
OverPowered System

Stonexia Yrrah who was an poor simpleton loved reading novels with op characters and playing games. Rest of his social life was totally dull. He rarely stepped out of his house. Even his neighbors don't know about his existence. Of course the reasons for this is society itself which used to bully him when he was kid. When he became adult he was bullied by college mates. Being poor even his parents couldn't support him or protect him from his bullies. After college, which he barely passed by minimum grade he had hard time finding a job to earn money. Even in job he was bullied by seniors and once he was forced to resign as well by a senior who wanted to use him as a stepping stone. After losing job, he has nowhere to go, nowhere to live, he was afraid to do suicide as well being a coward, so he simply pleaded to lord and asked for the reason of his existence? He just demanded one thing if their is no reason for his existence then simply provide him a painless death. "There is a reason for your existence. Here you go." (Animation of lightning thunders and cloud blasting "BANG" echoed) "BOOTING UP OVERPOWERED SYSTEM." Author's Note - The summaries of various novels will be posted in it too so it can help you save your spirit stones :)

mailmeharry2008 · Fantasy
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56 Chs

Strongest System Story Fast Forward (1)

With existing Nine Headed Magical Beast Master God, now the opponents are increased to 11 master gods. Not to mention, Boundless Future Buddha Lord is there as well. Lin Fan didn't knew these Master Gods but those Gods were aware about the acts of Lin Fan for slaying so many comrades from their battalions and even slaying of some of the weaker Master Gods earlier. But before they can launch their attack Nine Headed God interrupted and told them that Lin Fan is his prey. Buddha Lord tried to convince Nine Headed God that Lin Fan is a deceitful person so they should attack together instead. Lin Fan was enraged at this and asked Buddha Lord - "Are you not corrupt yourself? Back then it was you who saved your skin first, to let the Radiant Master God die?" All Master Gods were now glaring angrily towards Buddha Lord, suspecting that he was the reason for the death of Radiant Master God. Buddha Lord declined his sin by claiming them as false accusation by Lin Fan as he is strong and doesn't need to escape to save his skin from someone at level of Lin Fan. Thus Master Gods believe in words of Buddha Lord and decided to attack Lin Fan. At that moment Lin Fan brought out his soap, and showed the fearful expression of Bald Donkey (Buddha Lord), and asked them "Did Bald Donkey ever told about this weapon of mine to you? See the fear in his eyes. He knows about might of this thing in my hand and does not dare attack alone and is using you guys as sacrificial pawns against me to reap all profits for himself in the end. How can you trust a hideous person like Buddha Lord?" Then he dared Bald Donkey to attack him if he can. But he didn't attacked and still tried to convince others to attack Lin Fan together and this raised suspicions of Master Gods against Buddha Lord once again. Lin Fan used this chance to create a duplicate of the soap, as its the last chance for him to use the soap, and he can use replica of the soap to deceive the opponents. Later he threw the soap towards Buddha Lord and Buddha Lord immediately escaped from the location. Seeing this other Master Gods hid in the void to save themselves copying Buddha's actions. Then Lin Fan used this opportunity to escape himself too. Earlier Buddha Lord didn't knew that soap has limited use, but now seeing this trick he suspected that and didn't want to miss this golden opportunity to kill Lin Fan. So he pursued Lin Fan desperately, along with other Master Gods. But during the pursuit Lin Fan unleashed Biggra in the air which engulfed Buddha Lord and other Master Gods. But Buddha Lord blocked his breath by some technique to save himself. One of the weak Master God however fell into the lusty dreams under the impact of Biggra and leaped towards another Master God with lustful thoughts. But all other Master Gods suppressed this weak master gods easily. However Lin Fan got time to escape again towards Heaven and Earth Sect of his within this ruckus. This time Master Gods understood that the Indigenous Being is not a simpleton and that's the reason Buddha Lord is using them to kill him, so they didn't gave further chase and let Buddha Lord resolve his problems on his own. And moreover there was another Cold Frost Master God who wanted to take revenge for the death of her younger sister, so they left the job for her and Buddha Lord.

Buddha Lord was very angry as he has used his best ability to catch up with Lin Fan but other gods unexpectedly left him alone when he was so close. Lin Fan used this opportunity to throw soap, which was obviously again a fake one. Buddha Lord escaped in void angrily after noticing that he has been played again by fake soap of Lin Fan. After this he went back to his sect and informed the Old Master Geng Yangtian, that only South Demon Immortal King agreed to aid them but he won't be helping too as per his opinion and rest of Ancient Immortal Kings were persuaded by Boundless Future Buddha Lord instead. He also informed them about his killing two Master Gods which surprised everybody seeing the quick growth of Lin Fan who reached Saint Immortal to Immortal King in such a short time. Even Han Juntian, Sect Master of Heaven and Earth Sect can't compare to this monster. Now only Lin Fan can be successor of Han Juntian. Soon a distress signal by an Old Master from ongoing war in Milky way Mountain Range, (which was most important defensive location for Endless Mainland too) was received by Geng Yangtian. Maybe a Master God has appeared on battlefield. Lin Fan left immediately to gather more experience to level up fast. But as soon as he arrived he noticed lifeless body of the Old Master who had sent the distress signal earlier. He was enraged on seeing the lifeless body of one of the strongest person in whole sect. Soon other disciples dropped with empty skin bags as if someone sucked in all blood and bones from them. On concentrating Lin Fan found an insect that leeched everything from the bodies of old master and other disciples. One disciple cried for help but before Lin Fan can understand anything he was stabbed by a thorn. Later thorn tried to stab Lin Fan too, but Lin Fan was not any weakling, he ripped it apart to find that thorn is actually a claw with two green eyes resembling Insect Race which had once invaded Earth universe of Strongest Cosmos (in one of the old chapters of novel). Then he left the place in search of Master God who led this attack that has breached the defense line of Endless Mainland already. Soon a group of insects attack Lin Fan which got incinerated by heavenly flame attacks from Lin Fan. After this Insect Race Master God appeared and battle commences. But Lin Fan has upper hand and he even breaks the Insect Armor which was best move of this master god. Insect God tried to run for his life by becoming a cocoon but Lin Fan sealed Heaven and Earth around and killed the nucleus of this Master God which can help him resurrect, thus reducing 72 Master Gods to 69 only. But experience points are still insufficient to make him Heavenly Lord. Geng Yangtian appeared there after this and then Lin Fan suggested to adopt Offensive Stance instead of Defensive as they had already lost so many disciples due to defensive stance against Insect God. Geng yangtian agreed to the suggesion of Lin Fan too.

In another place Frost Master Goddess has arrived leading the invasion to destroy one of the strongest sects there in Endless Mainland. Of course she was primarily here to take revenge for the murder of her junior sister. All the disiciples and supreme old master of the sect were frozen into sculptures by this invader.

After many days Lin Fan received the shocking news that an one of the strongest nine sects entire sect has disappeared and North lands are frozen under ice. Earlier it never snowed on those lands as per memories of the old ancestors. Lin Fan decided to go there and investigate the situation himself. Geng Yangtian tried to stop him but he left. Later Han Juntian left too feeling that Lin Fan alone might get himself into some trouble.

Lin Fan found some frozen disciples and helped them survive and found about the invasion of Frost Master Goddess. Then Lin Fan goes deeper in the frozen lands and suggests disciples to go to Heaven and Earth Sect which is safest currently in entire Endless Mainland. Finally Lin Fan reached the place where all sect disciples and elders were frozen into sculptures already. But as sculpture was still under control of Frost Master Goddess, she noticed Lin Fan and appeared in front of him. Lin Fan was surprised to see her and mistakenly recognized her as Water Master Goddess who he killed earlier in the beginning of this universal level war. But Lin Fan understood by power difference that she can't be water master god who was a weakling. Frost Master Goddess gives an aura which is unfathomable and Lin Fan himself was not sure to be able to handle her. But his behavior inserted a doubt in mind of Frost Goddess that he knows something about his younger sister's death. Realizing this Lin Fan used his brains and blamed the death of Water Master Goddess on Buddha Lord instead. But Frost Goddess didn't believed him saying that Buddha Lord can't dare to kill her sister as he is a weakling.. Lin Fan was angry on seeing his plan failing and cursed Buddha Lord for being a weakling in front of this mighty Frost Goddess. Meanwhile Frost Goddess was freezing Lin Fan slowly too, but he used his 'Pills through Thought' flame to melt the ice which surprised Frost Goddess as well. Lin Fan immediately ran for his life but was caught up even faster. Then he used his brains and warned Frost Goddess that if she kills him then she won't know the killer of her younger sister in her entire lifetime. But if she pledges to not kill him then he will reveal the killer to him. And this tricked really worked, as Frost Goddess really pledged to Lord of Primal Chaos that if that as long as Lin Fan speaks truth she won't kill him for today (current day only). Then Lin Fan revealed that he himself is the killer of her younger sister. Frost Goddess was angry but she controlled herself and Lin Fan escaped as far as possible before the Frost Goddess goes crazy. But he found that Frost Goddess was following him closely. How can she leave her sister's killer alive. She just needs to wait for one day to fulfill her pledge and after than Lin Fan is gone. But as she won't attack for today Lin Fan remained calm and used spirit of Biggra but that was useless on a powerful being like Frost Goddess. Now he has already imagined that Buddha Lord is nobody in comparison to this Master Goddess, therefore saving 'Lin Soap' for him is not good idea, and using it on this Frost Goddess will yield much better results. But system denied its usage on female under the pressure of Stonexia's system who didn't want Lin Fan to do such dirty and ridiculous stuff with females too. But Lin Fan was not aware that Stonexia is interfering here so he didn't stopped and used his 'Twisting Heaven and Earth' to turn the Frost Goddess into shemale now. Frost Goddess started feeling pain from this move but blocked hands of Lin Fan by freezing her private parts.

(This time Stonexia didn't interfered because the earlier action of Lin Fan would've caused Stonexia to watch dirty acts but this action of Lin Fan involved dirtying his own hands only by touching other parties private parts. He didn't have to watch any unsocial scenes in this method.)

Lin Fan melted the ice again using 'Pills through thought' Flame. But again Frost Goddess received upper hand as she resorted to technique of reforming ice from melting water to save her privates. After seeing everything failing Lin Fan started undressing himself and Frost Goddess closed her eyes saying this fella shameless. She even protected herself with ice barrier in case this shameless fella tries to do something naughty with her and continued to follow Lin Fan wherever he tried to escape. After lot of thinking and planning, now Lin Fan went executed most daring act of his life, he went berserk and tried to commit suicide by stabbing himself on the ice barrier of Frost Goddess. He claimed that she has broken her pledge and he is dying by her hands now. Now her godly nucleus was cracking too along with Lin Fan aura which was diminishing, due to her pledge. She knew that this Indigenous Being won't die and just acting tough, but the pain from breaking nucleus will result in drop of her cultivation that's why she gave up and agreed to go away instantly and decided to not follow this shameless fella anymore.

However shameless Lin Fan recovered himself instantly using Mythical Parasol Tree and pursued Frost Goddess instead with his Eternal Axe in hands. Han Juntian also arrived there searching for Lin Fan now. But Frost Goddess was too fast for them to chase and she disappeared leaving her battalion of ice creatures behind. Han Juntian wanted to kill them all but Lin Fan stopped him and used his Purifying skill to convert them to Endless Mainland side instead. They will help in reducing casualties on side of Endless Mainland during this war.

Ha ha Stonexia's system suppressed the soap too :)

I have finally decided to dive in machine translations to do another community service for readers. Now i have become more of a translator than a writer but i am finding this more fun as i can read novel in advance too myself :)

Ha ha enjoy upto chapter 1136 of TSS Novel (Chinese version) here. As i have extracted the plot from machine translations there may be mistakes too so i apologize in advance for that.

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