
Path of Wrought Steel and Gold

*currently on hold* Also please note that I've changed the lore of RWBY, some more than others, mainly so the world makes a bit more sense.

GrandSplix777 · Tranh châm biếm
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17 Chs

The meeting of brothers

When Gil entered he took out a victorian-style silver pocket watch, a black pen-like object and pitch-black sunglasses from his gate and yelled for everyone to come to the front door, most did simply out of curiosity.

When they got there all were confused to see Gil there standing in front of them let alone with sunglasses on his face.

"Alright I want all of you to look into this pen of mine." he simply said.

As they looked at it Gil pressed on the crown of the pocket watch as a bright light flashed from the `pen`. Everyone was frozen still as Gil proceeded to make his way around the orphanage picking up the other frozen children and adults as he made his way back to the entrance, placing them in front of everyone he once again flashed them with his pen.

Gil once again pressed the crown on his stopwatch allowing everything to move once again.

"Listen up mongrels, none of you will remember a family coming in to adopt me, none of you will remember anything about the family that came to adopt me, you will all remember this day proceeding normally and seeing me a today." Gil made his statement short and sweet and proceeded to once again use his stopwatch to stop time and move everyone back to where they originally were.

Once Gil resumed time it didn't take more than a few seconds before everyone continued on with their day as if nothing happened.

Once he returned to his old room he told his other self to reveal himself as he had a job for them.

A dark blue mist began to form in front of Gil as it condensed and formed a boy with slight dark white hair, tanned skin and grey eyes. The boy was noticeably taller than Gil but just barely, he wore a red and white striped shirt with the stripes angling upwards, black trousers and shoes.

The boy wasn't even looking at Gil but down at a book he was reading a book titled "METAMORPHOSIS".

"...Em I would like to ask you about the book currently in your hand." The blonde said.

EMIYA didn't look up but he did respond to his brothers' question.

"Well, I remember hearing about this `book` so I decided to read it to see if it lived up to the...hype as it were." He said with a bit of hesitation and slight worry.

"Ok, cool, but why? Out of all the cursed shit to read you chose that?" Gil said with a bit of anger evident in his voice.

"Dude chill it's just a story, it can't hurt you, make you feel something, yes, but hurt you? No. Anyways you called me out of my Reality Marble for something other than to inquire about my book, so, what is it? I'm not gonna wait all day for you because unlike you, I have a life."

EMIYA didn't care that he effectively burned himself along with Gil and Flowey but he did care about its result, making Gilgamesh a tiny bit angrier. This was one of the many joys in his life, poking and prodding at people to see what kind of emotional reaction he could get out of them, then seeing how much they can take of said emotion before they snap and the outcome of said snap.

Calming down, Gil told EMIYA that he wanted either him or one of the Hassans to destroy all the information regarding his adoption. EMIYA thought about it for a bit before telling his brother that he'll be the one to do it, after all, he needs to get practice in on his Semblance and get some fresh air.

EMIYA left the orphanage in spirit form and quickly jumped to the city hall. Once he arrived he put the USB Gil gave him into the central computer, EMIYA didn't even have to do anything all he had to was make sure no one saw him. Once the virus had done its job EMIYA took out the USB and simply returned to his Reality Marble.

Looking up at the starry night sky filled with glistening cogs of all sizes and colours held in place with giant rusted chains that had broken through the ground. Looking at the landscape in front of him, EMIYA thought to himself about the complete contrast between the sky and the ground.

Undying fire littered the ground with giant spears of earth and ice rose out of the surrounding area. Abandoned builds had been left leaning on their sides as they slowly withered away.

He wondered about what that said about him and a bit more importantly, why did his Reality Marble look and act like this. It was as if it was welcoming him back. The fact that his Reality Marble was perhaps sentient, confused and slightly worried EMIYA.

Putting his thoughts aside, EMIYA started to walk around as he usually did, looking at all the weapons and items that decorated the burning land; shields, spears, arrows, guns, anything that could be considered a weapon was here, even bullets and extremely sharp pens.

EMIYA's head was filled with countless whispers and voices, these voices belonged to the countless weapons with his Reality Marble; EMIYA wasn't even bothered by these voices anymore as he'd long since gotten used to them.

However, there was one voice that was louder than the others.

As EMIYA walked he slowly got closer and closer to his destination, a destination mind you that was supposedly in the opposite direction, you see EMIYA's Reality Marble only functions off the basis of his origin that being Weapon. unlike the other Emiya's his origin was the idea of Shirou's Sword origin taken to the extreme, being able to replicate and enhance anything that can be considered a weapon to near perfection. Even though EMIYA's destination was technically behind him his Reality Marble, knowing where he wanted to go moved everything inside it so that EMIYA could arrive at where he wanted to go, if someone were to observe this then they would think that EMIYA was teleporting, but to EMIYA, he was simply walking.

Once he arrived at his destination he saw what was making most of the noise, a ginormous red bident lodged into the ground. The bident was twisted in a double-helical shape, most of its length is straight and composed of two strands that were tightly twisted together. At one end, the two strands unwind and form two massive prongs. Its prongs pierced the ground as its shaft slimed down into one sharp point as it pointed into the sky, from where EMIYA was standing the bident seemed like it was big enough to even reach the gears in the sky, even though he knew that that would never be the case.

EMIYA was confused as to why such a weapon was calling out to him but unfortunately for him, he would soon find out.