
Peace Weaver

My father yanked me away from my mom's side and threw me into a wall. He never truly loved me. I was more like that shadow of what could've been. I was his only disappointment. His only child. "Ebony Lilac Neasther!" his voice boomed. He stood up and turned to face me. "You...You are no longer my daughter." Those were the last words he had ever said to me. I lost my father to a war unnerving.

Isabella_Layne · Kỳ huyễn
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7 Chs


© 2021 Isabella Layne

"Hello. My name is Ebony. Today was a day of much resent. However, I come forward to tell you that our Kingdom does not stand alone. I might not be your Queen, but I am Miraga's daughter. I am Princess Ebony of Naev! Together we fight!" I called out my speech.

I have powers no being should have. I can create or end a war, make people sick, and I control all of the elements. My mother, Miraga, is sick and my Father disowned me after he found out about my powers.

The kingdom of Naev is at war with the kingdom of Tealn. Its been this way since my fore fathers lived. No one can remember a time when we were not at war. At least, not anyone living anyway.

Our kingdom is not modern, we have maids but they are treated like people. Everyone who comes to the castle is treated with respect. Tealn doesn't like the way our kingdom works. They believe that everyone who isn't royalty doesn't matter. Stepped on and sold to those who will never treat them like humans. Frankly its disgusting.

Enough of that. We all know the stories and rumors.

Naev is a beautiful kingdom surrounded by the Sintle forest behind us and the Naevian beach in front of us. When one journeys out far enough they will come to a violet tinted mountain range. All of the battles are held here for fear of ruining the intriguing landscape of our kingdoms. Neither side wanted to unearth the tremendous powers that lay beneath our kingdoms.

Guardians of great strength are in place to prevent any of our enemies from setting foot beneath our ley lines, however, you cannot see them. One has to feel them.

For many centuries, magic lay dormant within the lives of this kingdom. One's magic is unknown until it feels that you could be in grave danger.

My magic was uncovered the same way. Tealn hadn't dared attack my father's kingdom until I was nearing the age of Coronation.


Desperately, I fought to keep my emotions under raps until my mother screamed. I looked away for one moment from my attacker and he nearly struck me through the heart.

Before the blade ever reached my body, it felt like my mind was being sucked in to an unusual darkness. I could hear my heart beating as though power was coursing through my veins.

His steel blade shattered three inches from my body. My head down, he snatched my arm and I felt a tingling sensation running through my soul and he immediately fell to his knees and begged me to forgive him. My father dared not to even hear him before decapitating him before my eyes.

Swiftly, I turned on my heel and walked to my mother's side. Gracefully I bent down.

"My dear Ebony," she coughed up blood. "You truly are my daughter." My mother gazed into my eyes before they looked like they were drained of all color.

Knowing that I wasn't allowed to mourn like this on a battle field, I moved my hand up her arm, and everywhere I touched, started to grow lighter.

My father yanked me away from my mom's side and threw me into a wall. He never truly loved me. I was more like that shadow of what could've been. I was his only disappointment. His only child.

"Ebony Lilac Neasther!" his voice boomed. He stood up and turned to face me. "You...You are no longer my 'daughter'."

Those were the last words he had ever said to me.

I lost my father to a war unnerving.