

431Chapter 5

***Note- Finally, we are getting to the more interesting parts. It will be moving slowly but I decided we needed a fun scene. So this is for all of you. Please feel free to review.

Important thing to note... This will be yaio (boy-boy) eventually. Don't like? You do not have to read.

Disclaimer- I do not own Percy Jackson and the Olympians or the Heroes of Olympus series. (One can dream though) All rights go to the proper parties.

Nico POV

"Hades, Zeus, Poseidon, Cupid, anyone, please help me." I could not believe this had happened. The one day that I believed that I was safe from the parasite known as Jenn and she just had to be working with me. I did not have the patience to put up with her today.

As soon as we got to the stables Percy left to go do his horse whispering thing, leaving me with the single most annoying person at camp.

"Isn't this great Neeks?" I internally winced at the idiotic nickname she had given me. Neeks makes one think of something cute and possibly fluffy. I was the son of Hades, God of the Underworld; I was not cute and fluffy. "We get to spend the whole day together, can you think of anything better than that?"

"How about the bubonic plague, world hunger, an eternity in the fields of punishment, anything really."

Jenn started to giggle. "You're so silly Neeks."

I swear if she calls me Neeks one more time, I will impale her.

Rebuilding the stables was hard work. Fortunately that meant that I didn't have to speak to her too much. Unfortunately that meant that the day gotten hot very quickly.

Percy had managed to calm the little pegasus fairly easily. Of course, it always helps when your dad is Poseidon, which gives you the ability to speak horse. All the little guy needed was some attention. Once Percy had finished that task he came to help us re-shingle the new roof.

It was only a few hours later when Percy had apparently decided that it was too hot for him.

Jenn had been chattering non-stop, when she paused I had instantly sent a thank you to the gods for whatever had caused the unexpected silence.

That is, until I heard someone else speak.

"Oh my gods, Percy is so hot."

I looked up in confusion and saw Drew and a few of her cronies were staring at a spot a few feet to my left. I looked over and my breath caught in my throat.

There was Percy. He had removed his shirt and was using it to dry off his forehead. Drew was right. I had always known that Percy was incredibly attractive but without a shirt on, he was something else. I couldn't stop my eyes from raking down his bare chest. Sunlight glinted off of his tan, perfectly carved muscles.

I quickly forced myself to look away but I could feel a bright blush on my face. Luckily everyone else was far too busy ogling the shirtless son of the sea god to notice my discomfort. But of course, there is no such thing as good luck for the children of Hades.

"Nico are you okay? You look a little flushed."

Oh please Zeus, kill me now."I'm fine Percy." I prayed that he would drop it.

Of course not, "Are you sure? It's pretty hot out. Why don't we take a break?"

Yes! An escape option, I can work with that. "No I'm fine Percy. I want to keep working. Why don't you go take a break though?"

For a moment I thought that it worked. He stood up and I hoped that he was going to leave before I ended up doing something incredibly stupid.

The fates hate me.

Percy walked over and pulled me up. I only come up to Percy's chin which means that I had the perfect view of his bare chest.

I pulled back too quickly and ended up backing into Jenn. She screamed as she stumbled. I caught her by reflex before she could fall off the roof.

Jenn looked at me and I could litteraly see the moment she decided that she should kiss me. She leaned in and I panicked. I couldn't drop her or she would probably fall of the roof and die. Regardless of what people think of me, I am not a cold blooded killer.

"Holy Poseidon! Nico I am so sorry. Are you guys okay?"

I could never have imagined that I would find anything that would make me more uncomfortable than a shirtless Percy but I had sure as Hades found something. I quickly stood up pulling Jenn with me and pressing her into Percy's arms.

She looked a little upset about me pulling away from the almost kiss but she started to blush when she realized that Percy had automatically wrapped his arms around her waist to steady her.

"Gods Percy, that was so amazing!" Drew ran up to us fluttering her eyelashes at him. "You like, totally saved her life!" I rolled my eyes as she flirted with him.

Percy furrowed his eyebrows at her. "What are you talking about Drew? I didn't do anything. Nico is the one who saved her. I nearly got her killed." Percy turned back to Jenn and let her go. "Are you sure your alright?"

Jenn blushed and nodded. She looked over at me and smiled, "I am thanks to Neeks." She reached out to try and grab my hand. I glared at her and she dropped her hand.

"Come on, let's get off this roof. We should take a break." With that said, Percy climbed down the ladder.


Percy's POV

The incident got around camp in record time, Drew was, after all, the queen of gossip. Of course the story wasn't even close to what happened. By dinner time I heard someone from the Hecate cabin telling her sibling that I had just happened to be walking by when I saw Jenn wobbling on the edge of the roof I had swooped in and caught her, and that if I had been half a second later and she would have died.

I've never understood rumours. A few of Jenn's friends had come to thank me. I told them that it was Nico who had saved her but they didn't believe me. I couldn't figure out as to why.

"Hey Romeo," Jason came up to walk beside me on our way to the dinning hall. "I heard all about your heroic save earlier."

I rolled my eyes at the son of Jupiter. "It wasn't me who saved her Jason, it was Nico."

"Oh I know. Nico told me the whole story a couple hours ago."

I was confused, "If you already know, can u please help me out? No one seems to believe me."

Jason started to laugh, "Ya, I would bet that they wouldn't."

"What are you talking about? "

Jason smiled at me and gave me something from his pocket. I took the peice of paper from him. I looked down and I felt my jaw drop. It was a picture of me, with my arms wrapped around Jenn's waist. I tried to think of something to say but my brain was not co-operating.

Jason seemed to understand what I wanted to know. "So it turns out one of Drew's friends had her camera on her. There are dozens of copies floating around camp."

I groaned and gave the picture back to Jason. This is just what I needed, "Please tell me that this is some kind of sick joke."

"Well even you have to admit that picture makes it look like you saved her. Come on, lets grab some food."


Dinner was ridiculous. I barely had time to eat. Every few seconds someone would come up and tell me how heroic I was, or how romantic it looked when I saved her. I kept trying to convince people that Nico had saved her, not me, but they would just laugh it off and tell me I was being too modest.

I should have skipped the campfire, but apparently I'm an idiot. I had almost the whole Aphrodite cabin flocking around me. Drew was sitting beside me and kept scooting closer as the Apollo cabin sung. I kept moving away but it wasn't helping. By the end of the sing-along I was nearly halfway across the stands from where I had started.

Drew was looking at me, fluttering her eyelashes like I would melt at will. I was doing everything within my power to ignore her. I randomly wondered if this is how Nico felt around Jenn all the time. "So I've been thinking Perce." Famous last words... "I think that you should take me out."

My jaw dropped as I looked at her. I had to have misheard. The entire camp knew that my heart already belonged to someone. There is no way that anyone was that idiotic.

"It's ok Perce. I will say yes."

"No thank you Drew. I'm not interested."

Drew looked as though I had just spoken in a foreign language. She started to giggle and then rolled her eyes. "It's fine Perce. You don't need to pretend with me. It's been almost 2 months. It's time to move on." She reached out and put her hand on my shoulder, "I will help you forget all about her."

I jumped up and pulled away for her. "Three things Drew. One my name is Percy, not Perce. Two, I have absolutely no interest in you whatsoever. And three, don't touch me."

I ignored her pout and walked back to my cabin.

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