
Our Adopted Mom is Crazy!

Our Adopted Mother is Crazy At first, we thought she's just a quirky woman who loves to provide unusual things to her children. However, when those stuff starts to function like they seems to be pulled out of a sci-fi or fantasy movie we couldn't help but think that there's something wrong… although there are so many clues, we tried to ignore it. Clue Number 1: Twin Brother: Is it just me or it seems that the size of our house is not proportional? When you look at it outside, it looks small but there are so many rooms inside… Twin Sister: Uh- maybe we're just tiny that we thought certain things were big on our perspective. Clue Number 2: Twin Brother: Wow! What kind of lunch boxes are these? Even though the food were packed since morning they're still hot like they were newly prepared. Twin Sister: Hmm… it must be their heat insulation system. Yep! It's definitely the reason for it. Clue Number 3: Twin Brother: Why do I feel that our bags were so light even though we put a lot of things in it? Twin Sister: ... (I don't want to think of an excuse anymore) ——— Twin Brother: I believe that our adopted Mom is an Alien. Twin Sister: Nonsense! Stop thinking of ridiculous things. Twin Brother: Then, how do you explain those weird stuff? They're definitely alienware, objects that use alien technology. Twin Sister: What alien technology are you talking about? Aliens don't exist! Those things are magical, okay? Our Mom is a mage! Not an alien. Adopted Mother: Both of you… what are you doing? Are you two fighting? Twin Siblings:! Twin Siblings: Nothing! We're not arguing at all. We're practicing a debate. Adopted Mother: Really? ——— This is a story about a woman who dreamed to have twins, a boy and a girl, and fulfilled it by adopting kids... as well as the journey of the twins in discovering the secrets of their adopted mother. Adopted Mother: So, do you have any questions? Twin Brother: Me, me, me, I have a question! Where do you buy those crazy stuff, Mom? Adopted Mother: That's a trade secret. Next question. Twin Sister: Is there any particular reason why you train us for survival skills and gunmanship? Or, is it just for self defense? Adopted Mother: We're preparing for the zombie apocalypse… Twin Brother: ... (whispering) I told you our adopted Mom is crazy. Twin Sister: (whispering) Shut up! Do you think that the orphanage will let a crazy person adopt us?

Haizea · Kỳ huyễn
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"I want to adopt twins, specifically, a boy and a girl."

That is my lifetime wish.

From the moment I became aware of this world those thoughts kept lingering through my mind.

I know I'm trapped from an endless cycle without a choice. Others would have long become numb or swallowed by despair from all of my experiences but it never extinguished my dream. This desire is like an eternal flame that keeps burning anew as I breathe back to life.

I remember the struggle, the ups and downs, the depression and the acceptance until I came to a solution that helps me keep my sanity intact. At first, it was just a compromise, a temporary fix. For a long time, I hypnotized myself with a certain reason… And now, it became a permanent salvation, treating these circumstances like I'm on vacation.

Anyway, let's go ahead and change the topic.

When I reached the age of 4, I became aware. The spoken and written language were very familiar yet the world's history and rules were unknown. The countries, continents and other places were also unrecognizable. Though, some of the previous knowledge could not be used as references, the technology and educational system were only slightly different.

Integrating myself within the society took little to no effort. The caretakers of the orphanage were good people. You can immediately notice that the environment and the condition within the institution were excellent.

No one suffers from malnutrition, every single child has their own stuff. The distribution of food clothing and other necessities were equal no matter if you're young or old. Children can live carefree without worry.

Indeed, we were lucky. The directors and other officers of the institution were very amiable, the caretakers from different ages were caring and very passionate with their work, even the cooks and janitors were nice. In short, you could say that all the staff were friendly, coming from the top up to the bottom.

Maybe what I heard from eavesdropping was true, that almost all of the individuals that's taking care of us were people who could not bear their own child. That's why they have put all their love and dedication with all the children as a way to fulfill their longing for the things that they could never have.

It was evident, with these wonderful individuals, the children never lack any motherly or fatherly love.

They know how to nurture the children's nature and attitude. They even support their hobbies and talents in developing it by preparing programs that can help them enhance it.

Beginning at the age of 3, the caretakers would start to teach the alphabet. They help everyone familiarize themselves with it as well as identifying other things such as colors, names of animals, things, places and events by playing interactive games. Then, they record each of the children's progress and determine who needs further assistance or supervision.

Good! It is good that the caretakers were aware that everyone has different levels of learning.

When we reach the age of 4, everyone will be enrolled in nursery school. Just like before lessons were done by playing games and doing activities that would keep everyone interested.

The school has an absolute rule, "A child could only be promoted to the next level once their comprehension was deemed acceptable."

However, even if there are outstanding students that can be considered as geniuses, they were not allowed to skip grades. The school believes that they need to experience normalcy so they won't be pressured as they grow. They also want them to develop the children's interpersonal skills with their peers of the same age.

Ideally, the flow of educational growth for an individual would be nursery at age 4, kinder at age 5, then Preparatory at age 6. Afterwards would be 6 years in Elementary and 4 years in Highschool.

Then lastly, they would have an option to get a 2-year vocational course or 4 years in college if they get a scholarship.

Honestly, I'm amazed with the institution. Not only did they have their own school in their territory, they also have other facilities that they use for their programs. Almost all of the caretakers have professional teaching credentials to guide the students, whether it is academics or sports.

I don't know if you can consider it as being over-prepared but… a lot of useful life-skills were drilled into every child.

At a young age, everyone learns how to save money, to be frugal, and how to spend it wisely. The difference between wants and needs were heavily emphasized. All of the children have their own savings which accumulate through years by doing excellent jobs with their studies, etiquette, manners, and in helping in chores. You can hardly see anyone spending money while staying within the institution unless it is time to leave.

I remembered asking one of the big brothers who recently left about their own savings and they confess that they have millions in their bank accounts. It's unbelievable! I want to have millions too when I leave here.

Farming was also a daily activity that everyone participated in. We learn how to plant fruits and vegetables from germinating the seeds to harvesting the crops. It even covered how to make compost and fertilizers as well as knowing what to plant for every season. Every child experiences their first tree planting at the age of 7. Then gives the tasks to take care and monitor their tree saplings own growth as time goes by.

In addition, they highly encourage everyone to plant their own crops since they can use it for cooking classes and sell the rest to get additional funds for their savings.

Cooking classes were also a fun activity. Though, not all can do it successfully since there's those individuals that can be considered as cooking disasters. As an alternative, the instructors teach them recipes that do not require any complicated kitchen equipment that involves gas or electricity.

This also helps us accumulate additional funds. If one has excellent cooking skills they can sell food depending on the occasion since the institution has different stores where they can host any of our products.

As for survival skills, there are also lessons for swimming and self-defense. For self-defense, everyone was required to at least choose one hand-to-hand combat, one close-range weapons class and one long-range weapons class.

Every life-saving skills are mandatory unless one has a special condition that needs to be considered.

I must say, the institution is well organized in covering every other aspect that the children would encounter once they entered society. From education, financial stability and security they've got everything covered.

If you think about it, staying within the premise of the institution was more beneficial than getting adopted. Even so the option is still the choice of the child. If he/she chooses to get adopted when someone applies for him/her, the institution will make sure that they will never get abused.

The requirements in adopting a child from the institution were stringent. One will need to be sound in mind and body, financially stable and a complete background check will be done to all the person that surrounds him/her, may it be family, friends, co-workers, neighbors or acquaintances. If there was any possibility of threat even if it is small, the application would be rejected.

Once the child gives his/her consent, he/she can choose to change his/her name or let it remain as it is. A special bracelet would also be given to that child so that he/she communicates with the institution in times of need. In addition, an operative will be assigned to closely monitor the child's living progress. Not only that, the new guardian will need to adhere with the guidelines that will be provided by the institution. If not, the adoption will be revoked depending on the child's decision.

When I learned this information, I couldn't help but exclaim that the institution was over-protective and wondered where they got all their funds to support its endeavor.

According to my research, it seems that it all came from the past orphans who left and graduated with the institution's program. A lot of them became successful with their chosen fields and made a name for themselves. Past graduates want to help preserve the system of the institution. That's why the current officials of the institution only consist of past graduates. They strictly guard it from being invaded by outsiders who only want to gain profit from operating it.

My journey within the institution is pretty normal. Compared with the others who chose the basic requirements for self-defense, I chose to learn Judo and Karate for hand-to-hand combat. For weapons wielding, I chose Kendo for close-range and Archery plus Guns for long-range.

Actually, I don't have to practice these since I can rely on my instincts and reflexes. There's no need to learn the same craft twice. It is only to justify my actions and skills in the near future to avoid suspicion.

Although the institution already provides a program in enhancing the skills of those children who have a passion for writing, I still chose a 2-year vocational course in literary arts.

In my opinion, the institution's vocational program is quite unique. It's like doing an on-the-job training instead of classroom studying. Past graduates who were experts on the chosen fields would provide in-depth training. They would take the students to the offices or corporations that they have established themselves and directly exposed them on what job they would do as well as other factors that they would encounter in the future.

But the thing that I love the most is that students earn money while doing it. Isn't it sweet?

When the vocational courses are finished, students can select to stay in the company that they are currently working with or apply to wherever they want. No matter if they became successful or not, the institution will still welcome them if they want to return, just like caretakers.

The day that I have been waiting for has finally come. I can now use the privilege they will give once you're leaving the institution... Name Changing!

Uwah! It's not like my default name is bad. It's just that I have been researching for a very long time for a name that I want to use in this current life. As for the last name, everyone does not have it. You will only have one when you leave the institution.

The caretaker smiled at me and asked, "What name do you want to have?"

"Asiri Sullivan"

"Got it." she nodded and completed the necessary documents. "It sounds so lovely." You could see a sparkle in her eyes as she openly shows her doting attitude towards her.

"I wish you will have a good life and a good start, dear child."

"Thank you! I hope to see you again in the near future." Asiri showed a brilliant smile.

"I hope so too. If fate permits it."


Two years have passed since that day. I'm now 20 years old and on the verge of realizing my dream.

Seriously, I didn't know that it was hard to find the criteria that I am looking for. It seems that twins were rare, especially for a boy and a girl.

Ah-ha~ I can't wait to see the two angels that I'm going to have.

But my good mood turned sour the moment I came to the orphanage. It looks decent from the outside but I never knew that it harbors a despicable nature.

Their facilities were so so. Some of the kids I've encountered were malnourished almost to the point of being emancipated. I even noticed the subtle fear in their eyes; the caretaker who was leading the way looked at the children as if warning them not to say anything.

On the outside, my face was cold without any emotions. Lips on a straight line, I restrained myself from showing my dissatisfaction.

The caretaker asked me to stay in the room she prepared as she called someone to bring the twins. Then, I heard them whispering something that made my blood boil.

"Where are those freaks? Bring them over! Someone's taken a fancy with those monsters."

"Tsk! Why chose those hell spawn? There are so many children that are more astounding than them. Did that person have a certain fetish?"

"Who knows?" shrugging her shoulder she continued. "Just hurry up so that we could get rid of them."

"Fine! I'm going!" she shouted then grumbled to herself. "Those useless things were only sources of misfortune."

Asiri looked by the window as she monitored the movements of that certain caretaker.

From afar, she could see the two children being alienated by their peers in the playground. Her killing intent spiked when the caretaker almost hit them for walking slowly and wasting her time.

As if feeling the looming threat, the caretaker paused her actions and looked in Asiri's direction. Their eyes met and it seems that she saw a phantom image of a dark monster opening its mouth to devour her. She was terrified! Cold sweat dripped down her back as she tried her best to get her body to function.

The other caretaker noticed her abnormal behavior. She shouted at her to hurry up.

With difficulty, she was able to move her body but she kept on trembling. The suffocating atmosphere intensified as she entered the room with twins. She couldn't make eye contact with Asiri. In a few minutes under Asiri's scrutiny, she lost consciousness.

The other caretaker grumbled as she moved the unconscious girl, unconcerned if she is comfortable or not.

With a flattering smile, the caretaker tried to start a conversation with Asiri.

"Ah… I'm sorry about that. I'm ashamed about my associate being unprofessional."

Asiri interrupted her with a gesture to stop talking then proceeded to ignore her for a while as she looked at the twins.

She gently coaxed them to sit first before continuing her conversation with the caretaker.

She gently smiled and softly said, "Little ones, why don't you sit first? Both of you must have been tired from playing outside."

At first, the twins were hesitant to move but as they looked at her gentle face and doting tone they slowly approached the seats offered for them.

They don't know why but they felt comfortable within Asiri's vicinity, as if there's a warm cocoon that envelops their body relaxing their nerves.

The caretakers hold back her protest but she keeps on looking at the twins with dagger-like eyes. Then, a sudden chill ran up her spine and distracted her unsavory thoughts.

Her focus returned to Asiri and continued to negotiate about the necessary fees that needed to be settled as well as completing the documents to finish it as soon as possible.

When Asiri left the orphanage together with her newly adopted children, she made a call to the institution and discussed the circumstances of the remaining children within it.

The institution assured her that they will take care of it immediately. Thanking her effort in informing them about these kinds of orphanages that almost resemble human traffickers and treating the children as goods to sell for their profit.

Afterwards, she faced the twins and inspected their appearance. Both of them have the same features, black hair and different eye-colors.

Uwah! They looked like adorable kittens. I want to kiss them and hug them but I restrained myself, I don't want to scare the little ones.

I lovingly smiled at them and said, "My name is Asiri Sullivan and from now on, I promise to love and cherish the both of you. I will do my best to protect you and keep you safe until the last breath of my life."

"… So believe in me." Asiri said as she touched and gently pat the head of the boy, "Sol" as well the the head of the girl, "Luna"

The eyes of the twins slightly redden as they nodded their heads as affirmation of their belief in her words.

"Let's go home…" Asiri whispered as she held the little hands of children within her grasp.

Hello everyone! I hope that you will enjoy reading this. Just a heads-up, the next chapters will be written in the point of view of the twins. Though there will be dedicated chapters from the mother's point of view they would few compared to the little ones.

With this, I don't know if it will still be considered adhering on the contest theme since some of the stories I've checked who is also participating were using the mother's POV.

Haizeacreators' thoughts