
Overlord: The Tree Demon(Dropped)

Tyler a Great solider died and is now in Overlord as the tree demon.

Kagethewriter · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Carne Village 1/2

{Later chapters wont be so long because early chapters has a lot of talking}

{Ps:Remember he only remember 5 episodes lol}

_______Enri Pov______

I kept running through the dark forest, bushes and trees were everywhere in our way causing us to keep taking left and right turns.

I was trying to get away from the two knights behind us but I know me and my sister can't run fast enough and both of us don't have enough energy to go on much longer.

"Just stop running like dogs, you damm girls!" An angry shout came behind us from before I felt a cut on my back causing me to fall down.

The pain was unimaginable but I did not have time to think that I have to protect my sister!.

Nemu who fell with me came crawling towards me as I covered her like a shield with my arms and body.

"Haha now yo–Huh? What is that!?" The knight shrouded mid sentence and his partner who just caught up shouted "What the fuck!"

I looked towards the direction they shouted and saw 3 beings with all armor and masks with one much bigger than the others.

One was wearing all gold armor with a helmet which had a t-shaped helm and within those were Orange fiery eyes burning.

The other two were wearing different color armor with one of them wearing a set of black robes with golden designs placed on it with a weird mask, the other one had all silver with patches of gold and black on the sides of it making it a mix between the three.

All three of them were huge, standing around 6'7 atleast and all had swords

'Am I going to die here!" I thought before something amazing happened.

_________In the Office Room_______

Momonga, Urugha, Sebas and Lignis were in the office room. Momonga was figuring out the Mirror of Remote viewing while Urugha and Sebas were watching.

I was sitting in one of the chairs drinking some wine I made from following the {Endless Book} although the book is very useful and can make technology go thousands of years faster there is a problem, first of all we don't have nearly enough people to start the process of researching it and almost everyone is busy in the Nw, so I kept the book a secret until everything calmed down and who would not like adventuring in a fantasy world.

'I just say sorry to Nazarick later, but I will tell Momonga in a couple of days about it since this whole book can filter stuff out so whatever he wants to start researching is up to him, I am really not a planner and I am more of the silent type when it comes to meeting unless I am forced to talk' I thought about myself before looking to Urugha.

"Hey Urugha want to try some?" I asked Urugha, he looked towards me making his armor clank with his movement since he was wearing his usual set of armor called the {The Champion} . It was a Divine rank set which was primarily focused on magic defense and Melee attacks.

His orange eyes burned in the shadows of his T-shaped helmet before he shook his head.

"I am sorry for refusing such a gift but I do not drink any wine in case it makes me lazy or fail to think of my duty which can lead to the task failing." Urugha spoke.

I nodded before turning to Sebas. "Sebas, want some wine?" He also shook his head before watching Momonga again.

'More wine for me hehe' I said, chugging the wine, sudden clapping from Sebas and Urugha interrupted my drinking.

"Good Job Momonga-sama" Sebas said, clapping and cheering, Urugha also clapped causing clunking sounds to echo through the room.

"Thank you Urugha and Sebas. Although I apologize for making you two wait so long with me." After saying that both of them quit clapping before Sebas cleared his throat.

"We both were created to serve the Supreme Beings, so we need no thanks from you." Sebas said with confidence in his voice making it sound like a fact.

Momonga simply nodded before testing the mirror again.

"Try waving your hands like waving off a bird or bug…" I said to him and he tried it, making it work.

"I see it is more casual than strict. Thank you Lignis." Momonga said to me and kept moving the mirror view before coming across a village which looked like it was being attacked.

"A festival?" Momonga asked with uncertainty seeing it.

Sebas leaned forward to get a better view of the mirror. "No, there is no festival….it is a massacre." Sebas's steely voice ranged out and contained a hint of disgust.

Urugha hearing Sebas leaned forward and watched before his eyes got more concentrated like Momonga's eyes.

"Supreme Beings, this might put Nazarick at stake but I wish to save that village since killing civilians like that without a chance of victory makes me ANGRY" His voice at the end sounded like that of a grim reaper and Momonga looked at him before considering.

"Can you tell their strengths?" Momonga asked Urugha.

"Yes, at most they are Lv:7….they are very weak and they are not using any items that have magical properties." Urugha said with one of his eyes being blue probably because of the skill he is using which is {All Seeing Eye} and {Magical Eye} both help with a number of things.

After hearing Urughas, Momonga's mirror switched to a sight of two girls running away from two knights and right there he made his decision to help them.

"Sebas call Zacian for battle since the rest are busy and Urugha come with us, I leave the gate open for Zacian to get through" Momonga said and I jumped up while equipping a set of Silver armor with black and gold stripes on the edges and in the middle a pure black crystal.

Sebas nodded while Urugha and I were ready to go and Momonga stepped out of the chair and casted {Gate}.

"Urugha you may kill all the soldiers you want but do not mess up their bodies and leave one for me to test on." Momonga said, and Urugha nodded before stepping through the gate with us coming behind him.

We went through a special wormhole then came out on the other side to hear some noise and to see two knights in front of two ladies who were near us.

"I usually treat warriors with respect but you are no warriors, Just scum!" Urugha said before stretching his right hand forward and opening his hand feeling the breeze.

He looked around seeing the short grass and the open area they were in. He looked up and saw the sun blazing on them but it was near evening, causing it to be not that bright.

"A perfect place for a battle. I call upon you {Sword of the Champion number 1 Grief}" He shouted out the last part and a blade started materialising in his hand.

It was a mix between silver and gold with the hilt bar of it holding a red orb and the handle on it was pure black, it was big around 5ft in height.{Picture here}

Both of the knights and the girls stared at the blade in Awe seeing it appear in the light.

'Hmm his weapon is unique since it is more like a wheel of weapons, I made it almost the same level as a guild weapon' I thought recognizing it


{Sword of the Champion:1-10}

{Divine Weapon{Upgraded}

{Atk depends on weapon 69-420}

{Mag Atk depends on weapon 100-200}

{Durability: 69%}

{Unique Effect: Weapons hidden in a dark space only available to the one who called one of the swords to the user's aid: Each time you use one of these weapons the other gets stronger and depending on the sword and the situation, one of the swords may be buffed.}

{Unique Effect: If the user goes in order of 1-10 with a least holding the sword for more than 1 minute the next sword gets buffed by 5%}


"Even though the first blade is weak, it should be enough to deal with you!" Urugha said before disappearing.

Both knights were shocked before the one in the back screamed.

Urugha was grabbing his head with his giant left hand, he then started raising him up off the ground causing the knight to scream even more.

Urugha stabbed the soldier with the sword right in the neck from the side making the soldier become motionless.

Taking the blade out of the neck causing blood to drip down from the holes made by the sword down his body dripping onto the short green grass causing it to turn blood red.

Urugha threw him like a ragdoll on the ground and looked at his sword covered in blood before swinging it with force, causing all the blood to get splattered on the trees and grass.

The knight who saw his partner die, started backing up, passing the girls and into a person who was Zacian.

"My My, it seems you came to me yourself. Thanks for the meal, little raven…" Zacian said before his body opened up revealing two huge eyes in an abyssal dark place betraying the blood and organs that were normally there in a human.

The knight screamed seeing Zacian's form but his screams were cut short before a huge beak came out of the dark place and grabbed him, it pulled him into the abyssal place, then after some chewing sounds Zacian's body started closing together with blood on his lips.

"You should not eat these scums, Zacian, they probably taste disgusting" Urugha said, cleaning his blade with a handkerchief before making the handkerchief dematerialize into his inventory.

Zacian licked his lips, he was wearing his usual suit with his skull cane and everything he is wearing was to improve his unique magic that I asked the devs for and they gave it to him, I called it {Raven Magic] although the actually name is {Darkness magic} a derived version of evil spells and was meant to counter holy magic.

"No need to worry Urugha, he was just a little snack which is meant to just fill me up a bit keke." Zacian chuckled at the end with a smile that was so evil that it would have made anyone shiver in fright.

He looked over towards me. "Hey boss, got any wine?" Zacian asked and appeared next to me.

"Zacian, that is rude to Lignis-sama, who is your creator, be respectful" Urugha said before Zacian bowed and apologized to me.

"Sorry Lignis-sama I sometimes forget to respectfully address you when I am in a jolly mood." He chuckled at the end.

'Zacian is one of my more relaxed Npcs so he is normally playful rather than respectful to please others.' I thought before seeing Momonga raise his bony hand at the dead knight's body.

"{Create Middle Tier Undead: Death Knight!}" Momonga said and a purple slop appeared above the knight and landed on the knight swallowing the body.

It then sunk into the body before the body started moving and weirdly stood up, afterwards it got bigger and scarier before turning into a huge skeleton with a sword and shield. Ainz and I were disgusted by how it possessed the body and took control.

"Eww—" Momonga said after seeing it and I stood just watching it.

The two girls yelped and then Momonga ordered them to kill the remaining knights in the village. The death knight yells and runs, Momonga then said after seeing it run off. "What's good a shield when it leaves the target it's supposed to be protecting"

I shrugged at his remark and Urugha looked at the running Death Knight before turning to us.

"Please excuse me, Supreme Beings, Can I follow it and kill the rest of these scums?" Urugha asked, waiting for my answer which I nodded yes to. After hearing my answer he disappeared in a flash. Although we can see his movement, others could not.

Momonga turns around "Anyways, His {Flash Step} is very useful when it comes to moving around, huh?" Momonga asked, I nodded "Yes it is, It helps when escaping and chasing people.".

Zacian took interest towards the two girls and approached them.

"Hehe, what are these two little flowers doing over here? Is it a romantic family reunion OR a sister sacrificing her older sister to the knights by manipulating her!" Zacian acted shocked with his hands over his mouth.

"I would never!" The little girl shouted behind the older girl who was confused at how he knew they were blood related.

"Pshshsh, that's what they all say.." Zacian said while waving his arm dramatically.

Ignoring Zacian's funny remarks Momonga walks up to the ladies and brings out a healing potion.

"No need for that Momonga-sama" Zacian said before tapping his cane on the ground, causing a white golden circle to appear below us. It suddenly turned into a black magic circle and the wounds on the older girl's body started healing, even healing the torn clothes.

The older girl was surprised before Momonga asked them a question. "Have you seen this potion before?" He asked since when the older girl saw it, he saw curiosity and fright behind in eyes.

"N-No sir we have n-never seen a blood red potion like that." she said hurriedly scared that they were gonna hurt her.

Momonga nodded before putting the potion back into his inventory and asked if she knew magic which she nodded yes to.

"Yes I do, I have a friend who can use magic." She said hesitantly.

"Then this should be easy to understand, I am a magic caster who stumbled upon this village to save it, And this is my companion" he said pointing at me, I then thought of something before asking.

"What are your names?"

"I am Enri while my little sister is Nemu" Enri said while pointing to herself and Nemu.

Hearing their answers I nodded making sure I remembered their names and Momonga took out an item and handed her a horn before explaining the effects of it which was to summon goblins.

I walked over to the two of them before opening my palm which layed a seed in my hand.

"Can't be outdone by my companion now." I chuckled before throwing the seed to them.

"In any circumstance that you are destined to die in, that thing will protect you no matter what and summon a…..well buddy for you." I said to her which made her nod in understanding before putting it in her pocket.

I tapped the ground with my foot applying three barriers that can defend against magic,range and melee.

"That should be all Enri and Nemu, we have to go check out the village." Momonga said walking away, I followed with Zacian looking at them before smiling and walking after me.

"T-thank you so much! May I ask for your names?" Enri asked us before we walked off.

All three of us looked back at her.

"If you are that curious I will tell you. My name is Ainz Ooal Gown" Momonga said, flashing his eyes. He then looked at me. I nodded understanding his intentions.

'I forgot that Momonga changed his name." I thought before answering her.

"And I am Lignis, A friend of Ainz" I said, making my orange eyes glow brighter, adding drama with my deep voice.

"Keke seems I am last, well you can call me Zacian, little ravens" Zacian said bowing dramatically like always.

Turning around and waving, we left the siblings on their own.

We walked through the woods and I asked Momonga who is Ainz now. "Ainz? Really?" I said teasingly.

Embarrassed Ainz said "Wouldn't it be good for us? Spreading the name of our guild we might find the others.."

"Well, It's not like I can argue with that, It suits you anyways, Ainz Ooal Gown" I said Jokingly.

Zachian chuckled dramatically, getting the Joke.

_______Center of the Villiage______

In the middle of the village which was just being attacked a second ago was a massacre of the attackers.

The villagers watched as blood flew through the sky and fell on the ground.

Heads and bodies were also flying through the air and you could hear screams and calls for help radiate throughout the center of the village.

The ones causing this massacre were the Death Knight and Urugha who were swinging their blades without stopping.

Five knights stood in front of a huge golden armor man and were yelling "Monster!" and cuss words at him but it seems like he did not mind.

"I do not care about such names since the blade is the one who decides life and death, it seems for you people it chose death." Urugha said before swinging his long sword sideways with amazing speed and power cutting the whole group in half like butter.

The bodies fell on the ground in front of a burning building.

Urugha looked at the burning building before looking around the town seeing blood spread everywhere and most of the knights dead, he decided to keep the rest alive.

"Death Knight stop!" He ordered but the thing continued which made him sigh.

He pointed his blade towards the death knight before casting {Sword Ray} a beam came off of the blade hitting the death knight leaving it on its last breath before he casted it again killing it.

There were only 5 knights left so he casted {Grand Binding} on them and waited for the supreme ones while helping the villagers.

______Lginis Pov____

I made sure Ainz and Zacian wore a mask before coming into the village.

When we walked into the village there were bodies everywhere with guts and blood on the ground and dripping from bodies.

3 men were tied together by a dark energy rope while the villagers were thanking a man who stood silent before seeing us.

He walked towards us and bowed.

"I am sorry Supreme Beings, but I had to kill the Death Knight or these three would have died." He said and we forgave him.

The villagers seeing us thank us for our help since Urugha told them about us.

"It seems my follower has told you everything you need to know?" I said while taking a step forward towards them taking the lead while Urugha stood behind me.

A middle aged man stopped forward out of the crowd of civilians, he looked tired and had wrinkles above his bearded face while a cap covered his head.

"Yes he-he has told us about how you saw our village being attacked and came to save us and for that I cannot thank you enough." He was smiling when saying those words, happy his village stayed alive.

"Well we are hermits who lived near the forest, we stayed underground and have spent our lives there. I hope you can tell us about the lands since we do not know much.

The chief nodded before saying, "Of course after all you are our saviours" and after the villagers got settled, Momonga talked to him inside his house with Zacian, while me and Urugha were surveying the land while flying above.

"I can't stand to see civilians killed, but if their lives lead to a better world or outcome then I would kill them because in the end their lives would have helped many others." Urugha said next to me, he has a weird sense of justice but when it comes to being ordered to kill he does it without a second thought unless he had a better idea or really opposed it.

I programmed him this way to give him a sense of justice while also being evil and he became what I wanted, a knight of the undead.

"Do not worry Urugha, no matter what you are perfect like everything else in Nazarick and most of all you are a great ally" I said and he had his head down before speaking.

"Thank you Lignis-sama for being a great Supreme Being and for creating me, I will do my best as a knight so I can live up to your expectations." He said with his orange fire eyes dimmed.

I smiled and nodded before seeing Gazefs group running towards the village so me and Urugha headed down to meet them.

When we flew down I saw Momonga and Zacian walking towards us.

"I got enough information for now but we need to get some currency since ours does not work in this place" Momonga said.

I thought of someone who could easily make us some currency.

"Hmmm well we can worry about that later, right now we have company." I said to Momonga before seeing the Chief Warrior arrive.

The Village Chief came towards our group after making sure all the villagers were inside.

The men on horses stopped behind the Chief Warrior who were eyeing our group with suspicious eyes before laying eyes on the Village Chief.

"I am the Chief warrior Gazef Stronoff of the Re-Estize kingdom." He looked towards the Village Chief. "Are you the Chief of this village? If so, can you tell me who these weirdly dressed people are?" He asked in a deep loud voice.

"These are our saviours and may I ask what you are doing here?" the village chief spoke.

"We have come down to hunt the knights that have been attacking villages but…..it seems these people have killed them." Gazef looked at the blood on the ground and the stench of death.

Momonga stepped forward, "We have saved these people when they were attacked by the soldiers, Royal Head Warrior. It is nice to meet you. These all are my companions Lignis, Urugha, and Zacian while I am Ainz Ooal Gown. " He pointed to each of us when saying our names.

The Chief warrior stepped down from his horse.

"Thank you all very much for saving this village, mere words cannot express my gratitude." Gazef said to us before a soldier came running towards Gazef.

"Head Warrior! Unknown figures have been spotted around the area! They are approaching and surrounding the village as we speak." the man said hurriedly, alerting everyone nearby.

'It seems the fight is getting near.' I thought while seeing the sun set.

_________1 Hour Later________