
Chapter 113

Bruce walked and sat in front of his Batcomputer, going through the tens of procedures to unlock the Batcomputer. He immediately went to the folder that showed all the threat levels of every meta-human, villain, and hero.

"C-1. A strong Alien from the race Kree, capable of fighting and defeating Wonder Woman. Her strength limit is unknown and is said by Lex Luthor to have limitless growth..." He paused, moving her folder to another group. "This puts her in the same threat level as Rick Brandon and Clark Kent."

Batman then clicked on her folder and started editing it. "Dissociative identity disorder has caused C-1 to have five other differently functioning personalities controlling her body whenever she doesn't wish to. During the three months I have been watching, only three of the five out personalities have emerged."

"The first personality is Octavia. In C-1's absence, Octavia will gain control over C-1's body most of the time until another personality manifests when they feel they are needed. When Octavia is in control, her physical body transforms into a teenage girl around the age of 18 with brown eyes and shoulder-length curly hair. She is 5'8" tall with a fit body. Her personality... your typical teenage girl. Lazy, self-satisfied, self-absorbed, curious, fearless, and adventurous. Despite all this, she is the easiest one to speak to." Batman cracked his fingers before continuing.

"The second personality to emerge is Ruby. She seems to emerge when a battle is going on. When she is in control, the body transforms into a 5'11" beautiful woman. She has a toned and muscular body still retaining her feminine feature, with her hair was cut short into an elongated pixie style. Ruby is a loud and foul mouth woman who loves to fights. She was able to make me almost lose my due to her foul mouth... That's an achievement." Batman mumbled the last part, rubbing the bridge of his nose.

The first time Ruby appeared was during a test section when Wally started a fight with Octavia. Although Wally ended up winning due to his immense speed, it allowed him to know the condition in which Ruby would emerge. The second time, she appeared out of the blue during Batman's conversation with Octavia, foul-mouthing him so much he almost lost his cool.

"It seems like Ruby won't attack if someone didn't initiate the fight. The third and most recent one to emerge is..."

[Alert! Alert! Alert!] A strong warning ringed from the Batcomputer interrupting his documenting.

Quickly saving, he went to an alert, instantly becoming stunned. In response to the incident with the unidentified flying spaceship 9 months ago, he, Martian Manhunter, and Masaru created a technology that would scan the solar system regularly, alerting them if anything unusual appeared. What the scan showed was an object as big as Earth's moon floating between Jupiter and Saturn.

Batman immediately sent out a message to all Justice League members to be on standby. He then contacted Clark, Hal, and J'onn to follow him to the unidentified object. Batman informed Alfred, of his absence, before getting on his spaceship and shooting into space.

He soon arrived at the scene, a big disgusting blob of flesh with some faint sight of veins, as big as the moon waiting for him. Seeing the sight, Batman didn't know what to think. As he got closer, he saw the three he called were already there, including one uninvited guest. "Lex, what are you doing here?" Batman asked, connecting to Lex's green spacesuit.

"This event concerns me too. Besides, I know what this is." Lex said, focusing on the moon. "It is either a creature of Carnage's creation, seeing as I feel a connection to it, or Carnage himself. Either way, it is a Kree."

'What have Carnage been up to?' Superman thought, using his x-ray vision of the blob. Unfortunately, he couldn't see through the flesh, piquing his curiosity even further.

"I scan a faint life force coming from it. This thing is alive!" Green Lantern shouted, "But-"

"It is dying down." A voice finished. The voice belonged humanoid pink beast wearing the pink lantern ring and uniform. Behind him were five other green lanterns. "My name is MuckCock, member of Sectors 2814 green lantern corp. We were called here by Hal to look into this with you guys."

Batman looked at them from the comfort of his spaceship before turning back at the blob of flesh. "Do what you want." He said while activating his ship scanner.

The five new green lanterns went on to help scan the thing, with Superman and Martian Manhunter keeping watch.

'What is this thing.' Batman thought, reading from the data his scan was picking up. 'It is alive, yes, but the amount of mass this thing has is above was something of its size should even have. What's more interesting is the gravitational field around it, which seems to be growing by the second, as if the mass is becoming more...'

He suddenly picked up something in his scan which caused him to shout out commands.

"Everyone, move back." While sending out the command, he already moved away from the thing.

The Justice League members and Lex Luthor quickly obeyed his order, moving away from the anomaly, but the six green lanterns were too late. They weren't able to hear his orders due to not having the special earpiece that allowed the others to hear him.

Before they knew it, a spaceship, as massive as an aircraft carrier, appeared behind the green lanterns. Before anyone could react to help, it drove into them, pushing them to the orb of flesh.

The six of them were slowly and painfully absorbed by the planet while the Justice League members watched in disgust and horror. After fully absorbing the green lanterns, Batman picked up the 'heartbeat' of the thing.

A big pulse of gravity shot out the anomaly, pushing everyone and everything away from it. Back on Earth, every living thing raised their heads as a loud and clear heartbeat sounded through the planet.

Quickly balancing his spaceship, Batman faced where the blob of flesh once was, but it was gone. Along with the massive spaceship.

"That thing... It revived itself after absorbing those green lanterns." The shocked voice of Martian Manhunter entered their mind.

"Whatever that is, it will be coming back. Everyone, send the data you received from the scan. Including you, Luthor." Batman thought, allowing Martian Manhunter to share his thought with the others.

"No problem." Lex agreed without a second thought.

Not having any time to waste, Batman immediately returned to Earth, landing his spaceship before going back to the bat cave. Seating in front of his computer was Barbara, who looked at the returning Batman.

"Did anything happen there?" She frantically asked, wheeling her wheelchair towards him. "Everyone and I mean everyone, heard a heartbeat coming from space."

"Yes." Batman shortly responded, walking past her. "I need you to go and ask Octavia some questions."

"What is it?" Barbara asked, turning to face him.

He told her the questions she needs to ask as she left to quickly complete the mission. Although the prison in which he keeps C-1 is secret, the main seven members of the Justice League, including J'onn, and two members of his Bat-family Barbara and Dick knows its location.

Batman sat in front of his computer, looking to find if Barbara saw something she wasn't supposed to. He removed his mask sighing. While he was waiting for Barbara to report back to him and Luthor to send him the information he got from the scan, he decided to continue his documentation on C-2

"The third and most recent one to emerge is called Luna. She is the most mature of the other personality so far and seems to be the most intelligent. She appeared when I asked Ruby about the other personalities. Conversing with her is the hardest so far, due to the fact she only speaks Latin which I don't know too well.

"The information I got from her was vague, but I understand the gist. The other two were the most dangerous of C-1's personality."

"The interesting things about her personalities are how each of them can only use a different type of C-1's power. Octavie is immune to all feelings that cause her discomfort and has the supernatural regeneration of a Kree. Ruby has super strength and invulnerability. Luna doesn't have any ability, but her intelligence makes up for it. Especially in biology. The other two? I don't know."

Bruce leaned back in his chair, thinking of something. "I feel like things are going to be getting harder and more dangerous for the Justice League."