
Paths intertwined

Katelyn Scott and Stuart Brown's lives takes a turn as destiny finds a way to bring them together. As they fall in love, Stuart's betrothed, Tracy Mikel, and his sister, Kori Brown, plot against him. Kori vows to inherit the family business and leave Stuart with nothing. Katelyn, unaware of her pregnancy, flees from Stuart and finds a place where no one can find her. Meanwhile, Stuart being pressured by his mother, tries to make things work between himself and Tracy. Will Kori's plans succeed? Will Stuart discover Katelyn's secret? Will Katelyn and Stuart get another chance at love? Follow their journey in "Paths intertwined."

Squishy_Squish · Thành thị
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7 Chs

Chapter 1:Worried

Katelyn woke up to the chirping sound of the bird singing by her window side, she lazily dragged her body towards her window to feel the early morning breeze on her face

"Good morning!" she said to mother nature with a smile on her face she headed towards her bathroom door but was stopped half way by a knock on her door

"Mom!!" she growled pulling the door open

"good morning sunshine!" her mom Mrs Bethy greeted with a smile

"Good morning mom!" Katelyn said moving out of the way for her mom to walk into the room

"You are such a lazy bone to still be on bed by now" Mrs Bethy teased making Katelyn to chuckle

"So tell me where are you going this morning you look all great and beautiful" Katelyn praised her mom while walking into her bathroom

"I have a meeting with the board directors at the office today" Mrs Bethy replied smiling

"Mom I told you to minimize the way you work, it's getting to much" Katelyn said sounding disappointed with her toothbrush in her mouth

"You don't need to worry about me darling, I'm perfectly fine and I love my job" Mrs Bethy said smiling broadly

"Dad didn't leave the company under your care remember, it's still under my name, so, you wouldn't stress to death mom, I mean you gotta take it easy on yourself at least consider your health for me" Katelyn said walking out of the bathroom

"I'm doing it for my happiness darling so you don't need to worry much about me cause you've got a strong mom" Bethy praised herself with a smile on her face

"Still pray you find someone to love, I'm sure you would understand how worried I am about your health when you find someone" Katelyn said with a sigh and a dim expression on her face

"Umm... ugh ...! I should get going, you take care of yourself, oh yes! Monica made breakfast" She said hurriedly walking out of Katelyn's room.


Katelyn finished getting ready and made her way downstairs to join her mom and Monica, their housekeeper, for breakfast, but she saw her mom heading out of the hallway without having breakfast, she sighed and dragged herself to the kitchen. The aroma of fresh coffee and warm pastries filled the air as she entered the kitchen.

"Good morning, Monica," Katelyn greeted warmly, a smile brightening her face.

"Morning, Miss Katelyn. I made your favorite blueberry muffins," Monica replied, placing a plate full of delicious looking muffins in front of her.

"Thank you, Monica. You're the best," Katelyn said appreciatively, taking a bite of the muffin.

As she savored the flavors, her mind wandered to her conversation with her mom earlier. She couldn't help but worry about her mom's workload and the toll it might be taking on her health. Mrs. Bethy had always been a strong and independent woman, but Katelyn knew that even the strongest of individuals needed a break sometimes.

Lost in her thoughts, Katelyn decided to reach out to a close friend who worked as a life coach. She wanted to get some advice on how to approach her mom about taking better care of herself without sounding too pushy.

During breakfast, Katelyn shared her concerns with Monica, who had been a part of their family for many years. Monica listened attentively and nodded understandingly.

"Miss Katelyn, your mother is one of the most determined and passionate individuals I've ever known. But perhaps she just needs a gentle reminder that her well-being is important too," Monica suggested.

Katelyn nodded. She knew Monica was right. Her mom had always put everyone else's needs before her own. It was time to remind her that she deserved happiness and love in her life, just as Katelyn did.

After breakfast, Katelyn gathered her things and gave Monica a warm hug and left the house.

Katelyn was thrilled as she walked out of her house and towards her brand new Tesla car. The sleek black vehicle gleamed in the sunlight, and she eagerly hopped into the driver's seat. With a quick turn of the key, the engine roared to life, and Katelyn drove off towards her favorite spa.

Arriving at the spa, Katelyn was surprised to find it completely empty. Confused, she walked inside and was warmly greeted by Ms Devon, the spa owner. Giving her a side hug, Katelyn exchanged pleasantries with Ms Devon, asking her how she was doing.

Hey Ms Devon!" Katelyn greeted giving her a side hug

"How are you doing Katelyn?" Ms Devon asked

"Good as always" Katelyn replied with a smile

"Came for a spa?" Ms Devon asked

"Off course yes!" Katelyn replied looking around as they made their way further into the spa, Katelyn couldn't help but notice the staff working tirelessly, as if preparing for a grand event. Curiosity filled her eyes as she asked Ms Devon why the spa was empty and why the staff seemed to be in such a rush.

"Ms Devon why is everywhere so empty and why are your staffs working tirelessly like you're throwing a party or something?" Katelyn asked looking around with a curious smile on her face

"I'm sorry Ms Scott but the spa is having an important person to take care of today, so we won't be attending to any other customers cause we've been booked for a special service" Ms Devon said