

Character Assimilation +

Tinker of Fiction [Modified] +

Essence of the Cycle (Worm) + [Modified] +

- You now have a Entity Core bound to you that is made of cluster of crystalline mass of exotic matter that can allow you to exist in multiple parallel universes & can easily allow you to travel across universes as people walk across a room.

- Your mind can now offload it's mental faculties to your shards.

- Your now have access to a sealed pocket dimension that only you & those you allow have the ability to access. You also have the ability to seal dimensions with this ability.

- You can now project a Physical avatar from your sealed dimension while your real body remains safe. This dimension can't be breach even with the Sting.

Access to all shard powers demonstrated in the Worm, Ward, Worm Jumpchains, & the Worms CYOAs stories (Ex: Stilling included.) You can make these powers shardless if you wish.

• -These powers cannot be taken away, suppress, weaken, or copied in any way.

• -Won't run out off power from overuse.

• -Are not limited to planetary orbit.

• -Your power operates without the usual negative effects that shards without limits have.

• -Powers are completely unrestricted unless you desire them to be.

• -Your powers are not limited by the Manton Effect.

You have full knowledge how these powers work & the best ways to use them and you won't be overwhelmed by the sheer number of powers you have.

If, for some reason, you are unable to come up with a power or are incapable of doing so, you will automatically be given the best power for the situation. This will also happen whenever you are preoccupied, unconscious or caught off guard. For example, being given August Prince Power when you are being attack while you are asleep and having it activated.

- Shards have absolutely no influence over you. 

- They're completely loyal, unable to rebel or work against you.

Tinkertech you make doesn't have the same problem in universe of needing constant maintenance & cannot be reverse engineered without your permission.

- Also able to use your scanning ability to reverse engineer/copy any ability or tech you come across.

As a Pseudo±Entity you gain perfect/ infinite memory & processing power with instant recall & learning capability.

Furthermore your mind is able to process and successfully handle the multitasking and management needed to perfectly simulate 10^81 universes in real time.

Capable of budding off to create a copy of you & can re-absorb them at any point & obtain their memories, powers, etc. These copies are completely loyal, unable to rebel or work against you.

Capable of creating & distributing shards to individuals to create parahumans . These shards can be programmed to your specifications (Such as whether they are limited by the Manton Effect, range, how they can be triggered, blindspots, secondary trigger, power level, etc.) Beings who have the copies of your power cannot hurt you in any way and you can instantly recall back those powers whenever you want. You are capable of recalling them at will, it's up to you to decide whether this kills the host.

- The ability to create 25 Endbringers to serve you. They're completely loyal, unable to rebel or work against you. They can also be programmed to your specifications (Such as whether they are limited by the Manton Effect, range, etc.





Essence of the Multicross Plot Device

By drinking this essence you will receive a boon.

• A narrative force has taken up residence in your vicinity and its goal is to take you to cool places.

• Its tool of choice is to boot your ass across the multiverse or otherwise fold and spindle said multiverse into configurations that will be interesting to you.

• You might be reincarnated into a setting; you might simply drop into it from the sky. Or maybe you'll suddenly find a portal to said setting or discover that it was always a part of your existing locale, merely hidden or out of sight.

• You may exert some control over this if you wish, but by default it will pick and choose for you based on desire. You can go to places you like, places you didn't even know you'd like or places that are various combinations thereof.

• The timing of your travel is also all over the place. Perhaps you only move to a setting after you die, this works best via reincarnation, or perhaps you move over every seven days or whenever you fall asleep or whatever.

• This does, as said, work in the case of death or worse and so you'll find that you'll never truly die if you don't wish to, instead being reborn in a new setting or returned to the past of your current setting or waking up after a long, regenerative coma even if you were destroyed on every level of existence.

· Have fun with it.





Essence of the Game Lobby [need grammar correction & modification]

Tastes like a Favor repaid. This was originally made by an Ancient Master Builder who then sold the recipe.

A vast series of digital universes are now yours.

• -Every game you ever liked as well as any Litrpg/gamelit or dungeon novel.

These can be exactly like they were depicted or actual digital universes with sapient npc's. Or anything in between.

° -You have admin rights to change them as you will.

° -Lets you live inside the video games like want endlessly respawning.

° -You may also hook these up to any network letting others play/live as well.

Should a version of that game already a server can be hooked up to the mundane game that will host yours.

- This can not be stopped or blocked by anything.

§ By default only you can gain powers in the real world from the games but you may set permissions for others as well.

- Your own personal living space designed as you wish and my change as you desire

- You and others may physically enter here and live endlessly.



Essence of the Complete Universal Archive [Modified]

Tastes like multiple flavors of sherbet ice cream and ink. Drinking this grants you an artifact with many features:

• This artifact defaults to a Sheikah Slate in appearance, that's tied to your soul and can be stored within it, but it can take any form you want it to that allows you to access the data within it. This includes a pair of glasses/contacts, pokedex, holographic computer screens plus keyboard, a VR system, an absolutely amazing gaming rig complete with chair, or ordinary tablets or computers, even shifting form to any book in its library, anything you like with its aesthetics customized to your tastes.

• The archive contains all information and entertainment media that has existed, is available currently, and that will ever exist in your universe, whether that information was lost, hidden, destroyed, or (in the case of music, theater plays, and official proceedings and storytelling) not recorded. This is not limited to Earth, the entire universe and even the libraries of Heaven are contained within, so if you wanted to know definitively if aliens or God exists you'll have access to their writings. This does not give you the contents of every conversation ever held by sophonts, rather anything that was ever presented to the public, recorded somewhere, or dark dealings made concerning wars and governments that give greater context to cultural shifts and important events are included so you can comprehend the garden as a whole instead of every blade of grass.

• All information is properly screened so that it doesn't harm you and is properly obscured to any person or entity attempting to read the contents without your permission. Any audio information is also properly screened and simply made inaudible to any listening, whether because they hear nothing at all or anything they do hear is garbled nonsense. Even when this information is known to you it remains obscured in your mind along with any thoughts related to it so that no telepaths or dark gods get a peek at the future. When you do give permission, you can limit it only to the information you allow instead of granting access to the entire database.

• The artifact naturally has infinite storage and memory as it will add the information of new universes or archives to its databanks in their own section if you want and if you find your way into one. Its processing speed is also instant and never suffers lags from its end, especially when gaming.

• The artifact's features are designed with you in mind, with superior search functions and algorithms that allow you to find just what you're looking for or that can recommend something you'd enjoy, along with excellent filters that are not fooled by all the ways people use to get around them. Make your device's access as child friendly or hardcore adult as you like.

• Everything is sorted in an easy to navigate manner, such as all game related content like interviews, fanart, fan music, etc. matched to the game it's for.

• There is a translation feature which gives a top quality translation for anything in the archive, this includes subtitles for visual media. All audio media also comes with your choice of dub quality from low fan-dubs to a top quality version in any language within the archives, you can even set the device to read for you with your choice of speakers such as Steven Hawking or Brian Blessed. Want to know how Dragon Ball would sound in Ancient Sumerian with a hamtastic dub? Now you can!

• The game category allows you to play glitchless versions of any game published, but includes everything in its original format and any remasters, mods, reboots, etc. in the universe. Note that these are specifically for glitches that make games unplayable and unenjoyable, if you're a speedrunner it won't take away clipping. Your artifact provides all the equipment you'd need to enjoy these games and when playing online can always inexplicably find a server with enough people playing to be enjoyable, though if you don't want that it can also generate some dumb AI that are smarter than most video game AI to play with or against. You can also play board games, tabletop games, and can even read the rules for any physical game ever conceived such as football, drinking games, or ancient chariot racing as well as what the rewards and failures entailed.

• Music has sorting options for covers, parodies, and genres in addition to artists and bands. You can search the name of a Christmas song for example and open a list with all the artists who sang it or bands that played it. It also includes pictures and information on the instruments or programs/devices used to play those tunes.

• The artifact comes with programs and functions that would allow you to create your own works, from novels, to drawings, music, and also games. Or if you're lazy (like most of us) the artifact can outright create your work for you, exactly as you would've made it if you had the skill to do so, in as many versions as you come to think of. This will be to a professional yet mundane standard, nothing supernatural.

• The artifact can plug in or connect with any device that can store or upload information, so you can share your works with the world. Or profit from someone else's idea.

• All information that is classed as non-fiction has their own categories and special filters that can highlight propaganda, from outright lies to news media spin as well as anything that has become obsolete with cross referencing tools so you can look up what the new facts are side by side, which will also be highlighted for accuracy. Never wonder if what you're reading or hearing is misinformation or lies ever again.

• There's also a category for inventions, their handling procedures and manuals, how to make them, and what you need to do so. Try not to hurt yourself with some of them.

• Your artifact cannot be stolen, lost, or destroyed, always appearing in your soul if you're too far from it. It also cannot be hacked, be infected with viruses, suffer from junk and bloatware, or any other thing that would interfere with its functions and speed. It and everything it provides is always clean, never needs maintenance, does not run out of power, and can always fit your form. No more suspiciously sticky controllers.

