was enough to crush her will to fight. 

She could only gather her own mana in a vain attempt to shield her vital organs and protect them from being crushed under Thelec's pressure. 

Any thoughts of escaping or fighting back were futile in front of a High Inquisitor.

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"I've spared your life, despite your insubordination to your superior and your foolish quest for information about an 'ordinary' pet store owner. However, my patience is running low."

Thelec ran the tip of his sharp dagger on Avea's cheek, enjoying her flustered expression.

"What ? Did you really think that I wasn't aware of your little secret investigation, mhm ? Are you this naive ?"


"I knew your every move from the moment you asked for information about Lloyd Aurelion."


Avea's face was turning redder and redder due to the lack of oxygen from being choked up while resisting Thelec's mana, yet the Inquisitor didn't care.

He continued to talk, casually.

"Your commander should have told you to not pursue this any further."


"Considering that Mr. Aurelion not only offered you to enter his shop, but also tolerated your intrusive presence during our trip to the Starshade Forest, I'm certain that he has plans for you," Thelec concluded, his voice colder than ice.


Droplets of blood oozed from every orifice on Avea's face.

"However... If you value your life, do not put your nose into the Inquisition's matters anymore."

Releasing his grip and removing his raging mana from her tattered body, Thelec looked at her from above for a moment, before vanishing into the darkness of the night.

As he disappeared from her sight, he left a final, chilling warning hanging in the air.

"Remember this, Arbiter : when provoked, Lloyd Aurelion is far less merciful than I am, and neither you nor your pitiful Arbitarion can withstand the full extent of his wrath. Do not get involved any more than you are."

"Cough, cough...!"

Avea gasped for air, still lying on the ground. She couldn't make sense of what had just happened. 

"Cough...! I guess...the commander...was right," she muttered with a bitter smile.

Only now did she realize the gravity of the situation. 

It was her first time facing an Inquisitor, yet she already hoped with all her heart that it would be the last.

She now understood why even her commander was reticent of going against the Inquisition.

"Seeing how easily he stopped my attack and how compressed was his mana... He's either a 5-stars Grandmaster at his peak, or... He's already reached 6-stars."

Avea couldn't believe the words that escaped her mouth.

"6-stars Bladeking... No... No no no, there's no freaking way."

Even in the Central Continent, a prosperous land overflowing with geniuses and talented individuals whom powerful countries and organizations nurtured with unlimited resources, ascending beyond the 5-stars Grandmaster level remained a formidable feat. 

Only a handful of swordsmen every decade managed to surpass the wall that separated the realms of 5-stars Grandmaster and 6-stars Bladeking.

Caeleth Dawnfeather, who was the most powerful swordsman she knew, has been stuck at the peak of 5-stars since his thirties. It was hard to believe that a much younger High Inquisitor, who wasn't even of the highest rank in his organization, could be stronger than her commander who ruled over the entire Arbitarion.

"W-What have I done..." 

Avea sighed in regret.

She had terribly misjudged the situation. 

From what she'd just seen, a scary realization struck her like a bolt of lightning : Lloyd Aurelion wasn't a trainee working for the Inquisition, nor was he Thelec's subordinate. 

Seeing how a High Inquisitor who neutralized her in a single blow warned her about not pissing off Lloyd, it was more probable to be the opposite.

After Thelec left the scene—as quietly as he appeared—, she mulled over his last words. 

The fact that the store owner had plans for her left her trembling, shaking her to the core. 

She felt uneasy.

Thelec's ominous warning kept resonating within Avea's mind, leaving her not only with a lingering fear of Inquisitors, but an even greater fear of the pet store owner.

Gathering the last bit of her strength, she pulled herself up from the ground with great effort and shot one last wary glance at the pet store, before quietly disappearing into the obscurity of the night.


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