

Essence of the Admiral [Warlord]

• You gain a body at peak physical condition with whatever particular aesthetics you desire.

• Obtain the mind of a tactical and strategic genius for warfare the likes of which rival the great admirals of the past like Nelson, Togo, and Yi Sun-sin.

• Also receive the skills and ability of an expert captain, able to command and wield your flagship like a fine instrument of death.



Essence of the Home [Realm]

• You gain a personal home that exists outside of reality and beyond the reach of most entities. This home is practically impenetrable to any being you do not want inside, even a supreme deity could not pierce the barriers in place on this property.

• The home can be of your design or you can let it surprise you by generating itself based on your needs and wants so it fits itself to you perfectly. As your needs change and grow the home will expand with new facilities as needed.

• The home takes care of the basic utilities automatically and requires no connection to any preexisting infrastructure to function. In addition it has functionally infinite supplies of whatever mundane food and drink you could desire.

• While inside the home you and anyone you bring will not age, have any basic needs, or suffer from illnesses.

• You may optionally have the home create servants to tend to it while you are gone, you also may give the home sapience to manage things. The home is utterly and unwaveringly devoted to you. It cannot be influenced to change its mind otherwise.

• This home has the capability to travel through the multiverse and can give you passage practically anywhere. It can insert itself into these places or simply open a portal for you to travel through.

• Any additional essences will add functionality to this one in the form of additional rooms and facilities depending on what the essence was.



Essence of Hentai World Defense Powers [Harem]

• You become an unassailable bulwark against the plots, tropes, and horrors offered by hentai worlds and hentai plots. Your body is changed to be healthy and physically fit if it was not before and you now can make use of porn physics if you desire so. You have complete control of your virility and will only impregnate as you desire. You are immune to sexually transmitted diseases and disease in general.

• You have a Hentai Nullifier field making you-&-your partner immune to hentai plots like getting drugged and raped by fat old bald men or getting blackmailed to do sexual favours behind the back of your spouse with a CEO. These plots will fail spectacularly in the face of the would-be plotter either ending with them suitably punished, ruined, or worse. Body warping drugs and mind affecting abilities are less than worthless against you-&-your partner and you will know exactly who or what attempted to use them against you. Tentacle monsters will lose their grip on you, aliens will target someone else, or they will conveniently be killed by a passing super hero or environmental damage. You can project this as a field to extend its protections to others or just specific people like your loved ones or friends.

• You have Hentai Vision which lets you see the kinks, sexual history, desires, intent, diseases, and damn near any other bit of information that might be relevant to a person. It will unfailingly let you detect suitable partners, people you want to avoid, or disguised hentai monsters. 

• You have Hentai Clairvoyance which lets you chart a perfect path to getting laid using only what you have available and if the person could have a sustainable relationship with you or two others if you want to play matchmaker/marriage councilor. The power makes you a monster in bed able to unfailingly please any partner you might happen to have.



Essence of the Brain [Ultimate Intellect]

By taking this essence, you unlock the energy of all your brain cells working together.

• Infinite memory and genius level intellect.

• You can manipulate Psionic energy in order to affect the world, the minds/perceptions of others or enhance your own body, all to massive levels.

• You can easily read the mind of anyone you choose, allowing you to easily and subtly manipulate them.

• You can program your power to do particular tasks ahead of time, so that you don't need to focus on them.

• You can sense any and all forces/energy, including time and space, allowing you to control them with enough effort.

• You gain Astral Projection/remote viewing, which allows you to observe distant events or enter the dreams of others. You keep your other powers while in this state, allowing you to exert your abilities from an even greater distance.



Essence of Cool

by cliffc999

Drinking this pure sparkling water, delicately infused with the finest trace of the vapors from the legendary Font of Cool, will forever leave you functioning on a higher, more conceptual level.

* Upon first drinking this Essence your body, mind, and spirit all become infused with the

essence of elemental Cool. Cool is not a consumable resource, but more of a fundamental quality like temperature or gravity. It is a localized alteration of fundamental logic that, as the degree of Cool increases, grants greater and greater freedom from mundane or practical limitations.

* Even at the most minimal level of Cool, you will have your inherent limits raised and the normal complications of your existence mitigated. Your doubts and hesitations become easier for you to overcome when you try to, you gain greater results from the same amount of effort put into an activity, you take less damage than you otherwise would from hostile conditions, and things just seem to be that much easier around you.

* The more Cool you become, the greater this boost becomes. What should be body-destroying training instead produces positive results, research that you perform produces results previously believed impossible by physics, your combat skills start to evolve into supernaturally effective styles, etc. A sufficiently Cool archer could defeat a platoon of gunmen, and a sufficiently Cool artisan could build flight-capable powered armor in a cave from a box of scraps. Conceptual enhancement of the body or mind, rapid mastery of skills or abilities that should logically have taken years of expert instruction to learn, even developing new and fantastic abilities or evolving past normal mortal limitations, all these things and more are possible to those who are Cool enough.

* The simple act of living your daily life and engaging in any degree of activity at all above the most deliberate efforts at moldering away into insignificance will allow your degree of Cool to have a slow passive growth, but rapid gains of Cool are produced by overcoming significant challenges (which includes completing sufficiently Cool and difficult training), or achieving significant milestones. The overall rate of these gains also scales to your environment; it might take only a moderate degree of Cool to outshine everyone around you on a mundane Earth, but when you are in more fantastical or legendary settings the stakes and challenges around you are greater and so your own infusion from the Font of Cool will rise to the challenge.

* At higher degrees of Cool you cease being even remotely realistic and enter the ranks of

legend. A massively Cool enough person could build a fortress overnight while stranded on a desert island, or become a master of kung-fu capable of dodging lightning and punching people through mountains. Even in places not Cool enough to already have magic systems of their own, sufficient Cool would allow you to begin to see the secret ways of manipulating reality through symbolism and concept (i.e., magic).

* The more Cool you are, the harder you become to harm. This can manifest in any number of ways – whether it's because you're harder to hit, harder to hurt when you get hit, or just that damn lucky isn't really important, because Coolness may manifest in any number of ways. Even the most minimally Cool drinker of this essence is still notably tougher to permanently injure or kill than a normal person, and at higher levels of Cool you become exponentially more so. A

sufficiently Cool person could survive a nuclear explosion by hiding in a refrigerator… and if they were really Cool, they could even make doing that look good. Aging, infirmity, sickness, curses, etc. are also considered 'harm' in this context.

* Indeed, you embody the expression 'too Cool to die'. Even if you take enough damage to where your standard Cool-infused resistance to harm isn't enough to save you, you can still evade death or permanent destruction of any kind at the price of lowering your degree of Cool. (After all, few things are less cool than overusing a trope.) You will never become entirely unCool by doing this, even if you are repeatedly knocked back to the absolute minimum degree of Cool you gained from the initial consumption of this Essence.

* A sufficiently Cool existence can with suitable time and/or effort raise the degree of Cool in things around them if they choose to. Spells you cast and things you enchant will still function in mundane environments in your absence, super-advanced technologies you create and/or master will still be teachable to and useable by other people even in places unCool enough that they never invented such things themselves, supernatural martial arts styles or magic systems you master and then teach others will still be super-effective when they go on to each others in turn, etc, etc. Places you reside in for long periods of time or significantly invest yourself in can grow more and more Cool and grandiose – the mountains becoming taller and more majestic, the forests becoming older and deeper, natural resources become richer and more fantastic, even the local wildlife could start having otherwise mythical creatures return.

* Likewise, people who train with or adventure with such a Cool entity like you for sufficient

periods of time will themselves start to become Cooler, etc, etc. Indeed, with enough time and effort you could leave entire worlds significantly more Cool than when you found them. This effect may be voluntarily or selectively toggled, although you cannot control all the exact details of another person's growth in Cool, merely whether or not they are and how much. Coolness is

ultimately an expression of one's individuality, after all.

* Lastly, you can learn how to slip in-between the edges of reality to enter the legendary Cool Mine, an infinitely deep conceptual chasm that lies between reality and the actual Font of Cool.

Although you could descend into its depths for a quintillion years and never draw close to your destination, adventuring in the Cool Mine allows for even greater gains in power and Cool than you would have otherwise. If you go deep enough into the endlessly branching fractal labyrinths, passageways, and dead ends of the Cool Mine you can find almost any conceivable fantastical environment, creature, or challenge to test yourself against, and in such a variety and profusion as to be beyond counting. And as Cool is a transfinite and omniversal force, with sufficient

exploration a person passing through the Cool Mine could find his way to virtually anywhere or anywhen, even if they were not already Cool enough to have created/learned other travel methods of their own.



Essence of the Spark [Blank]

A feeling like electricity surges through your as you drink this elixir, granting you several boons.

• Perfect memory with infinite storage

• Beyond genius level intellect

• Infinite potential to learn, discover and invent new things

• An innate understanding of the laws of nature and physics and how to best subjugate them to your whim

• An innate grasp of energetic, mechanical, chemical, mathematic, biological and sociological mechanisms and how to twist them to suit your desires

• The intuitive ability to break down and understand complicated subjects, principles and objects through observation

• An preternatural ability to improve and refine past, present and future technologies once the principles they operate on are understood.

• The ability to enter a highly emotional fugue-like state that enhances all other abilities ten fold at the cost of temporarily lowered moral integrity, self control and sanity.

• Supernatural charisma that draws people to you and makes those without extremely strong wills highly suggestible to your influence, to the point that they will sometimes find themselves doing things to further your ends that they normally would not, even if they want nothing more than to be far, far away from your special brand of madness. Those exposed to your charisma for sufficient lengths of time may find themselves becoming your loyal minions or accomplices without even realizing it.

• Increased lung capacity and a menacing/inspiring/imposing/mad laugh that can trigger localized thunderclaps and short-lived, harmless lightning storms for dramatic effect even on a perfectly clear, sunny day at your discretion.

• The potential to ascend to a higher level of conscious awareness that will allow you to apply the principles you've learned by applying your will to the nature of reality to make your will so. It's not magic, just sufficiently advanced science to seem as such. Comes complete with ageless immortality.






Essence of the Hentai Bastard [Ultimate Chad]

By drinking the Essence inside this opaque bottle shaped like a woman's face in an ahe-gao expression that seems to look a little different every time you look at it no matter the reason you looked away from blinking to leaving the room you gain-

• -A body that runs on porn physics, your dick could be the size of an elephant and it would still fit inside a girl, though she might be a little stretched out afterwards

• -Access to porn logic capable of leveraging many situations to your advantage ranging from convincing people to do what you tell them even if they shouldn't to allowing you to smooth talk your way out of legal trouble should it arise and more. It's like a sort of perverted charisma that allows you to walk up to some random strangers house and convince them to let you in even if they know that they really shouldn't.

• -Your actions may no longer have any appreciable consequences for yourself if you so choose, allowing you to escape any sort of punishment or retribution that you might otherwise have coming- even if the source is a supernatural being, force or phenomenon that would ordinarily be unstoppable or inescapable.

° -Hentai Instinct which lets you if you put effort feel the kinks, sexual history, desires, intent, diseases, and damn near any other bit of information that might be relevant to a person. It will unfailingly let you detect suitable partners, people you want to avoid, or disguised hentai monsters.

o -Immunity to illnesses and diseases (not just limited to STDs and STIs) as well as an incredible resistance to toxins, poisons and various other health hazards. Go without bathing for as long as you'd like, you still won't get sick- that said, people do appreciate good hygiene so you might want to be considerate of other people.

• -A one time body resculpturing to make you look however you want that removes any and all injuries, illnesses and defects that you may have previously had, but it's restricted purely to humans.

° -A big dick, how big is up to you (Optional, but there by default)

° -Unlimited stamina and sexual fluid production

° -No refractory period, you can get hard and stay hard for as long as you want with no medical consequences

• -A cleansing touch that will allow you at will to clean your partners inside and out at will to whatever degree you choose, this also works on yourself. Scents and tastes can optionally be left behind even if you cleanse someone entirely, if you so choose.



Essence of Personal Objects [Realm]

Drinking this essence grants you access to a dimension outside space and time along with the following abilities

• This grants you a personal dimension that only you and those you allow can access. This cannot be accessed or entered by any beings without your permission regardless of how powerful and omnipotent they are and abilities like scrying, divination, clairvoyance fail to see into it. Their powers also cannot affect anything inside of this dimension. You can directly teleport to it or open portals of any size needed to it.

• You can customize how time works in this dimension as many times as you want. You can make 1 minute in the real world last for 1000 years and vice versa(or something similar), if you wish. You can also give anyone you bring into this dimension, while they are here, temporarily immortality and eternal youth along with not having them experience any mental consequences for such a quick passage of time. You can also permanently remove any physical or mental diseases or illnesses or defects.

• This dimension has an island twice the size of Japan and the rest is surrounded by an ocean for thousands of miles. You can customize all aspects of this dimension as you like including adding animals, plants, atmosphere etc. This island either maintains itself or can generate automatons to maintain it, it's up to you. However, it cannot create sapient things.

• The main aspect of this essence is that this dimension functions as a warehouse/storage/personal reality for your adventures. Everything you gain in your CYOAs/Jumps etc can be added to this dimension regardless of what it is.

• If you gain an entire planet then this island becomes a planet and if you buy a moon, a moon will be added. If you buy multiple islands and planets then they can be either combined to create a supermassive planet or kept as multiple different planets. If these worlds had living beings they can be added into the dimension as well.

• Similarly, other things can also be combined. If you buy multiple spaceships then all of them can be combined into a super-powerful spaceship with all the benefits and the drawbacks eliminated/reduced. If you buy a galaxy then the size of the personal dimension will be increased to fit it. If you wish you can also keep anything and everything separate.

• This island/dimension is capable of growing any crop, weed or Xianxia style herbs, can support any infrastructure and do anything outside world can do. It can eventually become completely self-sufficient based on what you buy. The conditions of this dimension are always perfect and ideal.

• You can fire or pull out anything in your dimension using your portals like the Gate of Babylon or you can even do it inconspicuously like drawing money from your wallet by opening a portal in there.

• You can also use your dimension to escape from enemies trying to kill you. They won't be able to stop you or affect your dimension in any way.

• This essence is meant as a supplement to your adventures and it can store anything that is considered an objects that belongs to you and is not part of your personal power - from bank accounts, planets, weapons, vaults, gold, islands, Xianxia style herbs, organizations, spaceships, Dyson spheres, universes. Anything you can buy, own or acquire on your own.

• This essence allows you to take anything owned/acquired by you to subsequent adventures regardless of any restrictions that would normally apply. This also allow you to insert them and yourself (retroactively) into the worlds you go to and everything related to your/their existence as IDs, documents, VISAs etc is generated and no one will question where they came from as everything is legal and there is nothing unnatural to notice as they have always retroactively existed in-universe. This also generates all documents for you to live in those worlds (retroactively if necessary) and even the almighty beings wouldn't notice it.



Essence of Purgatory [Realm]

By drinking this Essence you'll gain access to your own Training-Pocket-DimensionTM; Purgatory.

• Purgatory is designed to make you stronger by providing you with strong adversaries regardless of how mighty you become.

By default, it is a bleak, rocky surface with cliffs and mountains. You, however, can change its design to your liking.

Be it jungle, desert, a large city or flying island range. Your creativity and Purgatory's size are your limits.

This also extends to the enemies you'll be facing. You can design them in detail or think of a general template like human, wolf, destroyer of worlds, etc.

• The dimension grows larger when you reach certain thresholds. If you grow strong enough to affect whole continents it becomes a planet, if you can affect a planet it becomes a solar system and so forth.

• The strength of time dilation is yours to decide upon every entry.

• To access it you can either teleport to it directly or open a portal if you want to take someone with you. People you take with you will also benefit from Purgatory's special perks.

• Bringing other people with you to train activates dynamic difficulty so everyone involved can enjoy a nice challenge.

If you defeat an enemy in Purgatory a part of its strength becomes your own. If this enables you to gain new abilities is up to you.

• You can decide to enter a specific training mode to focus on a single aspect of you like your speed or magic. Alternatively, you can train a specific weapon or skillset. Purgatory will provide you with enemies that fit the thing you're training.

• Should you want to train with equipment you don't possess, you can let it be spawned somewhere near you at entering. Spawned equipment cannot be taken outside however.

If you don't possess the basics of what you're trying to train, you will automatically be equipped with it. Only the theoretical knowledge though.

• Once you've acquired a firm grasp on the basics, further technical growth will come naturally to you.

• You can somewhat change the difficulty. Although there will always be a challenge, you can crank it up to eleven for a hellish experience should you desire.

By default, you will not require sustenance nor age while inside.

• Should you die, which is not unlikely, you will respawn at a safer point. All your destroyed equipment will be repaired upon respawning.

• Purgatory is a place to grow and become stronger and not your summer house. Should you relax in one place for too long, waves of enemies with increasing strength will come for you.

Access to your Purgatory is yours and yours alone and cannot be prevented, taken away, copied, etc.






Essence of Inventive Wonder

The Essence of Inventive Wonder draws inspiration from the boundless creativity and ingenuity of Phineas and Ferb, infusing you with their unparalleled spirit of adventure and innovation.

Embracing this essence unlocks a world of limitless possibilities and extraordinary abilities. Here are the key aspects of this essence:

● Ingenious Imagination: Your imagination knows no bounds. You possess an innate ability to conceive and design extraordinary inventions, gadgets, and contraptions that defy conventional logic. Your mind brims with ideas that push the boundaries of what is possible, fueling your quest for constant innovation.

● Masterful Engineering: You possess an innate talent for engineering and construction. With remarkable precision, you can assemble elaborate structures, mechanical devices, snd fantastical installations. Your creations seamlessly blend form and function, showcasing your exceptional craftsmanship and attention to detail.

● Multidimensional Construction: Your inventions transcend the limitations of conventional physics, allowing you to build interdimensional portals, time machines, and mind-bending contraptions. You can traverse different dimensions, explore alternate realities, and manipulate the fabric of space-time with ease.

● Enhanced Intellect: Your cognitive abilities reach extraordinary heights, granting you an exceptional intellect. You possess an insatiable thirst for knowledge and a remarkable aptitude for learning. Your mind processes information at incredible speeds, allowing you to solve complex problems and devise innovative solutions effortlessly.

● Versatile Gadgets and Tools: You have access to an array of versatile gadgets and tools that enhance your abilities. From shrink rays and jetpacks to laser-guided grappling hooks and molecular manipulators, your arsenal of inventions empowers you to overcome any obstacle and embark on thrilling adventures.

● Teamwork and Camaraderie: You understand the value of teamwork and collaboration. You inspire those around you to tap into their own potential, fostering a sense of camaraderie and unity. With your natural leadership skills, you assemble diverse teams of skilled individuals who complement each other's strengths, working together towards a common goal.

● Musical Mastery: Music flows through your veins, and you possess remarkable musical talent. Whether playing an instrument, composing catchy tunes, or orchestrating elaborate musical numbers, your melodic prowess captivates and uplifts those who hear it. Music becomes a powerful tool for inspiration and creative expression.

● Time Management Skills: You possess an uncanny ability to make the most of every moment. With your exceptional time management skills, you maximize productivity and seize every opportunity for adventure. You effortlessly balance fun and responsibility, ensuring that every day is filled with memorable experiences.

● Optimistic Spirit: You radiate an infectious optimism and zest for life. Your unwavering positivity inspires others, lifting their spirits and encouraging them to embrace their own creativity. Your boundless enthusiasm and belief in the power of imagination create a vibrant and joyful atmosphere wherever you go.

● Endless Summer: You embody the spirit of eternal summer, where every day is an adventure waiting to happen. Your essence infuses each moment with excitement, transforming the ordinary into the extraordinary. With your inventive wonder, life becomes a constant source of awe, discovery, and endless possibilities.

● Embrace the Essence of Inventive Wonder and embark on a journey of boundless imagination, remarkable inventions, and unforgettable experiences. With Phineas and Ferb as your inspiration, there's no limit to what you can create, explore, and achieve in the world of endless summer.