

431Chapter 4

***Note- Yay! a double update. I apologize for the slow beginning.

Important thing to note... This will be yaio (boy-boy) eventually. Don't like? You do not have to read.

Disclaimer- I do not own Percy Jackson and the Olympians or the Heroes of Olympus series. (One can dream though) All rights go to the proper parties.

Percy POV

"Wake up Percy."

I moan and pulled the pillow over my head. "Five more minutes mom." I was so exhausted. It had taken me hours to fall asleep last night. My brain was not ready to process anything yet. Even my mom's voice sounded weird to me.

"Uhhhhh... I'm not your mom Percy." I sat up and looked around. I was in my cabin at camp. I looked over to see a very amused son of Hades standing over me.

I fell out of bed, "Holy Hera! Dam it Nico! Give a guy a heart attack, why don't you!"

Nico just raised an eyebrow, "Time for breakfast Percy."

I groaned and got to my feet. "Seriously Nico, you do not have to do this every morning." It had been almost a month and a half since she left. I was doing my best to not think of her name. The slightest mention of her and it still felt as though someone had stabbed a knife into my chest.

Yet, every morning without fail, Nico would be there to wake me up and make sure I went to breakfast. The first week had been horrible. I left my cabin for meals but that was it. But after the first few weeks I began to see that my life was not over. Eventually I got over the immediate pain of her absence and remembered she was not gone forever. She would return as soon as she was able, and I would be here waiting for her when she did. I had things I needed to do. I needed to start training again. Besides, just because I had been out of commission did not mean that there was no more work to be done.

The camp was looking worlds better than it had a few months ago. Chiron predicted that we would be finished the reconstruction within a month.

"What can I say; I take my job very seriously."

I rolled my eyes. While I was in what my friends so kindly named, my zombie phase, I wasn't very cooperative. You draw a sword one time, just once, and suddenly you're a danger. After that the only people who were willing to wake me were Jason and Nico. Jason usually stood in the doorway and yelled at me till I woke up, which was usually followed by me throwing whatever was in reach at him.

Nico was much more creative. He usually started by stealing my blankets or pillow. When I was being very uncooperative he would flip my bed over. Once, when I was in a truly foul mood, after he flipped the bed I tried to go back to sleep. Not my best plan. He grabbed my arm and shadow traveled us directly to the dining pavilion.

After that highly embarrassing morning, I made sure to get up when he told me to. And as such, the task of human alarm clock had fallen to him. I had a feeling that enjoyed his task far more than he let on.

"I'm beginning to think that you just enjoy causing suffering." I looked at him with a fake pout on my face.

Nico looked away but I could see that he was trying his best to keep a straight face. "Just get ready fish-face."

I called after him as he left, "Sadist." He looked back at me and smirked. I shook my head and went to get ready.


After breakfast, I met the others outside the cabins. "So where are we working today." I found myself in a fairly good mood this morning. Not only was it sunny out, but they had served blueberry pancakes for breakfast.

Hazel gave me a little wave as Jason spoke. "We might as well wait for Frank and Nico to show up. That way I don't have to repeat myself."

"Oh crap, here comes Jenn." Piper muttered.

There was a collective groan as a perky blonde ran up to us. Jenn was a new camper. She had arrived only a few weeks before the end of the second war.

The final battle against Gaia's army had taken place here at camp. Nico had been instrumental in the defeat. He had really stepped up to the plate. Not only had Nico lead camp half-blood into battle, he had single handily taken on an entire battalion of monsters. Everyone who was here claimed that watching him gave our fighters the courage they needed. His efforts saved the lives of countless demigods.

Ever since that battle Nico had earned the respect and admiration of the camp, especially a certain blue eyed daughter of Demeter. It didn't matter what Nico said to her about not being interested. She followed him everywhere, like a particularly devoted stalker. He ditched her at any and every opportunity.

"Hey guys, have any of you seen Nico?"

"Um... no, sorry, not today. Why don't you go and check the beach? Maybe he decided to go for an early morning swim?" Hazel answered with an innocent look in her eyes.

"Okay, thanks Haze!" Hazel winced at the use of her nickname. Jenn smiled and headed to the beach to go find the object of her obsession.

There was a collective breath of relief when she left. None of use wanted to be around when she found him.

I chuckled and glanced at Hazel. "You know she really doesn't know him very well. Have you ever known Nico to go for a swim?"

"I enjoy swimming; I just don't do it particularly often as the water tends to drag me under. Son of Hades, remember?" Nico joined our group as Frank went over to stand with Hazel. "So why are we talking about my desire for a swim?"

Piper smirked at him, "Well if you're up to a swim you should head down to the beach. Your girlfriend is looking for you."

Nico looked like someone had just filled his cabin with pegasus dung; "I assure you she is not, has not, and will never be my girlfriend."

Jason and I looked at each other and that was it. Our entire group dissolved into a laughing fit. Frank and Hazel were holding onto each other. Piper was shaking uncontrollably and Jason had tears of laughter falling down his face. I had fallen to the ground, unable to stand.

"I'm... sorry Nico..." I managed to choke out, "Your face!" Nico looked like he was planning the best way to kill all five of us.

"Why don't you tell us what were up to today Grace." Nico spoke through clenched teeth.

We eventually managed to stop laughing but, really, his face had been priceless. I wish I had gotten a picture.

"Okay... okay. Sorry Nico, that was priceless. Piper, Frank, Hazel, the three of you are supposed to go help work on the coliseum. Percy and I are supposed to go help finish rebuilding the stables. Nico, you're supposed to go help harvest the strawberries."

"Percy, please switch with me."

I was surprised at the note of desperation in the ghost kings voice. "What's wrong Nico? I thought you didn't like the pegasus because they are skittish around you."

"I have no problem working with skittish horses if it means I don't have to go to the strawberry fields."

"I can't trade today Nico, Chiron asked me to go to the stables. One of the younger pegasus is being jumpy, Chiron asked me to try to calm him down. Besides, it's a beautiful day, what's wrong with berry picking."

"Jenn, she always works in the field."

"Fine Nico, I will trade you jobs." Jason started to laugh again, "I will tell Chiron, you and Percy head over to the stables."

Nico looked very relieved. I felt a little bit bad for laughing at him about her. I know how much he hates it. I couldn't be sure, but I believe he might have a secret girlfriend. He never seemed to look twice at any of the girls who tried to flirt with him. True none of them were as forward as Jenn, but even I am not as oblivious as he seems to be.

I tried to ask Jason if he knew if Nico had a crush on anyone. I told him my theory about a secret girlfriend but Jason didn't believe me. He just gave me a strange look and told me he thinks I am way off base.

Nico really isn't very open with anyone but he seems to get along with Jason the best. I try my hardest not to let that get to me but I really don't understand. I've been trying to be his friend for years, but he always shuts down. We've gotten a little closer over the last month and a half but he still seems to prefer to stay as far away from me as possible. Whenever I speak to him, to try to get to know him better, he closes off.

"Come on Percy. Stop day dreaming; let's head over to the stables." I smiled and nodded. We were about halfway there when we heard someone calling.

"Hey Neeks! Neeks wait up!" Jenn had clearly spotted us and was running to catch up.

"Crap, come on Percy, let's run."

"There's no point Nico, she will just continue to follow us." Nico sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

"Neeks, there you are. I've been looking for you everywhere. Where were you?"

"Avoiding you," Nico looked like he was already on his last nerve.

"That's not nice Neeks." Jenn pouted.

"I don't care if it was nice, it is the truth. And for the millionth time stop calling me Neeks."

"But that's your nickname silly. That is one of the things I like most about you Neeks, you're always so honest." I could see a tick beginning to develop in Nico's jaw. "So where are you heading today?"

Nico had a very smug look on his face as he answered, "Percy and I are working on the stables today."

"No way! Really? Me too!" Jenn looked as though she had just won the lottery. "Mr.D said that I should try working somewhere else for a change."

I have seen Nico face down monsters, titans, and nearly certain death, but I had never seen him look the way he did at that moment. "Di Immortals," he cursed.