
Our Only Love

When a mermaid begins to dream of her past life, she grows curious as she meets the human who was filling every element of her thoughts. Will she find out the truth of their cursed past?

weirdlyzakkiyah · Fantasy
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7 Chs

The World Of Humans

(Aster's POV)

The whole day was surreal for Aster. Not only had he been saved by a random skinny dipper, but his friends had also invited said random back to their house for a small party. Fern, it was a unique and pretty name for a girl. He had never met anyone with that name, however, Fern seemed to be as unique as her own name. As they were heading back to their hotel, he noticed Fern seemed lost in her own thoughts. She trailed slightly behind them, walking with a slight tilt in her movements as if she was dizzy.

Fern kept glancing back at the ocean as they walked, however, Aster couldn't tell why. Perhaps she was with friends when she was swimming, but if that was the case she wouldn't have agreed to come back with them. His mind was torn, but one thing was for certain. Fern wasn't normal, and he couldn't figure out if that was good or not.

Once they were back into their rooms Aster plopped on the light cream-colored couch with a sigh. Percy frowned but resisted the urge to tell him to get off. Aster was still soaking wet, and the water from his clothes was seeping into the cotton covered seat beneath him. Aster had begun to close his eyes before Fern popped back into his view, looking around at their place with widened eyes. That made him straighten up, watching as the long-haired girl began to slowly walk around, exploring.

The four boys exchanged glanced towards each other before they all began to follow the interesting girl who was making a straight line towards the kitchen. They had some food from their boat trip left over, but other than that it was just drinks and snacks the hotel had brought them prior to them arriving at the hotel. Fern stopped right in front of the refrigerator, pointing towards the object.

"What's this?" She asked bluntly, making all of the four boys freeze in confusion. Colin was the first to speak up, crossing his arms across his body.

"It's a fridge. Was that a serious question or did I miss something?" He asked, glancing between Percy and Silas as Fern nodded to his response. She began to repeat the word fridge silently before turning her back to the boys, yanking on the handle. The fridge opened roughly from her force, the cold air hitting her skin. She tensed up, shivering slightly before quickly closing the fridge back up as quickly as she had opened it.

A small smile appeared on her face, and she turned back towards them, her big eyes almost sparkling. "That's cool."

(Fern's POV)

Fern was going to get into so much trouble when she got back home. Not only had she saved a human boy, but another one had found her in the process. Apparently being naked was not a good thing, because he had freaked out and given her clothes as soon as he saw her body. Percy, Colin, Silas, and finally Aster. Aster resembled the boy in her dreams far too well. Slightly more grown, yes, however, the resemblance was too similar to be a coincidence right?

She followed the boys back to their home, or what she would call a cove. Their cove was similar to hers, filled with goodies and gifts that were pretty. Although, most of her goodies were secret human objects she managed to hide away from her clan. Fern had explored almost every inch of their home, tiring the boys out of questions. They were giving her weird looks, but she had expected just as much. After all, she was a mermaid who had never been on land before. It was to be expected they would find her to be weird, especially since they didn't know her true identity.

She was having so much fun though. So much, that she didn't want to go home too soon. Back to the normal swimming around each morning looking for food, playing with the shells, and quickly swimming away when a human approached near the beach. It was repetitive, and this was new. Exciting.

(Aster's POV)

"Ok, here me out. What if she escaped some hospital? What if she wasn't skinny dipping? Percy only saw that she was wet, she could have seen your body in the water when escaping or something." Colin was ranting to them, while Fern continued bopping around the house like an excited child. Percy huffed, waving his accusation off.

"Maybe she just hasn't seen expensive things before? I mean...Silas did help pay a good bit for this place." He argued against Colin, making Colin gape at him. Colin rushed over to the couch Aster had returned to, sitting beside his now dry figure.

"How do you explain her questions then? She asked me what a fridge, chair, and fork was. That's something anyone should know about! Maybe she is mentally sick? Like...amnesia?" Percy was about to speak before his mouth closed, appearing to be actually considering the possibility. Silas was still watching Fern in silence, not putting any input on his opinion into the conversation.

Aster pushed his black hair back out of his face, the water had ruined its style and resulted in his slight curls to fall over his face constantly. "Well, if she does have amnesia shouldn't we help her? I mean..it's dangerous for someone with amnesia to be wandering around. Besides, she saved me."

All of them turned to Aster because of that, even Silas who had previously been pretending he didn't care about their conversation. Aster straightened up, not liking the attention his friends had suddenly given him. He coughed slightly, patting his chest as he looked away from the three pairs of eyes staring him down. Colin huffed, leaning against his own legs. He obviously was against the idea, but he wasn't about to object to his friend who was on the verge of death just a few hours ago.

Aster smiled at this, clapping his hands once as a decision-maker. "Alright, then it's decided. We will help her get her memory back."