
Peace Weaver

My father yanked me away from my mom's side and threw me into a wall. He never truly loved me. I was more like that shadow of what could've been. I was his only disappointment. His only child. "Ebony Lilac Neasther!" his voice boomed. He stood up and turned to face me. "You...You are no longer my daughter." Those were the last words he had ever said to me. I lost my father to a war unnerving.

Isabella_Layne · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Back Ground: Part 1

three years ago

"Good morning Your Highness. It's time for you to get ready for the royal breakfast." Sandra, my maid, said to me. I slowly released my grip on a fruitless nights sleep and stood up. My robe was hanging by my bed stand and I reached to put it on, sighing in the warming fleece.

Sandra helped me to the bathroom and prepared a warm bath. I stepped in and relaxed and took deep breaths.

My Father is going to punish me if I am not composed.

Today is the first royal breakfast since my birth. When the coming age of coronation is upon a royal child, the kingdoms allied with Naev make a request for a royal breakfast. Since the age of coronation is fifteen, I am required to attend. Not only because if my age, yet also for the fact that this is my coronation. I will be named the Crown Heiress this day and I refuse to disappoint my Father.

Despite the nauseating flutter in my stomach, I step out of the bath and towel off. Knowing that being anxious will only make my situation worse, I asked Sandra to make me some fresh green tea to calm my nerves. Although she is my age, Sandra is wise beyond her years.

About five minutes later, I was completely dry and drinking the tea. However much it soothed my anxiety, it could not soothe my nerves.

"Your Highness, its time to dress-" I interrupted her. "Sandra please, call me Eb. We've known each other our whole lives. My blood does not change friendship."

"Yes. I'm sorry Eb. Would you like any assistance putting on your dress?" She asked.

"I w-would...Thank you." I stammered.

Around three hours later, my hair was done in a slight up-do, with a small length of curls and I was wearing my voilet dress. My hair showed my fair complexion and the dress made my eyes stand out.

I was wearing a slight amount of blush and a light shade of purple eye shadow. My lips were colored in a light red and stood out with my silver necklace and emerald pendant.

Breath in breath out, I told myself.

"I am ready." Not!

I turned to walk down the hallway with a small bit of purpose in my stride. Hoping I would seem more confident than I truly am, I smiled as I walked by the maids roaming the halls.

Guards were standing at the door waiting for me. As I approached, they slowly pulled the spears away from the doors and opened them for me.

I gazed upon my Father's throne and noticed that he wasn't sitting down or frowning. I looked into his eyes as I made my way to take my seat and saw a blazing fire of pride but not love. My mother's gaze held love and pride.

Hopefully, I won't disappoint them. I thought to myself.