
Peek Evolution

In a world where the destruction of everything seems imminent, a savior was born. Literally Eostion was created specifically for this purpose. He has only one mission, to save the universe. That's why he was born and that's what he lives for. Everything else doesn't matter. But is that all to him? Is his life only for his mission? Or is there something more, only time will tell. --------------------------------------------------------------- Hello everyone Before you start reading I have to say a few things. This is my first work, so I'm not experienced at this. Like at all. The story is basically about the mc getting stronger so the main thing is that there is a lot of repetition in the words, the novel, and the fights themselves. After all, repetition is the mother of learning. I will try to make the story interesting but always keep in mind that am no professional. I promise to do my best but I don't think there will be no plot holes. I will make sure there will be no harem so for harem seekers, this is not for you. Although many girls may be interested only one will win. Or none who knows. The art cover is not mine so if the owner wants it taken down please notify me. That is all, thanks, and have a pleasurable reading.

Kes36 · Kỳ huyễn
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22 Chs

New friends (1)

It has been a few days since Eostion gained his new form. During these days he spent most of his time hunting. However, since his last killing spree, he had never found more than two beasts in one day. This basically meant that he had not made any significant growth in his power, but what he had done was familiarize himself with his new form and abilities. He had not found any formidable opponent to test his new form in battle so his familiarity came from tests he conducted himself.

Right now Eostion was transformed into black smoke, and only after a few seconds did his form finally come into view.

"Hughhh, this is so annoying. I have to switch to bear, absorb then switch back to chameleon. Cant I just enlarge the mana pool of the form I want without changing like 1000 times" expressed his annoyance Eostion.

"Whatever it's still too early. I think I could find another beast to kill for today".


"What the hell was that" thought Eostion clearly startled by the explosion.

"That's a lot of smoke coming over there. Could it be that there is another fight between beasts there? I have to check this out." said he while running towards the smoke.

The place where the smoke was coming from was quite far from Eostion but by using speed enhancement he could get there in 10 minutes or so.

"I do wonder what it could be though if it's a battle between low beasts similar level as me, this could be another great opportunity for me but if the difference between us is too big I'm headed towards my death." as this thought went past his head, Eostion started to slow down until he completely stopped.

"Now what do I do, continue forward or turn back? This could be another great opportunity but the size of the smoke is something that I can not achieve right now. That means that the beasts there are way beyond my level."

"There is also the possibility that the explosion was not created by beasts at all. If that's so then things can get out of hand very quickly."

"So the choices are power and danger or safety and weakens. Haaa, what a headache.

"Hahaha, Well i beter go back "

"HA, Ha , ha. huum. AS IF. My mission is to be the strongest creature to ever live, how can I possibly withdraw from battle? That's just ridiculous."

[Again with the 3 AM motivation energy, nice]

"Now let's hurry up, I still have a lot of distance to cover."

[7 hours before the explosion happened]

Evans Miller: Are you done, Bruno?

Guard Bruno: Yes sir. All the beasts in an area of 50 meters have been eradicated. My underlings have also put repellents and there is a guard every 10 meters.

Evans: Haha, you don't have to be so careful Bruno, we are only on the first circle. The most dangerous beast here is a 'Shadow Viper'.

Bruno: Sir if I may, I think you are being too careless. A 'Shadow Viper' is a dangerous beast. With its venom and its concealing ability it can even kill level 19 entities.

Evans: Bruno. I'm a level 18 magician, surrounded by 30 guards of level 15 and up and in the presence of a disciple. What was your level again? 28? 29? I think I'm pretty safe.

Bruno: It's 29 and that's not the point. The point is that you need to be more careful. What if something happens to you? Or your sister?

Evans: Alright, Alright I'll be more careful. How is my sister by the way?

Bruno: Lady Hana is well, a bit tired from the trip but mostly well. She is currently with her maid.

Evans: That's good, she's still a child so she needs a little rest.

Bruno: Sir if I may ask, why did you bring lady Hana along? Isn't it a bit dangerous for a child like her to be on this trip?

Evans: I know Bruno, but this is also necessary for her growth. Our household prides itself on the quality of magicians that it raises. Look at my older brother, he is currently working as a personal guard for a duke. A DUKE. His path to becoming strong is filled with the blood of hundreds if not thousands of beasts. And now look at her. Her room is filled with random animals and weak beasts. What's worse is that most of the beasts are rats. WHO keeps rats as pets. Haahhhhhh

Bruno: So you plan to make her kill a beast today sir?

Evans: Well that's the plan. It will be difficult for her mentally, but once she does it she will grow stronger and this will open the door to her bright future. She has the highest talent in the whole kingdom, we can't just let it rot away Bruno. Not only for our family but for the whole kingdom. I had my first kill when I was 9 for Pete's sake.

Anyway, that comes later, now on a serious note do you think we will be able to find one here?

Bruno: Uhhm, to be honest sir, I don't think so. Hexeapsi's are very rare creatures, and they are usually found deep in the 'Great Canyon'. That is basically a whole kingdom away. To say that one is here is just stupid.

Evans: So you are saying that the information is false?

Bruno: Sir the information we got came from slave traders. I don't think any of their words can be trusted. Plus if they knew there was a 'Hexeapsi' here they would just have taken it for themselves.

Evans: Indeed, but why would they lie?

Bruno: Money, what else? We paid a lot for this information.

Evans: I guess you are right.

Bruno: Ahh, sir you don't have to get dispirited. What I said earlier were just my speculations. Who knows there could really be a 'Hexeapsi' here.

Evans: I'm not a child Bruno, don't treat me like one.

Bruno: Sorry sir.

Evans: But I really do wish we can find it. If we do we might even get a reward from the king himself. A reward like that can help our family to rise to much greater heights.

Hana: Brother, brother the food is ready. ✿◠‿◠

Evans:ヽ(^o^)ノ Hahaha, is that so? Well let's hurry up then, we don't want the food to get cold now do we?

As he said that he grabbed little Hana and put her in his shoulder.

Hana: ヽ(*.>Д<)o゜Ahhh, brother. Put me down, put me down. I'm gonna fall.

Evans: Realaxxx. You think your big brother is going to let you fall.

Hana: Noo.

Evans: See, then there is nothing to worry about. Now let's go.


Evans: Well that took a lot of time. But it was pretty good, especially the meat. What do you think Hana, did you like the food?

Hana: Umhumm. It was very good.

Bruno: Sir, Miss. Are you sure you have had enough? We have a long journey ahead of us, it will take at least a few hours. It will be pretty tiresome.

Evans: Thank you Bruno but I'm full.

Hana: Me too.

Bruno: Alright then let's get going, we already spent half an hour here.

[30 minutes later]

Evans: Say Bruno don't you think that there are too few beasts here? We have come across only a 'Wind gliding squirrel', shouldn't we have at least seen a 'White falcon' or a 'Turtitus' by now?

Bruno: Ahh. I see you haven't heard yet, sir. Around four months ago a huge mana crystal mine was discovered in the other half of the forest. So because of the mana crystal's most of the beast's migrated to the other side of the forest for a chance to grow stronger.

Quite unfortunately for us, the other part is located in the Wildon Empire so we have no rights over it.

Evans: I see. Wait if all the beasts have migrated to the other side, doesn't that mean that the Kefon Kingdom boarding the forest is in trouble?

Bruno: Indeed, in fact I have heard rumors that the Kefon kingdom has requested help from the other kingdoms. I don't know if it's the truth though. Until now there have been quite a lot of casualties.

Evans: I feel bad for the innocent people.

Bruno if most of the beasts have gone to the other side doesn't that mean that the hexeapsi is most likely there?

Bruno: You don't have to worry sir. Hexeapsis are a very territorial species, so they don't like populated areas. If there is an Hexeapsi in this forest it is definitely in this part of the forest.

Evans: Let's hope so.