
Our Only Love

When a mermaid begins to dream of her past life, she grows curious as she meets the human who was filling every element of her thoughts. Will she find out the truth of their cursed past?

weirdlyzakkiyah · Kỳ huyễn
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7 Chs

First Steps

(Aster's POV)

The next morning all four of the boys prepared to bring Fern out into the world, and also explore themselves. There was a shopping center, including a mall near them, and they had all agreed it would be better to get Fern some clothes for herself rather than her walking around in their clothes the entire time. Aster was slipping his shoes on when he heard Colin yell out, halting his movements instantly.

He quickly rushed to the bathroom, where Colin was facing Fern with crossed arms. "What happened?" Aster asked, seeing as Fern had an oblivious expression written across her face. Colin turned to him, motioning towards the smaller girl.

"She even forgot what a shower was. I told her that she needed to shower and she asked me how to do that. I am NOT teaching her that." He said firmly, shaking his head before backing up with a sly look towards Aster. "She is all yours buddy!"

With that Colin quickly retreated from the bathroom, not looking back in case Aster had any objections towards him. Aster sighed, turning back towards Fern before he was walking towards the shower. "Alright, you have to shower at least once a day to stay clean. So basically...you turn the knob like this until it's warm enough for you...and you use this to clean yourself." He picked up the body wash that was waiting patiently on the side of the bath, showing it to Fern to see if she understood.

Fern simply blinked at him, but after a while took the body wash into her hands and opened the bottle. He watched as she sniffed the top of it, a small giggle exiting her lips as soon as she smelled the sweet scent. He nodded, tightening his lips for a moment before he began to head out.

"Let me know if you need anything, but warn me if you're...not dressed. OK?"

(Fern's POV)

Only for a few days. Fern had decided she would only stay with them for a few days. If she was gone for any longer, her clan would think that she had died while doing the watch. It was normal for them to wander a few days away from the clan for space, they always returned within a week however to let the others know they were alright. She couldn't let her members think that was dead when she was in fact, alive and well. Also strangely without her tail.

Fern waited as Aster closed the door behind him, turning back towards the shower with a confused expression. She hadn't showered before, since mermaids were constantly in water. The water from the faucet Aster had turned on was now running slowly, spraying out from the tap above in multiple directions. He had mentioned calling him for help, as long as she was dressed, which meant she had to take off the clothes they had given her.

Fern was determined to figure this out, and quickly slipped out of the clothes that she had gotten used to easily. When she had first put on the outfit it was a struggle, and Percy had refused to look at her until she was covered. Slowly, Fern stepped into the large bath, sighing in relief when she felt the water hit her skin. She had felt so dry without it, and it wasn't painful, but it was weird. This sense of relaxation only lasted for a few seconds however, because as soon as the water seeped into her skin she could feel herself slipping towards the bottom of the shower.

Fern tried to suppress her gasp of shock as suddenly her tail appeared before her once again, making her motionless at the bottom of the tub while the water continued to hit her. The sound of the shower suppressed the noise of her falling, and she was now staring at her bright white tail as it flicked back and forth in the confined space. That was the trick, and also a way she was going to get caught. She couldn't allow any water to hit her while she was in front of the boys, otherwise, her tail would come back. They would know she wasn't human.

Hey you guys! Sorry for the short chapter. I have been stressed out recently so my uploads may be shorter or take longer to make for a bit. I promise to upload at least one chapter a week if I can, I am working hard on it! Thanks! :)

weirdlyzakkiyahcreators' thoughts