
Sixth Magic : Dream of The Beginning

Sixth True Magic - Six-Paths of Samsara [Preta Path]

- Fenrir, Devour the Sky

 Sixth True Magic - Six-Paths of Samsara [Naraka Path]

- Sköll (One Who Mocks), HellFire

Karma Sense, Judgement, Penance, Karmic Flame

 Sixth True Magic - Six-Paths of Samsara [Animal Path]

- Hati (One Who Chases), Omni-Perception

 Sixth True Magic - Six-Paths of Samsara [Asura Path]

- Tyr, God of War, Combat & War Adaptation and Empowerment

 Sixth True Magic - Six-Paths of Samsara [Human Path]

- Máni, The Moon personified (Lunar Manipulation)

v Sixth True Magic - Six-Paths of Samsara [Deva Path]

- Sól, The Sun Personified (Solar Manipulation)

v Sixth True Magic - Six-Paths of Samsara


Flames-of-Samsara [Creation±Destruction]