

Essence of the Tinker of Fiction [3]

Essence of Character Assimilation [3]

Essence of Quintessence [5]

Essence of the Tinker of Fiction.

By drinking from a bitter, oily potion you have become the one and only Tinker of Fiction.

• You get one chance to cosmetically change your appearance to anything within the boundaries of 'humanly possible'. You are also able to travel to one fictional universe of your choice by inserting yourself in it as a canonical character's relative.

• Your mind is capable of aligning itself to the raw metaphysical concept of creation and technology that permeates throughout the entire multiverse. This translates as a complete technological database of a single universe that you can consciously and unconsciously assess. At the purest sense, this means you can recreate any type of technology present in the universes your mind is aligned to, provided that you have time and resources to do it.

• The choice of universe your mind aligns to is mostly random, but you can subconsciously nudge it towards certain themes and concepts that meet your current needs. With practice and effort you will be able to do this consciously.

• Your database will translate everything present in your aligned universe that don't count as a technology (such as magic, spiritual energies, divine and cosmic forces, and so on) as unique forms of technology or arts you can create, so even primitive, magical, or mythically-focused settings will give you something to work with. This can manifest in several unpredictable ways as the possibilities are endless and, more often than not, very wacky. As a rule, there is no aspect of your aligned universe that you cannot recreate with time and effort.

• The mental database of a aligned universe is connected to your mind on a metaphysical level, meaning it is completely impossible for telepathic or corruptive effects to disturb it is any way. This connection will persist for as long as you have a conscient presence in the word, so not even replacing your brain, evolving to a being of energy, or dying and turning into a ghost can break it.

• As a rule, the universal database and your mind are separated, however, there will always be a 'bleed of knowledge' between them, so you will slowly learn more and more knowledge of a single universe by simply having it aligned. This 'bleed' increases as you focus its use to tinker, with the particular subject you are using in your tinkering bleeding faster than the rest. This will turn the knowledge of the database into your inherent knowledge and you will be able to retain it even as the database aligns to a different universe. However, this process is slow and can take years, decades, or even centuries to turn all database knowledge of a single universe into your inherent knowledge. By the end of an alignment you will have enough inherent knowledge to repair, maintain, or duplicate whatever you created while you had the universe aligned, all while knowing the general concepts behind them. It also gives you enough to finish a project if the alignment changes halfway through, provided that the project is of a reasonable scale related to what you are capable off at the time.

• Your mind has a limitless storage capable of handling any amount of knowledge that bleeds through the database, you are also capable of perfectly remembering any concept you learn. This perfect memory is only in relation to database or inherent knowledge.

• You can create completely new technologies using the concepts of a universe, provided that you put the effort to do so and have either the inherent or database knowledge as a base. You can also modify and upgrade technologies in ways not thought off by the gifted minds of the aligned universe.

• You are capable of perfectly mixing the concepts and technologies of different universes together, even if it shouldn't be possible. This allows you to create hybrids tech of various designs, or fabricating something completely new.

|● You have the ability to control whether your designs are easily reproducible or completely blackboxed, or anything in between. You can also make it so that some can understand and study your tech while others cannot. You can both give and take away the ability to understand your tech should you want to, and this can be done anytime.

• If needed, you are capable of downgrading any technology to meet the demand and quality of the resources at hands, allowing you to build lesser equivalents of the tech available to you with less time and fewer resources, at the expense of their effectiveness of course.

• Your skills at creating, forging, building and tinkering in general can grow without limits, to the point they will be able to break the laws of reality eventually. The more you tinker, the better you get at it, taking less time, using less resources, doing more with these said resource, making things more durable, more efficient, and more aesthetically pleasing, eventually you will be able to achieve feats like building a project that should have taken years in a hour, using a small fraction of the resources it should have, making it capable of functioning forever and endure massive damage without diminish results or efficiency, all while making it look mesmerizingly beautiful to whoever witnesses it. At some point, you will surpass the abilities of the craftsmen's of the aligned universes, taking the technology provided to new highs each time.




Essence of Character Assimilation

• As a one-time effect, you may choose any number of characters from any fictional universes/settings/works. The chosen characters become part of you.

• How and why this manifests/happens is up to you; maybe they were always fragments of you that rejoined and merged back with your main self, maybe they get outright merged with you, maybe they were alternate versions of you, but in any case the result is the same.

• You gain all the powers, abilities, knowledge, skills, memories, techniques, talents, races, natures, affinities, blessings, instincts, experience, special traits, potential, physical prowess (strength, speed, stamina, durability, etc.), intelligence, wisdom, charisma, luck, lifespan, life force, energies (ki, mana, etc.), confidence, willpower, and so on of your fragments. You also gain all their weapons, items, tools, equipment, pets, familiars, vehicles, dungeons, outfits, ships, mechs, mansions, castles, dojos, temples, bases, etc.

• You do not suffer any incompatibility from the above, and can easily distinguish between your potentially many sets of memories.

• The consciousness/personalities of your fragments seamlessly meld with your own, selectively and to whatever degree you desire (by default, they get integrated into your own with yours being dominant, but it can be anything from complete merge to your own being the sole one with no influence from your fragments). Their emotional attachments/connections get added to your own (which you may selectively refuse), so if they are in love with someone or see someone as a friend, you are/do too.

• Even if you don't mix your personality/consciousness with those of your fragments, you may selectively incorporate any desires/goals/drives/objectives they have into your own.

• Optionally, you may alter your appearance to gain aspects of your fragments (animal ears, hair color, etc.), mix it however you like with theirs, or even fully take the appearance of one of them as your own. In any case, the end result is up to you.

• The lewd/sexual characteristics of your fragments get integrated into your own, making them become the best/greatest among your fragments in every possible category and aspect: lust/libido/sex drive, desire to breed, fertility/virility/reproductive ability, sexual fluids (amount, stickiness, etc.), male genitalia (size, length, width, hardness, etc.), pheromones, refractory period, aphrodisiac or corruptive fluids, and so on. This is never a downgrade, and you may choose what not to integrate.

• You gain the companions of your fragments, be it love interests, harems, romantic or sexual or marital partners (lovers, wives, etc.), close friends, allies, party members, servants, slaves, minions, followers, vassals, and so on (including characters attracted to, bound to, or that have had sex with your fragments). While by default you get these companions in full, you may selectively choose which ones you want (including none at all). They will immediately become aware that you and your fragments are one and the same and won't mind the merge at all, being completely accepting of it. Any loyalty, feelings, and relationships they have for/with your fragments are loyalty, feelings, and relationships they have for/with you (love, lust, friendship, affection, attraction, trust, etc.; being your friends, servants, wives, fiancées, concubines, lovers, slaves, etc.; and so on), also restoring loyalty/feelings/relationships weakened/damaged/lost/etc. as a result of the actions of another fragment. They will have anything they usually do (weapons, items, outfits/garments, familiars, and so on), such as Pokémon for a Pokémon Trainer, maidservants for a princess or noblewoman, and so on. This resurrects any potential companions that have died in their works of origin (companions such as ghosts also get resurrected, unless they don't want it).

• Anyone and anything (items, companions, familiars, etc.) bound in some way to your fragments is bound to you so (master-servant contracts, familiar bonds, and so on).

• If you are in a world where you have a legal identity, the above companions automatically obtain one (names remain the same). You also will not have any (legal or marital) problems from any polygamy/harem that results from the merge.

To make communication easier, you may have the above companions automatically learn one or more languages of your choice that you or your fragments know (if they already know the languages, this doesn't do anything for them).

• By default, all iterations of your fragments (such as from different/alternate routes, endings, timelines, continuities, universes, and so on) are included in this, but you may selectively choose which versions you want. Things your fragments have in common (such as versions of the same companion from different timelines/routes) merge into a single composite version that has all their powers, abilities, memories, and so on.

• Any existing fusions between your fragments are also taken into account and included, if you have all their parts (for example, Vegito/Gogeta from Dragon Ball).

• Optionally, you may choose to selectively merge the worlds of your fragments with your world or with a world you have self-inserted into. How this manifests is up to you.




Essence of Quintessence

By consuming the Essence of Quintessence you gain the following boons:

● You can create any Essence, Excluding this one, with only a thought. The created Essences appear wherever you want. You could also deconstruct any Essences that you have created with only a thought. 

● You can grant essences to others and yourself. Receive a dagger that can remove or suppress the Essences of anyone you have granted them to. The dagger cannot effect the Essences of those you did not have a hand in giving to said individual nor can it work on yourself to remove any Essences. Said dagger is indestructible and can when desired pierce or cut through nearly anything or selectively target things like someone's magic or soul. The dagger can shape-shift into other melee weapons if desired, you can summon it to your side at an instant. Receive a cloak or set of robes that makes you immune to the essences of those you have granted to others. The cloak is nearly indestructible and regenerates if damaged It can also sustain you indefinitely as long as it is worn, you can summon it to your side at an instant. They can shape-shift into other clothes on demand.

● You gain the power to take the essence of those you defeated. By defeating/killing someone/something, you are able to take their essence if you so choose. Doing so will kill them if they are not already dead. Essences contain things such as someone's/something's power, ability, skill, bloodline, traits, and experience. You can absorb the essence and empower yourself or condense the essence into an item.

● If condense the essence into an item, when you have the item, you will be able to use all the power, skill, etc of the essence used to make the item. You can absorb multiple essences into the same item even if the essences are normally conflicting, like essence from someone with fire power and someone with ice power. Absorbing similar essences or essences that are complementary will enhance the power of the essence beyond the sum of their parts. You can give the item to other people to use and it'll work the same as if you are using it. You can recall the item no matter where it is.

● Essences are not limited to intelligent or powerful beings. If you absorb enough essence from, say a frog, you will gain their ability to jump really high, breathe through your skin, extend your tongue, etc.

● You learn the secret art of making brand new Essences. 




Essence of the Dungeon Creator-&-Master

• You gain control over the creation and manipulation of dungeons.

• Gain supernatural skill in architecture, engineering, puzzle crafting, trap making, enchanting, and building dungeons.

• You have the ability to create Dungeon Cores, which are distinct Jewels that when planted in an area will form a Dungeon. Dungeons are structures that are made for a variety of purposes, most of them being that they challenge those that enter it. They initially start out 'weak' but with time grow into mighty challenges with great rewards.

• You can de-summon and re-summon these dungeons in different locations.

• Your dungeon cores will naturally form based on the area they were planted in, with a Dungeon in a Forest forming a Forest Dungeon with monsters related to the forest and rewards being forest-related as well, and Dungeons planted in schools forming Dungeons that test your wit and knowledge and giving you rewards of skill and special textbooks. The more special and unique the area, the more special and unique the Dungeon.

• You also have the ability to customize the Dungeon beforehand, allowing you to create custom Dungeons. You can base it off on things and people you have encountered, and or used before. For example, you can create a Dungeon with Thugs that wield Swords or a Dungeon where your old math teacher gives you a test to hone your math skills.

• Inside of your dungeons, you are immortal but not omnipotent or invincible. You can manipulate the structure of your dungeons, so long as you are inside them.

• You have perfect awareness of everything that occurs in and around your dungeons, can turn this on and off at will.

• Can summon monsters, people, and items you encounter from generic templates to populate your dungeons. 

• You have the ability of Dungeon Create, allowing you to create dungeons yourself, like a combination between the Gamer and the Arcane Emperor.

• ID create and escape:

 - You can create instant dungeons at will.

- They are all time slowed, allowing you to spend a week inside a dungeon while only a day passes on the outside.




Essence of the Gamer's System

• You are now a Gamer, with a system of your own design. You are fully free to design it however you want, from something like the System from Solo Leveling to DarkWolfShiro's ISIS and the original Gamer ability. You may mix and merge however you want, or create something completely original, or do something else. You are completely free to create and design it however you want, even deciding the limits of its potential, if there even is a limit. Does the system have the Gamer's Mind and Body, does it have a Gacha function, does it have a relationship function, does it have an inventory, does it have classes, is it sentient, is it inherently broken or limited, does it have Instant Dungeons, do they have time dilation, etc. However, once you have finished created your own system, you cannot change it ever again. Unless you design it in such a way that you can alter it.

• Not only that, but you are able to turn others into Gamers/Players as well, granting them their own system of your design. Once again, you are free to create and design it however you want.

• You can even create and grant systems to entire worlds, should you so desire it.

• You can also grant items access to systems, allowing them to grow over time similar to a gamer, or perhaps granting whoever wields them access to a system while wielding it.

• You can take back any system you give away whenever you want, even create fail-safe's should you feel the necessity. You may also alter, change and manipulate any system you have created (other than your own personal one) whenever you want. You can at any point seal or take the powers that the system have accessed. You can even permanently separate others from their System once they have matured enough with their powers without them losing their powers, or with them losing their powers.




Essence of the Unlimited Power

● By consuming this Essence you gain unlimited raw power that grants you the potential to do anything. To put it simply, it is Omnipotence without Omniscience and it cannot be stolen, copied, destroyed, or negated in any way against your will. Your boundless potential and power infinitely exceeds anything-and-everything. In addition to this Essence, any boons you have from other Essences will increase and develop in ways beyond their initial purpose, benificially for you.

● Within you lies an Ocean of Unlimited Power that, through training and practice, allows you to potentially achieve anything and everything without any limits depending on how much knowledge and control you have over your power. You can potentially gain any and all superpowers, as your Ocean of Unlimited Power can act as or be turned into any power or power source you desire.

● You therefore have limitless means at your disposal, but you must have a clear enough idea of what you want to achieve and how you will do it. This double condition will prevent the power from going awry and backfiring on you. To make the most optimal use of this power you require both knowledge and imagination: knowledge to offer templates for applications, and imagination to shape new possibilities.

● While you are not truly all-knowing, you are able to acquire tremendous amounts of new knowledge as you need, gradually expanding your options and refining your mastery through practice and experience, furthering your control and precision over your endless power, granting access to new abilities more powerful than before, and opening new worlds of possibilities.

● You are the ultimate student, possessing limitless potential and can learn or develop any power, ability, discipline, or skillset you desire even if you shouldn't be capable of it. Once learned, you cannot forget them and can practice them all into mastery, no matter how many you may learn. You can, at will, enter into a state of hyper-concentration, enhancing your learning ability. If a power, ability, skillset, or discipline requires access to some energy source to function, you begin generating that energy source.

● You are also perfect instructor, easily capable of passing on your knowledge and skill to anyone who wants to learn from you. Even the most complex of systems, concepts and ideas can be easily communicated by you. You are capable of imparting any skills, abilities, or powers that are in your possession to your students, be it magic, chakra, ki or a special ability. Your students will naturally develop the necessary potentials and affinities for them as instruct them in its intricacies.

● You have no need to rely on external factors for any of your powers, abilities, skillsets, or disciplines. From the ones that require energies drawn from the environment or from other planes or dimensions to the ones that relies on esoteric principles or strange metaphysical laws. None of your abilities will require anything outside of yourself.

● You can even harmonize any conflicting powers, abilities, skills, or disciplines you desire. For example, using light magic won't stop you from using dark magic, even at the same time. Being evil won't stop you from using good only abilities. This applies to everything you can do from magic, to super science, to simple training.. you always find a way no matter how impossible.