
Tier (Udr)

Essence of Home

Essence of the Stronghold

Essence of the Clan Restoration Act

By drinking this Essence, you will become eligible for the Clan Restoration Act.

· No one actually knows what this is, nor will they know about it if you don't tell them, but it's effects are obvious.

· You are incredibly attractive. This is especially apparent to people who you yourself are attracted to.

· You possess powerful charisma and charm, being capable of talking just about anyone into a relationship, or just into a bed, with you. This assumes that you can get them to listen to you, of course.

· Your skills in the bedroom are peerless, as is your stamina and endurance. You'll never have any trouble blowing the minds of any number of people.

· You can easily form and maintain harems and similar kinds of relationships. The people within these relationships will naturally gravitate towards a state of harmony amongst one another, resolving issues and conflicts naturally, perhaps even to the extent of entering into their own relationships with one another. You will remain the center around which the entire thing orbits, but the resulting relationship chart might become a tad mind-bending.

· You will never be the victim of NTR. Your partners will utterly resist any and all forces that attempt to subvert their relationship with you or steal them away from you, no matter the scale.

· You will never run into any legal repercussions or discrimination as a result of these relationships, nor any relationship you pursue. If you come up against trouble, simply reference the Clan Restoration Act and all trouble will be swept under the rug.



Essence of Basic Human Decency

This essence tastes of freshness, reminding you of cool summer breezes, pure ocean air, and the feeling of being healthy.

- You now understand all things to do with how to treat people kindly like people as if you were a person of the land. You also easily recognize other people with the same values so you can surround yourself with honest people.

- You see the worth of hard work, both yours and others, and why being ungrateful only makes you look ugly instead of powerful.

- You recognize the value of a promise, especially your own, and how it weakens your position in the eyes of others when you break them.

- You know why fairness is important and why cheating others is not a good solution in most dealings, as well as why treating anyone in a lower position from you decently is a good thing, as long as they are not physically hostile to you.

- You see how generosity towards others is important but also when frugalness is needed to grow, just as rain will grow crops or drown them.

- You gain insight into the value of human life and how it's wrong to treat the autonomy of others like window dressing that's only there to serve you.

- You understand the value of serving others and paying back the good that is done for you, why community is important instead of trying to stand above everyone.

- You recognize why kindness and good hospitality is worth more than gold and why honesty is worth a kingdom, how lies and hatred can quickly bury it.

- You know why directness and speaking plainly works better for trading and negotiations than deceiving customers, contractors, and clients, and how it opens doors to continued business.

- You gain enlightenment towards the inner beauty of others, how imagination sparks innovation, and how gentle guidance transforms but too strict an edict smothers.

- You are not made weak by this understanding. You know why violence and the taking of lives should be a last resort but also when it simply must be done, like removing weeds from the garden or protecting your fields from pests.

- Though you might be friendly when approaching others, you have a titanium spine when it comes to standing up for yourself when you need to show it.

- You're also very shrewd about the intentions of others. You can spot a cheat and a con a mile off, can tell when you're being dismissed and marginalized, and just about any time someone intends to treat you or others like trash or an easy mark.

- You'll find, in such times when you have to deal with such people, that you can out con the con, beat the cheat at their own game, put the Karen in their place, and generally set them straight.

- You are not compelled to act like an angel with your new epiphanies, only that you will now realize why a mob might show up outside your house when you tax the economy into oblivion.

- You may share the effects of this essence with anyone you care to, you may at will cast its effects at range on any person who's an asshole that you would desire to. Watch the Xianxia protagonists weep from their hubris.

- You also are a breath of fresh air to anyone you meet, able to radiate an aura of wholesomeness that inclines the general populace around you towards the same values gradually over time and with effort on their part. You are able to leave behind permanent fields of this aura that have the added effect of making any ill intentioned people entering the field feel as though their evil intentions will blaspheme something sacred, just as one might feel when entering an old and gothic church rich in history.



Essence of Self-Sealing

By drinking for a vial of golden liquid that seems to have chain links floating within it, you have intentionally weakened yourself.

· You can choose to place any ability, knowledge or even body parts, bodily functions and even parts of your own existential nature behind seals, which may partially or fully release upon fulfilling a condition or set of conditions.

· These conditions may be anything you like, whether they be tied to internal factors such as your emotions or determination, external factors such as your situation or the condition of those around you, physical objects that act as releasing mechanisms or even things like the state of your goals or the world.

· The sealing of abilities may do more than simply reduce their power, and can even alter the way the abilities take shape. This altered ability must always keep some elements of its full form and be 'weaker' than said full form, but may cause it to have different effects or take shape differently. (e.g: Pyrokinesis might manifest as a flame aura caused by extremely high body temperature)

o The sealing of things such as your nature can also do strange things to your form, from changing your species to splitting you into fully formed copies of yourself representing different fragments of your existence and holding different parts of your abilities.

o This sealing can bind your form within the form of an outside 'Host', whether it be some kind of weapon or artifact, or the body of someone else. You can choose whether damage to this 'Host' causes damage to the seal(s) or not.

· You can also choose whether being sealed within such allows your 'Host' (or the wielder of your host object) to make use of your powers or be affected by your essence, and how it allows for this. This may be tied into the conditions on the seals themselves if you wish.

· You can choose to represent these seals with any cosmetic effect, physical object or transformation, such as chains binding your limbs if they are sealed, tattoos that appear when your powers are either sealed or unsealed, or demon powers being partially unsealed being heralded by horns growing on your head. This can apply to a 'Host' as well.

· You can choose the strength of the seals that bind you, and whether they can be broken using either brute force or any other methods of bypassing seals that are available.

· You can also choose a particular 'method' of sealing if you have one in mind, as well as any side-effects of said sealing method. Even if the method doesn't exist, it will be created.

· You can choose to keep some of the functions of things you've sealed despite them being sealed, such as keeping your blood flowing despite having no heartbeat.

· You can choose to have the act of straining against the limits of the seals act like resistance training, increasing the strength of whatever is sealed away.

· You now have the ability to put the same kind of seals you have placed on yourself on others.



Essence of the Rule of Cool

By drinking this golden Star shaped Essence you gain the following boons

● A one time full body resculpt

● Your body is taken to the peak of what your race is capable of

● Have you ever wanted to use a sword that turns into a segmented whip blade and use it

without killing your self or even use it like Ivy does in Soulcalibur or how bout that knock

out neck chop technique or maybe you just wanna spin around with your weapon and

not get stabbed in the back, well you in luck you can do all that and more

● Your body and things around you now operate on the Rule Of Cool allowing you to do the super hero landing without shattering your kneecaps or kill a person with thrown


● anything that is unrealistic/fantastical but could be considered cool in games or movies are now open to you, oh and don't worry about physics she's tied up crying in a corner or something.