
Paths intertwined

Katelyn Scott and Stuart Brown's lives takes a turn as destiny finds a way to bring them together. As they fall in love, Stuart's betrothed, Tracy Mikel, and his sister, Kori Brown, plot against him. Kori vows to inherit the family business and leave Stuart with nothing. Katelyn, unaware of her pregnancy, flees from Stuart and finds a place where no one can find her. Meanwhile, Stuart being pressured by his mother, tries to make things work between himself and Tracy. Will Kori's plans succeed? Will Stuart discover Katelyn's secret? Will Katelyn and Stuart get another chance at love? Follow their journey in "Paths intertwined."

Squishy_Squish · Urban
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7 Chs

The mysterious guy

Ms Devon's word was a disappointment for Katelyn, who had planned to have her regular spa treatment.

"Oh why today?" Katelyn asked disappointed "I can't possibly get my spa done somewhere else and I need to get it done today, I've got an interview in two days Ms Devon and today is the only day I've got please, can you help me, it's really important to me right now" Katelyn pleaded anxiously showing her disappointment,

"I'm sorry Katelyn! wish I could help you out but Mr Brown will be arriving any moment from now, he's an important guest and I can't possibly ask him to wait while I get yours done, besides he already booked the spa exclusively for himself!" Ms Devon said with her shoulder dropping. Katelyn was disheartened, feeling helpless and unsure of what to do, she wanted to say something when Suddenly, a handsome and well-dressed man in his late twenties, accompanied by a group of bodyguards, walked into the spa. His presence immediately caught Katelyn's attention, and she wondered who he could be. He had a dark sunglasses which covered his eyes, making it difficult for one to recognize his identity

"welcome Mr Brown! you arrived earlier than expected" Ms Devon said walking closer to him with a sweet smile on her face

"Didn't I ask for all customers to be excluded from the spa today?" Stuart asked coldly without a smile as he walked towards the VIP section of the spa room with Ms Devon walking behind him

Feeling guilty, Ms Devon began to apologize. "I'm sorry Sir!" Ms Devon apologized "that is Katelyn Scott, my friend, she came for a spa but I intend asking her to leave since she wasn't aware of the notice before hand" Ms Devon apologized and turned to leave with the intention to ask Katelyn to exit the spa

But before she could do so, Mr Brown surprised everyone with his response. "Let her stay, I will share the staffs with her and yes, put her bills in my name" he said. He allowed Katelyn to stay, understanding that she hadn't been aware of the notice and had come to the spa for an important reason.

With a nod of approval, Mr Brown walked into the inner room of the spa, followed by Ms Devon. Katelyn was left speechless by the unexpected turn of events. She couldn't believe her luck as she watched the mysterious man disappear into the VIP section.

Katelyn received her spa treatment, feeling both grateful and amazed by the kindness shown to her by the mysterious man. After leaving the spa, she decided to make a quick stop at the mall to pick up a few things before heading home.

Katelyn could hear the excitement in Carissa's voice as she complained about being alone at home. It had been a rainy evening and Katelyn had settled herself comfortably on the couch to watch her favorite TV show. However, Carissa's call instantly filled her with a sense of adventure.

"Hey!" Carissa's voice crackled through the phone, sounding eager.

Katelyn smiled and replied, "Hi!"

Carissa sighed dramatically, voicing her boredom. "I feel so bored being at home alone. Dad is out of state and I have the house to myself, urhh!!" Carissa exclaimed. Her frustration was palpable as she expressed her dissatisfaction with the dullness of her current situation. "How about some clubbing tonight? The house is so fucking boring," she complained.

Katelyn's laughter filled the air as she teased her best friend. "Silly girl ain't coming bye!" she replied, unable to hide her amusement at Carissa's predicament.

However, Carissa's plea was desperate. "Come on, Kate! We won't stay out too long, please," she pleaded, hoping to convince her friend to join her.

Unable to resist her friend's desire for a night of fun, Katelyn sighed and finally gave in. "Alright! Alright! Alright! But the bill is gonna be on you, bitch," she said teasingly, knowing that Carissa would take up the challenge.

Both girls were excited about their impromptu decision to go clubbing. They quickly made plans and decided on the perfect place to spend their evening. As Katelyn ended the call and switched off the TV, a sense of excitement and anticipation filled the room. They were ready to have a night filled with laughter, dancing, and memories that they would cherish for a lifetime.