
OverPowered System

Stonexia Yrrah who was an poor simpleton loved reading novels with op characters and playing games. Rest of his social life was totally dull. He rarely stepped out of his house. Even his neighbors don't know about his existence. Of course the reasons for this is society itself which used to bully him when he was kid. When he became adult he was bullied by college mates. Being poor even his parents couldn't support him or protect him from his bullies. After college, which he barely passed by minimum grade he had hard time finding a job to earn money. Even in job he was bullied by seniors and once he was forced to resign as well by a senior who wanted to use him as a stepping stone. After losing job, he has nowhere to go, nowhere to live, he was afraid to do suicide as well being a coward, so he simply pleaded to lord and asked for the reason of his existence? He just demanded one thing if their is no reason for his existence then simply provide him a painless death. "There is a reason for your existence. Here you go." (Animation of lightning thunders and cloud blasting "BANG" echoed) "BOOTING UP OVERPOWERED SYSTEM." Author's Note - The summaries of various novels will be posted in it too so it can help you save your spirit stones :)

mailmeharry2008 · Kỳ huyễn
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56 Chs

Strongest System Story Fast Forward (2)

Lin Fan helped ice sculptures revert to original form and then passed on some of his own strength to save lives of the survivors especially Sect Master and Supreme Old Master of the sect and he was successful. Name of the sect master was 'Ning Daoxiong' and he was surprised to see that Han Juntian saved him who was his acquaintance. They greeted each other. However they couldn't save the disciples which were way too weak to resist the Frost Goddess spell's temperature. After this Old Master of this sect agreed to ally with Heaven and Earth Sect against the Moon Shadow Mainland.

Lin Fan was still worried that if there are more master gods at the level of Frost Master Goddess then even allying of several sects of Endless mainland won't help them in this war. So he honestly told idea of raising his personal strength to save the continent to Han Juntian and then flew away directly into void.

Currently situation in war was favoring Moon Shadow Mainland which has seized a large part from Endless Mainland already. So Lin Fan moved towards that part only to teach the invaders some manners. Lin Fan was very famous so to prevent any mistakes he disguised himself by changing his looks into a Moon Shadow Mainland soldier. He has also copied their signature sword too. After mixing up with other soldiers he found out that there is a Hunting Master God who issues rewards to the creatures from Moon Shadow Mainland for helping in completing tasks of invasion (Its just like issuing quests in game by some guild as far as i can understand from machine translations). They went to an altar which was like a Quest Board where killing random disciples was lowest grade task and destroying Heaven and Earth Sect is highest. This quest system helps in rankings too. This way new followers or ranks are generated whomsoever accomplishes most difficult tasks or quests. Due to low number of quests one of the soldier named as Ohff informed Nicholas (Lin Fan's changed name in his disguise) that Hunting Master God will appear soon to issue new quests. Lin Fan was very happy to know this news in his heart as prey is gonna come in predator's mouth on his own. And Hunting Master God arrived and issued many new quests and also was rewarding position of his follower for doing some quests. But soon another Master God arrived at scene. It was Earth Master Goddess who was more popular than Hunting Master God in Moon Shadow Mainland. Everybody prostrated before this new Master God which showed that Hunting Master God was clearly lacking followers if compared with this Earth Master Goddess and that's why he is gathering followers by issuing quests.

All these gods collect faith from their followers which help them grow stronger.

Earth Master Goddess was here to inform just about an upcoming battle and mock this Hunting Master God to show off her superiority. All creatures stepped on altar to become followers of Hunting master God except for Lin Fan who was still selecting his target from the two Master Gods. He planned a scam already. He told Hunting Master God that his father was a follower of Earth Master Goddess earlier and that's why his inner heart is saying to follow Earth Master Goddess instead. He further added that he has a treasure to gift to Earth Goddess to attract her greed. He presented his Heaven and Earth Smelt in front of Goddess. And both Master Gods can sense tremendous aura and Hunting God was envious of Earth Goddess now. Earth Goddess happily came near the huge heaven and earth smelt to check it out, but Lin Fan used one of his despicable moves towards her private parts already, and when Goddess was yelling in pain he used the opportunity to trap her in the Heaven and Earth Smelt and refined her immediately. Earth Goddess disappearance surprised the Hunting Master God. But Lin Fan attacked him during his stupor and also removed his disguise to reveal himself. But before Hunting God realized anything he was stabbed by Lin Fan to death. After killing him Lin Fan obtained experience and an treasure item 'Hunting Space', but Lin Fan didn't find any use for it at the moment and he just stashed it in his inventory. Now other creatures were surprised to see that the man in front of them is strong enough to suppress two Master Gods so easily. They were scared. Lin Fan used Purify spell on them to convert them to Endless mainland side too. But soon Buddha Lord appeared from void. Lin Fan issued attack command to recently purified creatures and Buddha Lord in his anger killed all of them with a single palm. After that Buddha Lord was about to attack Lin Fan but a Master God's sound echoed blaming him for killing all the Moon Shadow Mainland creatures. Lin Fan was very happy to see the sudden turn of events in his favor. After framing Buddha Lord through his scheming Lin Fan escaped in void to take on remaining 67 gods.

But Lin Fan stopped at some distance, noticing that there was aura of more than one Master God in direction of Buddha Lord's ongoing battle. He decided to return to reap in more profits and free experience points. He switches to Stealth Mode and returned to the original place of action. Buddha Lord was desperately trying to convince them about the Lin Fan's deception but how can they believe when they clearly saw Buddha Lord massacring their troops. Five Master Gods were present there and they unleashed a move with fused strength from all as one on one they were weaker than Buddha Lord. Buddha Lord unleashed powerful spells in his self defense too and both sides were injured now. Buddha Lord was still trying to explain himself but Master gods didn't gave a damn to him. Meanwhile Lin Fan was pondering whom to attack, attacking Buddha Lord is still dangerous even after his injury however attacking five Master Gods is easy as even if they were not injured Lin Fan has the confidence to slay them all. So he showed himself and attacked on five injured gods but Buddha Lord reappeared from void (earlier he hid in void to save himself from 5 gods attacks when Lin Fan decided to attack) and restored the injuries to boost the strength of five Master Gods through his mystic Buddhist arts. Now situation is reversed and Lin Fan is in trouble now. But how can he give up, he targeted one of middle strength Master God and attacked him, Buddha Lord tried to save that Master God but Lin Fan threw one of the fake soap in his hands to scare away Buddha Lord. Other lords were unaffected and continued their attacks on Lin Fan. But he continued his palm thrust on the middle strength Master God to take all the attacks from four Master Gods head on. But his palm thrust continued and system's notifications informed him that he has killed Sky Master God and received experience points. However he was injured too by combined attack of other Master Gods. But he used his Mythical Parasol Tree to recover himself. Buddha Lord was angry to be tricked by this despicable fella again and again. Lin Fan further blamed Buddha Lord again for the death of Sky Master God as he has disappeared to save his skin from soap. He further announced Buddha Lord to be his accomplice and that they have similarly killed Water Goddess and Radiant Master God. Now 4 gods recovered their doubts against Buddha Lord which were earlier extinguished after receiving healing from Buddha Lord. This time Buddha was really in trouble. To save his skin he finally decided to reveal the effects of the soap and explained that he escaped as that thing can take on even two master gods simultaneously irrespective of their power. But Lin Fan made fool out of Buddha Lord by saying that he is lying as there can be no such overpowered thing existing in all heavens or earths. Master Gods believed Lin Fan's words easily as they seemed more logical to them. Finally to show his innocence Buddha Lord pledged to Firmament, that if he is colluding with Lin Fan then he shall not be able to reincarnate. This pledge was similar to that of Frost Goddess, and thunder showers animation showed that pledge is true and Buddha Lord is innocent as he was still fine. Although situation has overturned Lin Fan still decided to hunt down 4 Master Gods. Battle commenced with all sorts of attacks and Lin Fan's first target was Hurricane Master God among those four, who became overconfident after one of his attacks was able to cause injury on Lin fan. Buddha Lord warned but he was way too egoistic and didn't listened to good advice of Buddha Lord. His hurricane powers has torn apart the hand of Lin Fan. Buddha Lord advised other Master Gods to use this opportunity and kill Lin Fan and they launched a combined attack towards Lin Fan. Lin Fan used an Killing character from Heaven and Earth Scripture for his defense against this mighty attack and concentrated on killing Hurricane God instead. But he was way too haughty and underestimated Lin Fan who was having an damaged arm due to his earlier spells. Lin Fan refilled his strength and recovered his injuries using Mythical Parasol Tree and killed the Hurricane God without caring for the attacks from other Gods and Buddha. And those attacks were suppressed somehow by system too (can't understand the reason from machine translation regarding this). Contract Master God was furious on sight of death of his companion and battle resumed after this. Void Master God, Contract Master God and Abyss Master God teamed up with Buddha now to eliminate this troublesome fella.

But in Buddha Lord's heart he was surprised to see the powers especially the Heaven and Earth Scripture of Lin Fan which were from the Heavenly Lord Xinfeng actually. He even doubted Lin Fan to be reincarnation of Heavenly Lord but remembered that after Lord Xinfeng died he didn't left any aura of reincarnation and instead had only Death aura around him at time of his death. At this moment Lin Fan launched his attack on Contract Master God and destroyed his Godly Nucleus to earn experience points which promoted his strength further. Earlier other gods have attacked him before his attempt to kill Contract God, but due to increase in strength he was able to take on those attacks without much problem. Buddha Lord was now serious and he even thought that Lin Fan grows by killing opponents or by fighting itself. He used most powerful spells to buff himself up and wanted to attack Lin Fan, but Lin Fan again used soap strategy to kill one of the remainder two gods, and it was unlucky Void God.

Abyss god tried to run for his life now after threatening Buddha Lord that he will complain to other Master Gods about his involvement with Lin Fan (due to soap strategy again and again, even if Buddha Lord is not in cahoots with Lin Fan he sure was unreliable at least). But Buddha Lord got enraged and attacked Abyss God instead before he can escape so that his plans are not ruined. But Lin Fan made his move to save Abyss God and thus he tried escaping once again. But before that can happen Lin Fan stabbed on his back saying "Never show your back to the enemy". But a will generated from the corpse of Abyss God which was angry by the way it died and wanted revenge, but Lin Fan swallowed that will too. System suppressed that will too automatically and even extracted strength of abyss from it. Earlier he has received experience points from killing Abyss God too.

Finally battle resumes between Titans. Now Lin Fan after receiving strength of Abyss was not afraid of Buddha Lord anymore. But Lin Fan was on chase this time and Buddha Lord on the running side unlike before. Chase continued for one month. Buddha Lord collapsed but Lin Fan was still chasing him. Then the battle resumes in close combat. Buddha Lord used his palm filled with all his might towards Lin Fan but Lin Fan caught it instead and chuckled and called 'Heaven and Earth Smelt' but he was surprised to see that he is alone in Heaven and Earth Smelt holding only the hand of the Buddha. Buddha again started his escaping attempts leaving his arm behind as he was aware about the craftiness of Lin Fan. As soon as he noticed chuckle of Lin Fan he was afraid and thus immediately cut off his arm without hesitation which was held by Lin Fan earlier.

Arm spoke suddenly, "Benefactor.....". The arm was actually suppressing 10 Buddhist Old Masters from Good and Evil Buddha Sect. Lin Fan took them to Geng Yangtian to check the identity of old masters. If these ancestors are cheating him he will immediately refine them in Heaven and Earth Smelt for experience points.

Meanwhile Buddha Lord came out of void and sighed in relief noticing that Lin Fan is not chasing him anymore. But he soon noticed that the palm he cut off was the one that was suppressing 10 Old Masters. He roared in anger. Void trembed and another black robed figure appeared there mocking the pitiful state of Buddha Lord. Black robed figure said that Lin Fan should be the reincarnation of Lord Xinfeng. But Buddha Lord claimed black robed figure to be lying as Heavenly Lord Origin is required for reincarnation but that was dissipated the moment Lord Xinfeng died. But Black robed figure mocked him again saying that Lord Xinfeng has already calculated everything and thus showed a false appearance to Buddha Lord where his origin dissipated. Later Black Robed person demanded Buddha Lord to cooperate him and he will help him achieve Heavenly Lord cultivation. Buddha Lord agreed to him.

I got a complaint so i want to ask that should i quit the idea of machine translating? Also there is not much left in my own story as Stonexia is supreme already and i can just add plots like humiliating other MCs, inter-war of heroes etc. That was another reason for starting this community service to save readers their spirit stones on reading of worthless chapters.... But if this is an unwanted service in your eyes i can stop it and end this novel by the end of TSS only????


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