
Chapter Six: The Bridge


"Are you cheating on me?!" Yol Sang bellowed at Jinu as he calmly drove to their house. She kept yelling and yelling about seeing Jinu kiss another girl.

"I would never cheat on you," he stated. He couldn't get angry or retaliate, or they'd be at risk of a car crash. He could never let that happen to her.

I will never cheat on you, Jinu thought as he stared at the road intensely.

"This is such bullshit!" Yol Sang yelled. "Stop the damn car! Stop the car!"

Jinu didn't have the chance to stop, because a truck had already slammed into the side of the car. The car skidded and stumbled sideways towards the bridge as Yol Sang screamed in terror.

"I love you, Yol Sang! I'd never cheat on you!" Jinu belched through the chaos.

A single tear streamed down her face as the car pushed through the railing of the bridge, and fell down and down and down to the sea beneath them.

The world seemed to slow down as Jinu watched Yol Sang, screaming and crying. It made his heart ache more than he could express with words.

The car fell underwater with a loud splash, and water began to pour into the interior. Jinu noticed that Yol Sang was struggling to unbuckle her seatbelt, but he couldn't do anything but watch her struggle since he was trapped in his own seat belt as well, his foot stuck in between the metal and the break.

He closed his eyes...


And soon, he opened his eyes, inhaling the air, because he was alive.

He coughed, his throat dry and his eyes blurry. He tried to speak but could only make out murmurs. A tear streamed down his face.

He couldn't believe he had survived.

Yol Sang Kim. His eyes shot open.

Through his coughs and murmurs, he could briefly make out her name. "Y-Yol… S-s-sang… Kim…"

Suddenly a white curtain next to him slid open, revealing a man dressed in white.

"Mr. Min Jinu, a couple has notified me of what happened during the accident. I'm so sorry that something this awful has happened, but I have worse news… Unfortunately, you are the only survivor." Jinu's eyes watered. The doctor cleared his throat. "I'm sorry, we did everything we could to save her." He left Jinu laying on his bed, his sorrow and grief growing with each sob that shook his body.


(Min Jinu's P.O.V)

Darkness blocked my vision, making everything surrounding me unclear. I couldn't breathe, neither move my body. This was it - the pain, the numbness. Pain spread throughout every inch of my body. Overdosing, to me, was the best and the most painful way to die.

Some people had told me that overdosing wasn't that painful, but it was. Knowing that I was leaving this world any moment now... It hurt, and I couldn't erase the feeling, because it would haunt me forever.

I coughed, my raspy and dry throat making everything feel worse. My eyelids felt heavy and I gave in, shutting my eyes.


(Kim Yeol's P.O.V)

I couldn't help but knock down the door. Jinu's door was quite cheap and I was able to break it pretty easily.

"Min Jinu!" I rushed into the house, only to find him laying on the floor. I watched as his chest rose and fell with each shallow breath he took. I sighed in relief before walking over to him and caressing his pale, tender face.

And a tear fell from my eyes.

What am I feeling?

Is this care? Is this love?

… I missed him.

Min Jinu would be in tears if he found out that I was alive.

I'm so sorry Jinu... I'm sorry I left you dumbfounded and let you cry yourself to sleep.

I'll tell you someday, but not today.

I love you Min Jinu. I know you did everything you could.

You didn't mean to, you loved me. I know you wanted to save me that day.

I'm sorry.

I love you.

I'm sorry I lied.

I used you.

I miss you.


"Min Jinu, I love you. I never meant for this to happen." I sniffled as I took out my phone and dialed 911.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"There's a man that's fainted. Please send an ambulance quickly."

"Where are you now?"

"At our house."

"Alright, we'll be there in 5."

"Thank you."


---(time skip)---

(Min Jinu's P.O.V)

All I could see was darkness. I didn't know what had happened. But the voice I was hearing... It was familiar. It was a girl, and she was calling my name...

She sounded like Yol Sang Kim.

I miss her. I really do.

The voice stopped. "Min Jinu! You're awake! Thank God." Kim Yeol exclaimed as she ran up to me and embraced me. I cringed at her sudden gesture.

"I thought you were going to die!" she said before letting out a sigh of relief. She paused before she began to hum a song...

You're confusing me Kim Yeol. That's the song that Yol Sang Kim always sang to me.

Who are you, really?

I blinked at her. "Yol Sang Kim?"I murmured. I heard her gasp.

"Yah! This is me, Kim Yeol." She punched my left arm.

You really are peculiar, Kim Yeol, I thought.

"Why did you do this Jinu, why? Why are you taking the pills? What for?" she drilled.

I closed my eyes. "It hurts a lot. I thought the pills could heal me, but they weren't enough," I answered as tears began to well in my eyes. My throat tightened, and I let a few tears fall.


(Kim Yeol's P.O.V)

After I greeted him, he suddenly called out Yol Sang Kim's name. My heart ached as I gasped. Why Min Jinu? Are you suspecting something peculiar about me? I asked myself.

"Yah! It's me Kim Yeol!" I snapped. I slightly punched his left arm and laughed fakely. I sighed and began to hum a song. I used to always sing this song, I loved it so much.

I used to.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have done that Kim. I know it's stupid to kill myself, I know... I just thought that the pain would finally go away once I died. But I guess it'll haunt me forever." He said before smiling.

I missed that smile.

I missed him.

I wanted to touch his lips one more time, to tell him that I loved him one more time. That I'd always love him.

I'm sorry Jinu, but that day is not today.

I smiled back at him, and all the demons went away.