
Pandomonium University: The Beginning

Kera was devastated! She failed at shifting and was rejected by her mate, a packless beast after the mating ritual. At the University they attended, her father had him expelled but it was too late. Pregnant with his child she took four years off to get a fresh start. Looking forward to her first day of a new and bright future, who would have guessed that the two Alpha's of different clans would set off the start of pandomonium on campus that day. The Naga Clan and Werewolf Clan have been at odds for territory all over the globe for centuries! With corporations, properties, and various resources accumulated over the centuries of war with each other few are as wealthy as them. Who will she chose after her heart was broken? As an Alpha Pan-Were female, a direct descendant from the first Pan-Were, is she cursed to never shift? Or will her true mate cause her to shift? The Old Ways seem to be coming back for Kera and is she prepared to handle it when it changes everything she believed in.

Be_Lindsey · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Watching her

"Her name is Kera Fen, she is a returning student to the university and child to the Head Professor of Engineering Department and niece of the Head of the Art Department. As you already know she is also the niece of the Alpha of the Pan-Were clan. Her mother is deceased and was the eldest sibling in the Alpha family of the Pan-Were Clan plus the last remaining direct descendant of the Pan-Were line remaining in North America. It is assumed her daughter is also a direct descendant considering she has never shifted until presumably last night when you found her. She had a mate before but it's unclear why he rejected her after the mating ritual. He was then expelled from the University and the Pan-Were Clan territory. She has a three-year-old son named Trey from him. She has classes typically in the morning and works as secretary to the Art Department Head in the afternoon then she picks up her son from the daycare on campus for staff members and meets her father were they typically ride home together. She doesn't have any friends on campus and any friend she has that are through her clan she keeps in contact through online. Her hobbies include general arts and crafts, swimming, running, walking, and cooking. Her general interests are into cosplay, historical dramas, and mother son activities. She does show pictures of gardening though right now given that it's the offseason she has posted many pictures of pumpkins and plans for Halloween with her son. That is what we have so far, is there something you are looking for specifically sir?" my butler says to me.

"I want a detailed itinerary of her day to day as well as her likes and dislikes. I also want her photo given to everyone in our pack and our allies to keep an eye on her and to ensure that Drake cannot get within 50 feet of her. Send that to me before lunch," I say as I put on my jacket.

"Sir, due to our agreement with the Pan Clan we are only allowed to have ten pack members outside of the attending University students at the University at any given time. How would you like me to allocate our resources?" he says grabbing my shoes.

"Keep two on me and the rest looking for her." I say as he puts my shoes on.

"What about your sister, sir?" he says professionally with an edge of concern.

I didn't care too much about keeping guards on my sister or myself and she didn't like having them either. I often had to scold her for running away from her guards but even in neutral territory it was still necessary precaution.

"Put two on her," I say a little annoyed, "Also make it clear that if she does escape her guards today she will be on house arrest for the rest of the weekend," 'there, that should teach her to stay in place especially when I could use personel elsewhere,' I think to myself with a cynical smile.

While away from our pack we are currently guests in the Pan-Were Territory and can freely come and go as we please until we finish schooling and maintain neutrality within their territory. The nearby werewolf pack allows us to come and visit since we are considered dignitaries from our pack, that doesn't mean that we go into their territory on a regular basis. Alphas don't like other Alphas coming into their territories even during pleasant matters whatever the reason is in Lycan and Werewolf packs. As son and heir to the Silverstein Lycan-Werewolf Pack not only was I considered an Alpha but a more powerful Were-beast than our werewolf kin. We descended from the same Were-beast branch but can you really compare a dog to a Timber Wolf? The size and strength is different. Having a true descendant Lycan mate was nearly impossible unless I wanted to be with a first or second cousin. In short, Lycans were among the groups of Were-beasts most likely to fade into history in the next century or so. Groups like the Phoenix, Sea Serpents, and Dragons have all faded into less glamorous and powerful versions of their predecessors, so what's to stop our kind from going the same route?

Dwelling too much on this was bad for my health, at least that's what my sister keeps saying. I just need to focus on finding my mate, where ever she is.


"We know where she will be today if she comes to the university, would you like our men to grab her again?" my security asks. I already had permission from her aunt yesterday but with her escaping there's a good chance that the permission has been rescinded. This was a delicate matter and I couldn't raise my father's suspicions by doing anything reckless that would end up causing a problem for our clan and I also couldn't waste time then end up as a mate to a female from another prominent Naga Clan before I had a chance to claim my true mate.

"Arrange a sit-down with her. I obviously scared her off yesterday and we cannot have another incident like that happen. We need to be careful not alert my father to my activities. Pick three men you can trust to keep this quiet the rest of them I want to watch Silverstein and his men. If Silverstein or his men make any moves then by all means use whatever means necessary to get her away from him otherwise just monitor and report to me." I say as I get out of the car.

"One more thing, sir. Your mother is coming for a visit this weekend." he says.

"She is not my mother, arrange a driver and two security personnel to get her from the airport. Have my butler pick out a gift for her then arrange reservations at a restaurant near the property for dinner. Have all her movements reported to me," I say irritated. This was really bad timing. My stepmother does not like me and has been looking for any excuse to have my younger brother take over the Naga Clan and Nagasaki corporation. Going against my father's wishes for an arranged marriage underneath his nose with my stepmother here was going to be a challenge. Either my father sent her here to watch me or she was here for other reasons, what ever the purpose may be, I knew they weren't good. The security personnel along with all my household staff and anyone from our clan were all my allies here in the States. I spent the better half of my year while going to college fostering the relationship with our sister Clan here in the States to insure my succession. She was going to have a hard time finding someone willing to tell her my current affairs within my current staff. Amongst the members of our clan I kept majority of my doings secret for this very reason. Thankfully, I have practice to blow off some steam this morning.

My phone rings as I walk into locker room, "hello?"

"Sir, we have a problem."