[Ping! Hello Nathan, I am the system. To continue tutorial please think/say main menu.] "Huh" And that is how my life went from garbage, to shit.
A/N: Just a quick note, I might not be able to get the sixteenth chapter out since it's my brother's graduation.
"Ugh, why does it have to rain now?" I said as I watch the water slide off my cloak thanks to the water proof enchant I placed on it, Magic is so amazing. I pull out my compass once more to see it point to Brooklyn area in New York.
I hail a taxi and head their before paying and getting out, before following my compass to the stray werewolf. I don't have any silver so I'll have to kill him with magic, which will be easy with my constructs.
After many turns and dead ends I arrive to a alley where I see a huge wolf with gleaming yellow eyes, Defiantly the werewolf. I quickly form something I came up with with Magnus, a gun.
It was difficult to make but once I did I quickly fell in love, unlike a real gun it makes no noise, nor do I have to reload as I turn my magic into bullets, I can also change the bullets by adding a element to it.
I can make incendiary bullets with my fire affinity, I don't know how to add time or space yet but I will soon, maybe after a few months with practice and a bigger mana pool. I quickly take aim before firing at the wolf.
I continue to fire as it's pelted by my bullets, by the time it turns to me it's dead. I was about to leave when a silver arrow is fired at me, I dodge narrowly and turn my head to where it was fired from.
Standing at the alley entrance was a group of girls ranging from 10-16 dressed in a silver parka and combat jeans, I observe the one that fired at me and I put my hands up quickly, I may be strong but a goddess is not someone I want to fight.
Name: Artemis
Race: Goddess
Age: 3175
Title: Olympian
Tier: God
Level: ? (Xp: ?/?)
Health: ?/? (Regen: ? every minute)
Stamina: ?/? (Regen: ? every minute)
Mana: ?/? (Regen: ? every minute)
Mana Control: 100%
Str: ?
Vit: ?
Dex: ?
Int: ?
Wis: ?
Mag: ?
Luc: 190 (570)
Cha: ?
Remaining stat points: ?]
'Dear mother of god save me, I'm so fucked.' I thought, I could only see her Luc! And everything is 3 times so I'm fucked three times over. I kneel as to appease the goddess in front of me as some of the girls snarl, why?
"I'll give you one chance, mortal, why have you interrupted my hunt." Lady Artemis asked as I realized they still don't know about the mortals sending quests, or at least didn't bother checking in on them.
I make sure my voice is clear before speaking, "Apologies M'lady, the agency I work for had not told me you were hunting the stray." I say as she raises an eyebrow before I feel something brush against my forehead, it leaves as fast as it came as she recoiled in shock.
[Mental intrusion blocked, bitch.]
"Y-you, how are you able to block your mind from me." She growls at me, "It was a gift, M'lady. The agency I work for is mortal run, it was made by multiple magicians and skilled legacies."
She furrows or brow before she snaps her finger, a iris message appeared showing a blond guy. "Sis! You never call! What do you-" He said as Artemis interrupted him, "Hush, I need you to tell me if the boy lies, boy repeat what you said." She demanded as I did, I hope Percy never meets her, he'd through a fit or step out of line.
"Nope, true as myself I'm afraid. I can see their base right now in fact, well made for mortals, better than most non-god made places in fact." Apollo said as Artemis hums before swiping her hand through the message.
"What do we do with the boy, M'lady?" Asked a 16 year old girl, a quick observe told me everything.
Name: Zoe Nightshade
Race: Demi-Titan
Age: 2732
Title: Hunter of Artemis
Tier: Demi-Titan
Level: 74 (Xp: 16500/17400)
Health: 16400/16400 (Regen: 462.5 every minute)
Stamina: 4150/4150 (Regen: 69.1 every minute)
Mana: 3700/3700 (Regen: 273.75 every minute)
Mana Control: 16.5%
Str: 110 (*2.25=247)
Vit: 92 (*2.25=207)
Dex: 90 (*2.25=202)
Int: 290 (*2.25652)
Wis: 250 (*2.25=562)
Mag: 150 (*2.25=303)
Luc: 21 (*2.25=47)
Cha: 80 (*2.25=180)
Remaining stat points: 370]
'The ever living fuck!' I screamed in my head as I kept my face calm, while it took her 27 centuries to get that strong it's still powerful. And she definitely didn't spend them all training her stats.
"We let him go, father has a mission for us so we make haste. Boy, don't make a habit of this." Artemis said as I nod, pleased she and her hunters ran to the empire state building, or at least near there.
"Ha~ Thank you for the save." I said to the system out load. call me stupid but I was sacred, pissed, and more determined to get stronger. I pull out my compass to find the other monster and make my way to a beach, Montauk.
'Huh, didn't Percy plan on going this summer? And our school gets out early so- oh shit it's after him isn't it?' I thought as I quickly made haste, running my way there. I flameport (Name of fire teleport skill) a few times to gain a few miles.
On the way there I see a car driving before getting struck by lightning, ouch. Behind the car I see what looks like the Minotaur. 'Well theres the monster, and the car must be Percy.' I thought as I rushed the monster to give them time, and do my job.
I activate magical augmentation and pull out my sword, before shooting the bull with a fire ball. It roars in pain and charges in my direction, I side step it and slash my sword through it as it bleeds dust but doesn't poof.
'I guess thats why it's a legend.' I thought before I dodge it's charge but am smacked by its arm.
[You've taken-]
I ignore it as I shoot two more fire balls on it as it charges again, this time I jump up and get on it's back and stab into it's skull. I jump off and watch as it fades to gold dust. Annoying but not hard.
[You've received 5000 Xp for killing the Minotaur! You've also received a Minotaur horn.]
'Neat, now hows Percy?' I wonder as I turn to see Grover, Percy and what looks like his mom Sally standing there looking at me in shock. Why didn't they run away?! What if I lost, they would be dead!
As I go to speak Grover bleats, "N-Nate is that you? I smell you." He said, "Uh, yeah but you shouldn't tell people you know their scent ya' know?" I say as he blushes, Percy looks confused until I pull my hood down.
"Nate?! Whats going on here? How'd you do that fire thingy? Why do you look like a super model? I'm so confused." Percy shoots off, heres to hoping Grover can explain because I had just lost a good 500 armor points.
"Grover's got this yeah, 'cause I gotta go claim my reward at the Agency. If you need me call Lou, got it? Nice to meet you Sally but I've gotta go, good luck with Percy!" I say as I flameport away a good mile.
I sigh and open the Labyrinth, if Percy's luck is so high why did a Minotaur find him? Was his karma out of whack or some shit? I don't know but I think I should give something to Percy just in case, maybe a few magic lessons on water.
'But if theres one thing I'm doing, it's getting stronger.' I thought, as I disappeared into the Labyrinth.
Hello! Sorry for the late chapter I had to celebrate my brothers Graduation and write the Artemis part which was weird and awkward for me. I haven't written much, only for a month or so, so I'm not to confident in my ability to write about about her since she's a possible ship.
Ignoring my problems, whatcha guys think? Good? Bad? Leave a Review or comment! Thanks for leaving reviews and giving me stones btw. We're about 21 less than the god of magic book and I wanna beat my senior. Onward my readers, and we'll reach the top and be the best Percy Jackson fanfic here!