
Pandomonium University: The Beginning

Kera was devastated! She failed at shifting and was rejected by her mate, a packless beast after the mating ritual. At the University they attended, her father had him expelled but it was too late. Pregnant with his child she took four years off to get a fresh start. Looking forward to her first day of a new and bright future, who would have guessed that the two Alpha's of different clans would set off the start of pandomonium on campus that day. The Naga Clan and Werewolf Clan have been at odds for territory all over the globe for centuries! With corporations, properties, and various resources accumulated over the centuries of war with each other few are as wealthy as them. Who will she chose after her heart was broken? As an Alpha Pan-Were female, a direct descendant from the first Pan-Were, is she cursed to never shift? Or will her true mate cause her to shift? The Old Ways seem to be coming back for Kera and is she prepared to handle it when it changes everything she believed in.

Be_Lindsey · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs

Mail Order Bride

"What do you mean I'm not going to school?" I ask very upset.

"We've agreed that it would be best for you to wait a few more years after you have met a good mate from one of our allied clans in Europe or Asia before returning to school," my dad tries to explain to me.

"I don't want to wait to go to school until I meet a mate from another clan; what does having a mate have to do with me going to school?!" I say getting more upset.

"Well, in order for you to have a good solid mate that can insure our clans lineage, the Alpha, as well as your aunts, and I think it would be best to start introducing you to the males from the other clans since you are attracting males from other packs and clans that aren't ours. Originally, we were going to wait until you finished college but given what has happened four years ago and what has happened yesterday, it would be best if we send you overseas to find your mate." he explains but his face tells me another story.

"I don't want to go overseas. I don't want another mate and I don't want to dropout of school again," I yell getting more and more upset.

"Kera we're really doing this for your own good." my dad starts to say but I interrupt him.

"No you're not doing this for my own good! You're doing this for the Clan, which you haven't been involved in since mom died and now that all of a sudden I'm attracting a mate or multiple mates you want me to go overseas to find someone else that is a pan-were without any justification other than to preserve our lineage! That wasn't something you were worried about when I took my mate four years ago! Now that I have a three year old son, who we don't even know if he is a pan-were or not, you want me to galavant across the globe as a mail order bride?! I don't think so. I'm going to school, I will see you tonight at dinner." I say grabbing my bag and keys. I hardly ever drive. I usually carpool with my dad and take the bus from the University wherever I have to go if it's nearby the University and not within walking distance.

"Trey, baby, Mommy's going to drive today. okay?" I say to my son in a soothing voice.

"Okay Mommy. Why is mommy yelling at Grand pe pa?" Trey says looking worried.

"Oh honey, we just had an argument and sometimes adults have arguments." I say calmly as I take him to the car.

"Does that mean he's going to leave like my dad left?" he asks.

"No sweetie, your grand pe pa would never leave you and that is not why your dad left. Alright sweetie you're all buckled let's get going!" I try to finish saying with a bright smile. It breaks my heart that Trey thinks that we're going to leave him because we have an argument. A three year old shouldn't have such thoughts.


Campus was buzzing when I pulled up. My driver open my door and as I stepped out Jake had also gotten out of his car as well, "hey Silverstein!"

"Hey Jake what's going on?" I ask with a smile. I felt like today was going to be a good day.

"Remember that chick from orientation? Well, it turns out she happens to be the daughter of the Alpha and Luna of her pack, isn't that great news!" Jake says excitedly.

"Are we discussing the girl with the mini skirt?" I ask confused.

"Who else would I be talking about? You're not still hung up on psycho chick, are you?" Jake says looking at me with concern.

"I'm telling you, don't call her psycho chick, Jake." I growl at him.

"Moody, is it the full moon or something!" Jake cracks back with half a smile, "all I'm saying is that you need a powerful mate and what's more powerful than the Alpha and Luna's child of another pack? Plus you know she's a werewolf and she's got a great bod."

"You talk too much, Jake" I snip.

"and you bark too much!" he says with a smile, "look I got to go there's a hot chick in my first period that I want to get her number so I'll see you at lunch." He runs off towards the opposite direction that I'm heading. I shake my head, 'always chasing tail.' I think to myself and smile. No sooner do I turn my head that mini skirt decides to walk up.

"Hey Silverstein," she says in a sultry voice. I'm sure anyone else would love to be with her but she's not my type.

I look at her with disdain, "you're blocking my path, woman."

She scoffs, "hardly, I prefer to walk with you instead of blocking you." Her eyes stay locked on mine.

"No, thanks," and I brush right past her. Most definitely not my type. As I passed her a familiar scent catches my attention my head turns almost as if in slow motion and there she is, Kera, walking towards the building in black leggings and a stylish top that tastefully show her curves with a pair of ankle boots. I start walking towards her when someone taps my shoulder.

"Excuse me, can you show me where the computer lab is?" an unfamiliar face says to me the scent reeks a snake.

I turn to the voice, "there's a map over there," then I point to the university map board trying to quickly turn back around and catch Kera.

"Yeah I looked on there but... I'm a little directionally challenged," the female voice says pleasantly enough.

"You're about to have more challenges if you don't get away from me, snake" I growl and the female backs up.

"Sorry, who woke you up on the wrong side of the bed," she says sarcastically flipping her hair then walks off. At this point, Kera is long gone.