
12-[ ]-21

Essence of the Throne

By drinking this, you gain access to the Throne!

- [Authority locked, gain access by completing trials of Genesis, and gaining more strength and power] -

- [Creation/Destruction - Change - Chaos/Order - Light/Darkness - Fire/Water/Wind/Earth - Life/Death - Existence/Void - Opposite/Duality - Power - Potential - Reality - Samsara - Space/Time - Nature/Technology - Transcendence - Will] -

- [Final trials include facing phantoms of All the Masadaverse Gods, their law and World.] -

- [Face the trials, find & forge your path] -

● The Throne is overwhelmingly large and grandiose in design, with the materials it's

constructed out of left up to your imagination. The moment you sit on it, the throne will

shrink to comfortably fit you.

● The throne is located at the center of the multiverse, in a sort of universal black hole

generated by the Throne itself. Due to this, nothing besides you is able to reach the

Throne, unless you wish otherwise.

● While you sit on the Throne, you have no earthly needs. You don't need to eat, sleep,

drink, or breath. Your body is kep immaculately clean, with any blemishes removed and imperfections rendered into perfections.

● While sitting on the throne, you possess true, utter omnipotence, being able to do

anything you wish. Create an afterlife for the deceased of the multiverse, or make the

mortals immortal! Turn the multiverse on its side, or upside down! The only thing you

can't do is give yourself omniscience.

● The Throne also gives you effective omniscience, being able to survey all of the

multiverse at once and know what is going on. This will never confuse you or disorient

you or cause you harm.

● When viewed from one perspective, the Throne is just that, a large grandiose chair. But when viewed from another, the Throne becomes a magnificent palace that never seems to end, and whose interior is completely customizable. Moreover, a Throne is still a throne, no matter what perspective it is seen from. This means that you still have access to the other powers of the Throne while in the palace, aside from the omnipotence and omniscience. For those, you actually need to be sitting on the Throne.

● The Throne is capable of movement, able to hover and fly in any direction you choose.

You can adjust the speed as well, going anywhere from a crawl to massively faster than light. Also, if you just want to go somewhere instantly, the Throne can teleport anywhere and anywhen in the multiverse.

● You can, of course, use the Throne to modify your body however you wish. The end

result tends to look like Aphrodite or Adonis brought to life.



Essence of Character Assimilation

• As a one-time effect, you may choose any number of characters from any fictional universes/settings/works. The chosen characters become part of you.

• How and why this manifests/happens is up to you; maybe they were always fragments of you that rejoined and merged back with your main self, maybe they get outright merged with you, maybe they were alternate versions of you, but in any case the result is the same.

• You gain all the powers, abilities, knowledge, skills, memories, techniques, talents, races, natures, affinities, blessings, instincts, experience, special traits, potential, physical prowess (strength, speed, stamina, durability, etc.), intelligence, wisdom, charisma, luck, lifespan, life force, energies (ki, mana, etc.), confidence, willpower, and so on of your fragments. You also gain all their weapons, items, tools, equipment, pets, familiars, vehicles, dungeons, outfits, ships, mechs, mansions, castles, dojos, temples, bases, etc.

• You do not suffer any incompatibility from the above, and can easily distinguish between your potentially many sets of memories.

• The consciousness/personalities of your fragments seamlessly meld with your own, selectively and to whatever degree you desire (by default, they get integrated into your own with yours being dominant, but it can be anything from complete merge to your own being the sole one with no influence from your fragments). Their emotional attachments/connections get added to your own (which you may selectively refuse), so if they are in love with someone or see someone as a friend, you are/do too.

• Even if you don't mix your personality/consciousness with those of your fragments, you may selectively incorporate any desires/goals/drives/objectives they have into your own.

• Optionally, you may alter your appearance to gain aspects of your fragments (animal ears, hair color, etc.), mix it however you like with theirs, or even fully take the appearance of one of them as your own. In any case, the end result is up to you.

• The lewd/sexual characteristics of your fragments get integrated into your own, making them become the best/greatest among your fragments in every possible category and aspect: lust/libido/sex drive, desire to breed, fertility/virility/reproductive ability, sexual fluids (amount, stickiness, etc.), male genitalia (size, length, width, hardness, etc.), pheromones, refractory period, aphrodisiac or corruptive fluids, and so on. This is never a downgrade, and you may choose what not to integrate.

• You gain the companions of your fragments, be it love interests, harems, romantic or sexual or marital partners (lovers, wives, etc.), close friends, allies, party members, servants, slaves, minions, followers, vassals, and so on (including characters attracted to, bound to, or that have had sex with your fragments). While by default you get these companions in full, you may selectively choose which ones you want (including none at all). They will immediately become aware that you and your fragments are one and the same and won't mind the merge at all, being completely accepting of it. Any loyalty, feelings, and relationships they have for/with your fragments are loyalty, feelings, and relationships they have for/with you (love, lust, friendship, affection, attraction, trust, etc.; being your friends, servants, wives, fiancées, concubines, lovers, slaves, etc.; and so on), also restoring loyalty/feelings/relationships weakened/damaged/lost/etc. as a result of the actions of another fragment. They will have anything they usually do (weapons, items, outfits/garments, familiars, and so on), such as Pokémon for a Pokémon Trainer, maidservants for a princess or noblewoman, and so on. This resurrects any potential companions that have died in their works of origin (companions such as ghosts also get resurrected, unless they don't want it).

• Anyone and anything (items, companions, familiars, etc.) bound in some way to your fragments is bound to you so (master-servant contracts, familiar bonds, and so on).

• If you are in a world where you have a legal identity, the above companions automatically obtain one (names remain the same). You also will not have any (legal or marital) problems from any polygamy/harem that results from the merge.

• To make communication easier, you may have the above companions automatically learn one or more languages of your choice that you or your fragments know (if they already know the languages, this doesn't do anything for them).

• By default, all iterations of your fragments (such as from different/alternate routes, endings, timelines, continuities, universes, and so on) are included in this, but you may selectively choose which versions you want. This does include fan-fiction or unknown versions of your fragments. Things your fragments have in common (such as versions of the same companion from different timelines/routes) merge into a single composite version that has all their powers, abilities, memories, and so on.

• Any existing fusions between your fragments are also taken into account and included, if you have all their parts (for example, Vegito/Gogeta from Dragon Ball).

• Optionally, you may choose to selectively merge the worlds of your fragments with your world or with a world you have self-inserted into. How this manifests is up to you.




Essence of the Shared Multiverse

• The multiverse is real, and your world of origin and any worlds self-insert into or travel to, and any other fictional worlds/universes/settings/works you want are all part of it. 

• (Any details are up to you)

• Crossover Expansion: Optionally, you may have any settings that have had crossovers with the chosen settings or the world self-inserted into as part of this multiverse. This may also include settings that have had crossovers with the previous, and so on (with as many degrees of separation as desired). You may exclude unwanted worlds from this.




Essence of the Divine Egg

By drinking this essence composed of celestial substance you're transcended into a nascent god and cocooned in a divine egg, gaining several boons:

• Your entire being (mind, body, and soul) is converted into a raw and nigh unstable celestial substance equal or larger than the size of earth's core. You are now the divine/cosmic equivalent of an infant whose excess energy can spawn galactic clusters or even entire universes. However, you are unable to defend yourself until maturity thus must rely on your other boons for protection.

• Gain a large mega world that surrounds your form that acts like an incubator for you. Its purpose is to condense and concentrate your form while keeping a majority of your power in check. The size and shape of this world is for you to decide whether that's a flat earth the size of earth's orbit or a mechanical world the size of a solar system.

• Spread throughout the entirety of your mega world are several paracausal/Magi-tech facilities and technology meant to promote your growth. Each facility/technology performs one or more functions that either stabilize your esoteric energies or defend you from invaders. These facilities are nearly impossible to destroy with only esoteric powers/weapons of equal or greater strength being able to damage them.

• Gain a sun that is both a source of light, heat, and energy but also a massive reality engine/anchor. Its main purpose is to provide a safe environment for you to gestate by creating reality. The reality created by the sun is anathema to all Outsiders (cosmic horrors, eldritch gods, etc.), its light kills weaker outsiders while stronger entities are made vulnerable. It creates reality by transmuting the primordial void/chaos from nonexistence into existence.

o As reality expands further and further, lesser suns will be created to help stabilize it. They are not as powerful as the greater sun but are still useful.

• Gain the ability to create pocket dimensions that can serve any purpose you desire. Examples include but aren't limited to:

o An afterlife where the souls of your mortals upon death and is shaped to your desire.

o A realm of constant warfare where your warrior are sent in order to sharpen their skills.

• Born from your essence are a legion of servitors whose purpose is to serve your will/protect. They are creatures of both chaos and order, gaining the powers of both with neither of the weaknesses. They are infallibly loyal to you on a metaphysical level; there is no means (corruption, subversion, etc.) for them to be turned against you. You may decide what their appearance will be whether that's humanoid or not.

• Lastly, you are given a vaste boundary that separates your reality from the primordial void/chaos. It exists as a universe size dimension of immutable reality that prevents you from being swarmed by innumerable Outsiders. It acts like a membrane that slowly permeates small amounts of the Outside to enter so the sun can transmute it. The boundary grows in tandem with reality, making sure that it always surrounds and protects you.

• After a few millennia, you shall reach full maturity and become a being of pure cosmic might. Your mind, body, and soul become completely inviolate thus rendering you immune to any outside influence. The powers to create, manipulate, and destroy a multiverse as easily as breathing.




Essence of the Personal Multiverse

This void-black essence tastes like an improved imitation of every great taste you've ever loved, and grants you power over your own safe little slice of infinity...

• Upon drinking this essence you are granted the power to teleport anywhere within the infinite realities that you desire, including fictional universes. Your accuracy will improve with practice and familiarity, but you are otherwise guaranteed to land in a safe place within a planetary radius of your target.

• When you enter a new reality you can choose to instead a perfect duplicate of that reality, attached to your Personal Multiverse, effectively splitting off the timeline with you in it, though this ability can be suppressed if you want to travel beyond.

• You may exclude other dimension hoppers from this duplication process, either individually or via blanket bans; and certain powerful reality warpers or multiverse travellers may have protections against this duplication.

• You can still duplicate realities attached to your personal multiverse if you wish to maintain separate timelines.

• Access to your Personal Multiverse is strictly by invitation only.

o There are robust defenses both hiding and shielding your Personal Multiverse from the outside, but penetrating these and entering into a shielded universe without permission, dumps the Intruder outside the Personal Multiverse.



Essence of the「 」

By consuming this colorless, odorless, unobservable, and incomprehensible essence you will become a new「 」entity. A「 」entity is a「 」with its own sense of self. The「 」is separate, but otherwise the same「 」as the one in the Nasuverse. It is the metaphysical "force/location" that exists beyond everything else in the entire Nasuverse, transcendent of reality, dualistic function, and all concepts. It stores and archives all possible information, and is both the origin and endpoint of everything in existence.

 Though your 「Akashic Record」 comes with an archive of everything in the Nasuverse, it will also automatically record and archive any and all information of every other setting you visit.

 This not only gives you access to every power and ability in the Nasuverse (ex: Authority, Noble Phantasm, Magecraft, True Magic, Skill, Reality Marble, Marble Phantasm, Knight Arm, Code Cast, Mystic Eye, etc.), but also all the powers and abilities of every other setting you visit and archive as well.

 You also have administrative rights over all these powers, allowing you to customize them as you please: You can increase or decrease their rank, add or remove their limitation/side effect/requirement/restriction, combine multiple powers regardless of whether they're from the same verse or not, you can even jailbreak them to perform beyond what they were originally capable of (ex: increasing the range and potency of your power).

 You can conjure a perfect recreation of anything and everything ever recorded by your 「Akashic Record」, be it people, places, or things.

 As a「 」entity you function identically to the「 」in Nasuverse with the exception of a few added bonuses.

 Normally those who touch the「 」and become a new「 」would lose their sense of self, becoming completely apathetic to everything else. But you will be one of the few who are able to maintain their sense of self along with everything else (ex: personality, will, emotion, passion, etc.) and they are refer to as「 」 entities.

 Like all other「 」and「 」entities, you can create your own setting contain within your now boundless inner world, you have complete control over everything from Origins, Concepts, and Laws to People, Places, Things, and Events.

 You get to decide how things work in your setting like the nature of souls, the powers and abilities that can be learn/obtain/born with, the kinds of life that will arise, and so on so forth. You can also bring things out or toss things in as you please.



Essence of the Trimurti

By consuming the Essence of the Trimurti you gain the following powers:

• The Power of Creation: You can create absolutely everything/anything without limits, including concepts, existence, reality, and even the totality itself. You can also create from nothing or even create one thing from another (e.g. manifesting an image from a comic book, creating life from the dead, and duplicating anything). You can create basically anything you choose on an unlimited scale.

• The Power of Cosmos: You can exert your will upon creation to manipulate absolutely anything/everything without limits. This includes but not limited to: matter, energy, space, time, causality, thought, emotion, science, magic, law, concept, etc. You can grab hold of creation and twist, bend, sculpt, and re-sculpt it into whatever form that they desire or can imagine.

• The Power of Destruction: You can destroy anything and everything without limits, from concepts, boundaries and causation, to studies like metaphysics and science, even irrational "concepts" like the fabric of nothingness or even totality itself. Unless you give your permission, the power of destruction is not only absolute but irreversible as well.

