
Overlord: The Tree Demon(Dropped)

Tyler a Great solider died and is now in Overlord as the tree demon.

Kagethewriter · Tranh châm biếm
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26 Chs

Carne Village 2/2

{made this at school and at night so sorry for any grammar problems}

The three binded knights were sent to the 11th's floor {Sealing Chamber} after I got some more information by {Messaging} Ainz while walking into the storage house with Gazef who was interested in Urugha.

"I must say Urugha-dono, your form is perfect and this armor is incredible!" Gazef said, looking at the armor and circling around Urugha while walking.

"Thank you Gazef but we should focus on the matter at hand." Urugha responded and Gazef nodded with a serious look before arriving at the storage house.

'Hmm his way of addressing people is different, he uses a surname with dono instead of sama, either way both are signs of respect.' I thought before opening the door making dust fly off of it.

We walked in making floor creak and the three tallest had to duck under the door to avoid getting hit in the head, these three were Me, Ainz and Urugha, while Zacian laughed at Urugha who even ducked, still hit his head.

"That man is….unique" Gazef commented seeing Zacian's personality.

"His personality is troublesome…..but he is a very powerful individual against holy magic." I said and Gazef had his curiosity peaked when hearing {Holy Magic].

"He specializes in defending against Holy Magic?" Gazef asked, confused since many people who use Holy Magic are very respected and generally part of the Slaine Theocracy, so many people don't use magic that defends against holy magic.

"Yes, sorry Gazef-dono but I would not like to tell anymore." I said, ending the conversation as Gazef nodded before peeking outside from the storage house.

Momonga started mumbling while Urugha was in the corner having a hand on his head while Zacian was just sitting on a box.

Gazef then turned to me and Momonga which interrupted his mumbling.

"It seems they are after me, I am sorry to ask this but I would like to hire at least one of you since I am unequipped for this battle and cannot think of anything else to do." Gazef said and Momonga was about to answer before I cut in.

"Gazef-dono, I would like you to give information to Ainz and make it where we can build in Re-Estize or Re-Antel?" I asked , surprising both Gazef and Momonga.

"I agree if that is the only request. I heard you were underground and just recently got out into the world. so I will give you all the information about the land. Lignis-dono, I can permit you to build and sell in either of those places if you wish. All I have to do is talk to the king and I will also prepare a money reward." He said before bowing towards me.

"Thank you very much for accepting this selfish request." Gazef said before getting up and shaking my and Ainz's hand.

Listening to him I got a message from Ainz.

{Why did you accept the request? Lignis although I do not mind, we need to be on the same page in the upcoming future where we won't argue or fight each other}

{You would have gone either way Ainz, Plus we can get some benefits in the future by doing this and you can test what kind of magic they have.}

{I see, they can summon angels from Yggdrasil which means they might summon one of the highest tiers, get Zacian's unique skill ready in case they summon one}

I nodded before cutting the message and seeing Gazef come up to me once more.

"Thank you for this…If you need anything and I have it, I will gladly give it to you" Gazef equipped his sword and was about to ride off before I tapped him on the shoulder.

"Since I respect your bravery, you can have this." I then casted 10th tier magic, {Exp Seed of Chaos}.

I used a skill to make the casting time almost none and inside Gazefs heart appeared a small black seed.

"What did you do to me, Lignis-dono?" Gazef asked while moving his body making his armor clank.

"I used a very special magic to help you in the future, it will improve you." I said.

{Exp Seed of Chaos: Any living thing, monster or Player under Level 35 with this magic placed on them will gain a considerably amount of exp every moment, in return once they reached Level 35 they will appear on the map at all times}

'Basically a spell that speedruns early levels but in Yggdrasil I used this for low level players who would then help me gather material in exchange though the side effect of it makes any player want to puke because of Pkers' I thought.

Why I am doing this is because I want to test the effects of it and to see if talented soldiers improve the rate of the spell while testing if his level does not stop and it goes past level 35 and if he does I will brainwash him to join Nazarick because with how the story goes he will eventually fight us I think.

"I see thank you very much, if I can grow even stronger then how I am right now then that would be of great help." He said, only thinking it was a little boost and not something like a miracle.

Momonga nodded at me for testing the spell before turning to Gazef.

"Since we have come to an agreement, what is your plan?" Momonga asked and Gazef flinched before having a frown.

"With the strength of my men and me without armor, I am afraid I cannot help you so I lead them away then let my men run before standing my ground and waiting for you, I do not care if you leave me until my last breath but make sure my men leave without any consequences." Gazef said to me before taking out a piece of paper with an emblem and then took out a quill.

He then handed it to Momonga who read it.

"I see you're prepared to die before we can come save you? " Momonga asked, reading the paper which has neat handwriting listing rewards that he has promised us.

"If they are to kill me then that is your reward for killing them after my death, you get it either way even if I die or live, just protect my men! And the Villagers" Gazef said to us which I nodded reassuring him.

'A man of virtue, he is giving us a paper which we can easily run away with without helping him but he decided to trust us and is prepared to die as long as his men run away.'

"Are you trusting us when we could easily run with this?" I asked and he looked at me before smiling.

"One of my men must run away for you to get your rewards since the men of the Head Warrior must confirm the Emblem and that whoever did the task has completed it, otherwise it would not work." He said.

'I see, I was too naive to believe that he did not plan for it but his way of it working can easily be manipulated through magic that is above 4th tier.' I thought before patting him on the shoulder.

"Well, just lead them away from the village and we will come to help." I said and he nodded before heading out.

I looked towards Urugha who just got done messaging someone I think.

"Who did you message?" I asked, he walked over making his armor clank.

"I was making sure the units were prepared for battle at any time…..Many assassins are ready for battle and Turics are also ready to sacrifice their life to protect the supreme beings." Urugha said while I nodded.

"Get rid of all units except for the Turics and message Kruf to check the surroundings real quick." Urugha answered "Yes Lignis-sama, I shall do it." Before going back to messaging and outside were horse hooves smashing the ground and running off with his group who was conversing with the Head Warrior.

"He is a truly amiable man. What if we crushed his hopes and dreams right in front of him and make him wither in despair, of course after you fully tested him." Zacian said with a smile sitting on that box.

"I will not personally like that as I find him a great warrior but if the Supreme Beings say so then I will, unless I get to know him more and want to oppose it which I will try but that is just my opinion." Urugha said as his fiery eye dwindled a little before becoming bigger.

Walking outside the Villager Chief hurriedly asked us where the Head warrior was going.

"He is going to lead them away since the enemies are after him and he would like not to cause this place to become a battlefield." I answered him and he nodded in understanding before getting all the civilians to hide inside a house which we protected with magic.

"It seems they have some people on the outskirts ready to kill the townsfolk, shall I kill them or capture them?" Urugha said while looking up after making sure everyone was protected.

"Kill them, we can get more information from their leader then just normal soldiers." After answering him, he instantly disappeared, blurring in between the villagers in the village who were coming outside.

Zacian then walked up to us but this time, Ainz and I could feel an air of seriousness around him.

"I would like to fight them with Urugha's by ourselves for most of the fight….I know this is selfish but we can take any secret items or spells that may hurt one of you, part of this request is my selfishness is in wanting to fight." Zacian asked.

"No Ainz and I would like to experience them first hand but you will get some action." I said and Zacian immediately bowed.

"Sorry for overstepping my boundaries, I hope you can forgive me." He asked and I raised my hand, forgiving him.

Ainz leaned towards me hearing the conversation, he whispered. "It's tiring acting aint it?"

"Yeah it is." I sighed and started walking forward with Ainz and Zacian beside me towards the battlefield.

__________Couple of Minutes later. Gazef's pov_________

"RAH" I yelled, charging cutting an angel with my sharp blade, it started disappearing piece by piece until there was only air.

'Stupid angels, I hate magic casters and a group of them are even worse.' I thought seeing around 9 magic casters with angels floating above them and the middle magic caster having a much bigger angle than the rest.

It was almost sun set and with the short grass and even land, it made the battle look beautiful with all the angels floating in the air and the weirdly dressed men lined up watching a soldier fight for his life.

'At least my men ran towards Re-Estize, since I told them I hired Lignis-dono and Gown-dono.' I thought before seeing six angels come towards me with their flaming swords ready.

"GET OUT OF MY WAY!" I yelled marching forward with sweat running down my face and with my sword at my side in a running stance.

{Martial Art, Six Fold Slash of Light!} I yelled in my mind, appearing instantly behind the angels in a crouched position with my sword touching the ground, I slashed aiming for the angels in the air and 6 red streaks appeared through the air cutting all the angels in half.

'I need to get rid of their commander!' I thought, not wasting any more time I charged forward aiming for their commander but luck was not on my side.

40 angels were in the air preparing to pounce on me, I decided to use my ultimate martial arts to defeat the enemies.

Heat spread out through his body before he decided to go all out.

With this he charged forward jumping through the air at the angels who blocked his path.

"DIE!" I yelled flying through the air using a number of martial arts, killing each enemy in my way and after a couple of minutes, I was getting tired since I kept killing these blasted things but more came up after killing one of them.

All magicians aimed their hands at me before sending a number of spells that kept hitting me. Each hit created a hit-like noise and was very painful to experience.

Until 5 angels came down at once circling me. I used {Instant Counter] to kill two before killing another one with {Flow Acceleration} but the last two angels stabbed each of my legs making me fall down on the grass plane.

'Damm, it seems my life ends here' I thought while staring at the captain with hateful eyes but he looked at me with mockery and raised his hand.

"Kill him!" He ordered and the other magicians got ready to kill me but I stood up barely and raised my blade.


"Do you really think someone in that little village can kill me? Did you think a bluff like that would work!?" The commander yelled out as I fell onto the ground exhausted after wasting the last of my stamina.

After falling down I was prepared for death, he raised his hand "Angels, Kill Gazef Stronoff" I closed my eyes seeing the upcoming angels close in on me, suddenly I heard some gasps and I opened my eyes to see them looking behind me, I struggled before seeing what was behind me.

It was Urugha who was dragging two bodies across the ground by holding their heads with his giant hands. The terrifying thing wasn't the blood all over him or the bodies in his hands, it was his face with half of it glowing in orange fire covering half of the helmet making the gold on the helmet unseenable. I looked harder at his T-shaped mask and saw the other eye burning brightly in the darkness covering his face.

Urugha had blood all over his golden armor and was walking forward without fear and every step he took cracked the ground and sent dust flying.

Urugha spoke in a deathly tone betraying his usual voice.{Authors Note: Urguha changed his voice to match that of a human more}

"Prepare to die!" After saying that, Urugha stopped behind me and dropped the two bodies who groaned as they got dropped onto the hard floor, a couple feet behind me which means they were being dragged alive.

Urugha outstretched his hand and yelled "{Sword of the Champion!: Number 2 Rage}" and a pure black sword started materializing in his hand, it was pure black with a golden edge on the sharp part of the blade, the handle was small being pure gold with coils and the hilt of it was small. The blade size was longer than the first sword being around 5'4 Ft but the blade was thinner like a katana.

I saw him look down at the two men below him before swinging his sword downwards, chopping both of their heads which were perfectly lined up and besides his feet.

Urugha then pointed his sword at the magicians before speaking while the light reflected off of the sharp edge adding a dangerous tone to the air.

"You all are next!" Then I saw Lignis, Ainz and Zacian appear behind him using teleportation.

I smiled before passing out letting my consciousness shut down.

_______Lignis Pov_____{Momonga is more focused here because of Lignis's personality but later Lignis will take charge more often)

Walking up to Gazef who fell unconscious, I looked up to the group of angels in the air which were retreating at the action of the commander telling them to retreat back.

Nigun the commander after calling the angels back put them into a defensive position while watching us and studying our movements, especially the weirdly dressed Zacian and the bloody Urugha.

We were far apart with the wind blowing over the plane causing Ainz's robes to fly with the wind but he did not move before speaking. "People of Slaine Theocracy I am pleased to meet you, My name is Ainz Ooal Gown" Ainz then pointed towards me. "This is my companion, Lignis" and finally pointed towards Zacian and Urugah saying their names as he pointed towards them with his staff. "These two are our followers Zacian and Urugha."

"I will start since my companion is not much of a talker, First and foremost, there is something I must tell you." Ainz looked at the commander and raised one of his fingers. "You cannot win against us."

Nigun furrowed his brows hearing those words before speaking with a high tone.

"Your ignorance is just pitiful! Pay the price for saying such foolish words with your miserable life."

Zacian laughed secretly with his hand in front of his mouth hearing Nugun while Urugha was shaking with both of his hands on top of his sword which was stabbed into the ground.

"Well if you think you can kill me go ahead and try but I will give you some insight on why your thinking is wrong, I must ask why would I go out to die, if we could have abandoned this man to his fate?"

Nigun was silent hearing those words and Ainz continued.

"Now I see that you are summoning a monster that is in YGGDRASIL, answer this question, I am assuming that those angels were summoned by third tier magic correct?"

Nigun, hearing Ainz's question, had a puzzled face because Ainz was stating the obvious.

Ainz went on to mumble about YGGDRASIL summoned monsters and Mythology to himself but Nigun interrupted his thinking.

"Shut up! Stop talking to yourself and let me kill that man in front of you." Nigun said, pointing at Gazef.

Ainz looked at the man in front of him before turning to Zacian.

"Zacian, go ahead and have some fun with him." Zacian, hearing this, simply walked towards Gazef.

Nigun, thinking Zacian was gonna hand Gazef over, was surprised to see Zacian tap Gazef with his cane making him disappear.

Seeing his face Zacian laughed, making Nigun angry.

"Even if you were to beg for your lives, I will not give you the chance to but I will end your lives quickly if you tell me where Stronoff disappeared to?"

Hearing this Ainz just stepped forward, but with this single step Ainz released a tiny bit of his aura causing the men to scream and step back.

Nigun had his whole body run cold before yelling. "Send the angels to attack them!"

Zacian, hearing this laughed wildly, shocking everyone there except Lignis, Ainz, and Urugha.

"You should not use holy magic against Zacian, he is your natural enemy." I said loudly which confused Nigun and his group.

Zacian walked forward causing all of the angels to attack him singley, watching them Zacian tapped his staff on the ground causing a huge black magic circle under him.

His staff floated as he lifted his hands up in the air. "Taste my magic plebs.{6th Tier Magic: Dark Monarch} a black rays shout out of the magic circle under him hitting every angel summoned.

The angels stopped mid flight and soon they started changing with their wings, weapons and armor becoming the total opposite pure black.

Zacian laughed like a madman watching the angels slowly turn into his puppets as they floated above him and the magic circle disappeared.

Even Nigun's angel got turned into a puppet causing him to shriek and everyone started using spells of all kinds and shot them at Zacian who stood there and smiled seeing the faces on the people as they realized that their magic had no effect on him.

Nigun, looking at this situation, smiled evilly before opening his coat, taking out a crystal which was his only chance of survival.

"You made me use this! The most highest tier of the angels, {Dominion Authority}" He yelled and the crystal glowed causing Ainz to order Urugha and Zacian to be ready.

While I looked into the sky ignoring the crystal.

I tapped my head and messaged Zacian.

{This angel is too low tier, someone is watching us with magic, go capture them.)

{As you wish Lignis-sama}

Zacian looked up into the sky before dispersing as a flock of ravens.

Looking back at the angel being summoned it was to say beautiful with its large wings and feathers while light glowed from it causing it to be the most beautiful thing to normal people.

Ainz was shocked by how low level it was and he noticed Zacian disappeared before looking at me.

"I sent him off to capture the person watching us." I said and he looked up to the sky before turning his focus back onto the angel

"Taste the most powerfu-" Nigun was yelling loudly before being cut off by Ainz.

"This is not even close to the most powerful angel." I said stepping forward catching its mace for the first time before pointing my hand towards it.

{Ninth tier magic: Total Destruction} A red orb appeared in front of my hand before floating towards the angel and when the orb touched the angel, it then exploded although it was small it swallowed up the angel killing it.

Causing the other to drown in despair seeing their only hope get destroyed in front of them with just a single attack.

Ignoring them Ainz pointed his finger at the group and casted {Sixth Tier Magic:Wave of Sleep} making all of the Slain Theocracy fall down unconscious.

"Take them to the chamber" I said towards Urugha.

He started walking over and collected their bodies before opening a gate and throwing them in it leading to the chamber.

'I need to give myself some more spotlight next time.' I thought before looking at the moon and I smiled with Ainz who happily tested some stuff.

Another gate opened and Zacian came out of it with a smile.

"A girl was spying on us from someplace, I did not want to cause any trouble in case they had a countermeasure so I took the girl and threw her into the chamber." Zacian said kneeling before standing up.

"Good job now, let's go home!" I said and everyone was happy with today including me.