
Paradise Pokeball System

Alright, so I could tell you some fancy synopsis, but you came here for Pokémon, so it's not like you don't know what is up. Instead, I am going to tell you a bit about the mechanics of my story. First! If you are looking for a journey that includes catching Pokémon and battles, you have come to the right place! But! The Pokémon will all get human like forms after they are caught, and will not be battling very much. They will be doing other things with Landon, the trainer, but I am sure you can rub a couple cents together to figure out what that means! Second! Humans will be caught, but mostly Waifu material. While some guys will be caught, there will be no gay stuff with them and the MC. The girls that he catches will be doubling as his Pokémon because of special skins they get for there poke balls. I could go into that more, but read the damn book! Lastly, there is a lot of sex in this book, but there is a storyline, so there will be times where the smut is spread out, or where it happens back to back. Also, the beginning is a bit rough, and I have to go back and fix some, but everything is straightened out later on. Sorry about that! Extra chapters @ Patreon.com/magic_ Discord: https://discord.gg/jyFRGudWZ6

Magic_ · Tranh châm biếm
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196 Chs

10 Year Coma

"Ugh," I said as I tried to open my eyes, but the second I did, the light hit my eyes like pure sunlight.

I had just gotten hit by those rocks, but I didn't really hurt, but I felt super weak and hungry. One other thing, but I was pretty sure it was just my mind playing with me, but I felt like my body had grown. Not a little bit, but a lot, but that was clearly impossible.

[You were in an accident ten years ago, and you have been in a coma ever since. My name is Cryo, and I have been slowly repairing your body and keeping you as healthy as I could with muscle stimulation, but you will still feel some pain and disorientation as your body is not used to moving again.]

I tried to open my eyes again, but this time more slowly, and I saw a figure in front of me that looked like a Pokémon, but it was different from any other I had seen. It was mostly transparent with a few blue highlights, and it had six wings.

"What are you?" I asked as I sat up and felt the sheets around me. Then I realized that I wasn't in a hospital but some kind of medical room. "Where am I?"

[You are in the Aether Paradise Research Facility. This form is the only one that you can see me in, as I am an AI. I was sent here by a creature from the future to save you and give you special abilities.]

I stood up and walked over to the door, and when I tried to open it, it was unlocked. "What do you mean special abilities?"

I went out, but no matter what door I tried, they were all locked. I finally got frustrated and went back to my room, closing the door.

[I have merged with your nervous system so that we can better communicate. With this System, Pokeballs that you get will be upgraded, along with the Pokémon that you catch inside of them. Along with this ability, you will not only be able to enter your Pokeballs, but you can also upgrade the insides of them as well. Your System will also let you catch humans and grant them special abilities.]

I tried to process everything that Cryo was telling me, but it was a lot to take in. "So, what do I do now?"

[You must go on a journey to find the creature that sent me here. Once you find it, you must free it from the temporal prison that it is in. Only then will your journey be complete.]

"You make that sound so easy. I can't even get off this floor, or in any other room!" I growled and then turned around to walk back to my bed. This was all so much to process.

Entering a Pokeball? Catching humans? That all sounded like pure fantasy to me, and what did Cryo even mean about upgrading the Pokémon?

I felt like my brain was going to catch fire, but outwardly, I was calm. I also didn't have the mind of a ten-year-old anymore. Sure, I really didn't have any experience, but I felt like I had the knowledge of someone who had lived for a long time.

"So, what do you suggest I do?" I asked as I laid back down on the bed and stared up at the ceiling.

[I would recommend that you leave this facility. There is much to see and many people that you can meet.]

That sounded like a good plan to me, but there was one thing that was bothering me. "What about my parents? Won't they be worried about me?"

[Your parents passed away many years ago in a laboratory accident.]

I felt a pang in my heart at Cryo's words, but I knew that it was true. I didn't have any memories of them for some reason, but I knew that they were gone.

"I see," I said as I sat up and swung my legs over the side of the bed. "Well, even if I wanted to get out of here, the door is locked. What am I even doing here anyways? Last time I was here, I was only a little kid."

[This facility is a research facility for the Aether Foundation. You were brought here because of your connection to Cosmog.]

"What does that have to do with anything?" I asked, but then I remembered the creature from my dream. "Oh, right. The thing from my dream."

[Yes, the thing from your dream. It is called Necrozma, and it is a very powerful Pokemon. It is one of the Aether Beast Pokemon that you will need to find Ultramex, my master.]

"Ultramex? What's that?" I asked as I stood up and walked over to the door again, stopped as I thought I heard a dinging noise coming from outside the room.

[Ultramex is a creature from another world that is being held captive in a temporal prison. It needs the power of Necrozma to break free, but Necrozma is too powerful for any one Pokemon to take on alone. That is why you must gather the Aether Beasts.]

"So, where do I find these Aether Beasts?" I asked as I left my room to look for the sound and started walking out into the hallway.

[They are in ultra space, but you are much too weak right now to attempt that. There is a woman that is going to meet a man here soon, and if she is allowed to become into a relationship with him, humans could find a way into ultra space. That cannot happen. The same organization that accidentally opened Ultramex's prison is trying to capture Aether Beast for the same reason as us, but instead to release it to the world. You must catch this women to stop everything.]

I didn't know what to say to that as I walked out looking one way. There was so much that I needed to process, but I knew that Cryo was right. I had to stop the woman from getting together with the man, but first, I needed to get stronger, and a pokemon... and some pants!

"Excuse me? What are you doing out of your room? How are you even moving around?" The sexiest nurse joy I had ever seen asked me, and I froze in my tracks.