
Oshi No Ko: Duet of Destinies

Orphanage walls whispered loneliness, but in Akira Ueno's heart burned a hunger for the spotlight. His voice, his moves were his only weapons against a world that saw him as invisible. Talent shows and underground gigs became his battlefields, fueled by dreams of escape and a desperate need to be seen. Whispers of record labels and fame swirled, a tantalizing glimmer just beyond his grasp. But fate took a cruel turn. A blinding flash, a truck, then darkness. Yet, a warm voice whispers a second chance, a new world. Transmigrated into the world of Oshi no Ko, Akira now holds the keys to potential stardom. Can he navigate this new path, and with a certain rising idol, discover how to love and be true to themselves? ====== Some more information before you hop into the fic: This book is very much inspired by the movie Yesterday and a fanfic I read: The Betrayed Hero and the Idol, but I want to keep the supernatural stuff to a minimum. Also, Akira will be using songs from this world as they don't exist in the world of Oshi No Ko. Akira is a performer, not a songwriter and the only one who would know the songs are not his is him. For full transparency I write the novel myself and use AI to proofread and be an editor for my work. I am more familiar with pop and rnb music so that is what I will be using most likely Since the timeline in OnK is confusing, I am going to go ahead and make my own: Ai Birthday: Jan 25, 2002 Akira Birthday: June 11, 2002 Aqua and Ruby birthday: April 28, 2018 Date when Akira Transmigrates: October 3, 2019

XaviValentine · Tranh châm biếm
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26 Chs

No More What Ifs

The world was about to be introduced to Akira Ueno. And I was ready for it.

Or so I thought.

In the midst of Yumi's intense media coaching, her rapid-fire questions and piercing gaze dissecting every micro-expression, the shrill ring of my phone cut through the room like a knife.

I fumbled for my pocket, my fingers suddenly clumsy. Who could be calling in the middle of our session? I glanced at Yumi, an apology on my lips, but she merely raised an eyebrow, her expression unreadable.

"Take it," she said, her voice crisp. "But make it quick. We've got a lot to cover."

I nodded, stepping out of the room with a murmured excuse me. The hallway was quiet, the muffled sounds of the city filtering through the windows. I glanced at the screen, my heart stuttering in my chest when I saw the name.

President Ichigo.

A thousand thoughts raced through my mind as I swiped to answer. Was something wrong? Had there been a change in our schedule? Or, a small, hopeful part of me whispered, could it be about Ai?

"Hello?" My voice sounded strange to my own ears, tight with a mix of anxiety and anticipation.

"Akira." Ichigo's tone was serious, even for him. "We need to talk. It's about Ai."

I felt my stomach drop, a cold sweat breaking out on the back of my neck. "Is she okay? Did something happen?"

[Ai POV]

45 minutes ago

I opened the door, my eyebrows lifting in surprise when I saw who was on the other side.

President Ichigo. And Miyako.

My mind raced. What could bring them here? Had something happened with B-Komachi?

"President Ichigo, Miyako," I greeted, my voice calm and polite. "What a surprise. Please, come in."

They stepped into the apartment, their expressions serious but not grave. Miyako's eyes held a glimmer of warmth, while Ichigo's were guarded, assessing.

"Ai," Ichigo began, his tone measured. "We apologize for the early visit. But there's something we need to discuss."

I felt a flutter of nerves in my chest, but kept my expression neutral. "Of course. Please, sit. Can I offer you some tea?"

Ichigo waved a hand, declining. "This won't take long." He paused, seeming to gather his thoughts. "Ai, you know we've always had your best interests at heart. Both as your employers and as... well, as people who care about you."

I nodded, a small smile touching my lips. "I do know that. And I'm grateful."

Ichigo cleared his throat, looking slightly uncomfortable with the sentimentality. "Yes, well. That's why we feel it's important to have this conversation. About Akira, and what his presence in your life could mean."

I tilted my head, a small frown creasing my brow. "What do you mean?"

Miyako leaned forward, her expression gentle. "Ai, we know you've been through a lot. Especially with... with the father of your children."

I stiffened slightly, but I kept my voice steady as I replied, "That's in the past. I've moved on."

Ichigo's gaze was piercing, searching. "Have you? Truly? Because getting involved with an idol as an idol, especially one as high-profile as Akira is about to become... it's not a decision to make lightly."

I met his stare evenly, a quiet strength in my voice as I responded. "I haven't made it lightly. Akira... he's different. He's a good man, with a good heart. He cares about me, and about Ruby and Aqua."

Miyako's smile was soft, understanding. "We can see that. The way he is with the children... it's clear he has a genuine bond with them."

I nodded, a warmth blooming in my chest at the thought. "He does. And they adore him."

Ichigo was quiet for a long moment, his expression thoughtful. Then, he sighed, some of the tension easing from his shoulders.

"Ai, we're not here to judge or to dictate your personal life. We just want to ensure you've considered all the angles. An idol's life can be... complicated as you know. The scrutiny, the demands on their time..."

"I understand," I said softly, my gaze steady. "And I'm ready to face those challenges. With Akira by my side."

Miyako reached out, giving my hand a gentle squeeze. "Then you have our support. And our respect. We know you'll handle this with the same grace and strength you bring to everything you do."

I blinked back a sudden sting of tears, moved by her words. "Thank you."

Ichigo stood, Miyako following suit. "We should let you get on with your day. But Ai... if you ever need anything, you know where to find us."

I walked them to the door, a sense of lightness in my step. "I do. And I'm grateful. For everything."

As the door closed behind them, I leaned against it for a moment, Akira's note still clutched in my hand.

We had a long road ahead of us, Akira and I. But we also had something precious, something real.

We had the support of the people who mattered most. And we had each other.

[Akira POV]

There was a pause, a rustle of papers in the background. "Yes, everything's fine. I wanted to let you know that Miyako and I had a conversation with Ai today."

I felt a flicker of unease. "A conversation? About what?"

Ichigo sighed, and I could picture him leaning back in his chair, his brow furrowed. "About you, actually. And about her future."

"I see."

"Akira, I won't beat around the bush. Ai's been through a lot. She's had to be strong, for herself and for her children. And as someone who cares about her, I need to know that anyone in her life is going to be a source of support, not stress."

I nodded, even though he couldn't see me. "I understand, sir. And I want you to know that Ai and the kids... they mean everything to me. I would never do anything to hurt them or make their lives harder."

There was a long pause. I could hear my own heartbeat in my ears.

Finally, Ichigo spoke. "I believe you, Akira. I've seen the way you are with them, the way Ai lights up when you're around. It's clear that you have something special."

Relief washed over me, so strong it made my knees weak. "Thank you, sir. That means a lot."

"But," Ichigo continued, his voice sharpening slightly, "I also need to know that you understand the position you're in. As the leader of X-Factor, you have a responsibility to your group. Your personal life can't interfere with that."

I straightened my shoulders, a new resolve settling over me. "I understand completely. I won't let anything distract me from my duties. X-Factor is my priority."

"Good." Ichigo's tone softened, just a fraction. "Because Ai's happiness is my priority. And if you're going to be a part of her life, a part of her children's lives, I need to know that you're in it for the long haul. No matter how tough things get."

I closed my eyes, picturing Ai's smile, the way Ruby's hand felt in mine, the pride in Aqua's eyes when I complimented him. "I'm in it, sir. No matter what. They're my family now, too."

There was another pause, and for a moment, I thought the call had disconnected. But then I heard Ichigo's voice, gruffer than usual. "Well, then. I suppose that's all that needs to be said."

I let out a breath I hadn't realized I'd been holding. "Thank you, sir. For your trust, and for your blessing. It means everything."

"Yes, well." Ichigo cleared his throat. "Just remember what I said. X-Factor comes first. But... take care of them, Akira. They're special."

"I will," I promised, my voice rough with emotion. "Always."

"And one more thing," Ichigo added, a hint of amusement creeping into his tone. "No more kids until both of you can legally drink, you hear me?"

I choked out a laugh, the tension breaking. "Understood, sir. No idol juniors on the horizon, I promise."

"Good man." I could hear the smile in Ichigo's voice. "Now, get back to work. We've got a world to conquer."

The line went dead, and I stood there for a long moment, just breathing.

Ichigo's approval, his blessing... it was more than I could have hoped for. But with it came a new weight of responsibility, a new depth of commitment.

I slipped back into the practice room, my mind still reeling from the conversation with Ichigo. Yumi glanced up from her notes, her eyebrows raised.

"Everything alright?" she asked, her tone more curious than concerned.

I nodded, managing a smile. "Yeah, just some... personal stuff. But it's all good."

Yumi studied me for a moment, then shrugged. "Alright. Well, if you're ready, I thought we could do some one-on-one coaching. Really drill down on your individual style and presentation."

"Sounds good," I said, settling into a chair across from her. "I'm all ears."

Yumi leaned forward, her gaze intense. "Akira, as the leader of X-Factor, you're going to be the face of this group. The one everyone looks to, both on and off stage. That's a lot of pressure."

I swallowed hard, but met her stare head-on. "I know. And I'm ready for it."

She smiled, a glimmer of approval in her eyes. "Good. Because it's not going to be easy. The media, the fans, they're going to want to know everything about you. Your hopes, your dreams... your secrets."

She paused then continued. "Your relationship is certainly something we'll need to handle delicately. An idol with a ready-made family... it's not unheard of, but it's not exactly common, either."

"I'm not going to hide them," I said firmly. "I'm not ashamed of who I love."

To my surprise, Yumi smiled. "Nor should you be. Authenticity is key in this business. Fans can smell a fake from a mile away."

She leaned back, tapping her pen against her chin. "The key will be in how we frame it. We focus on the love, the commitment, the family values. We make it a positive, a part of your brand."

I nodded slowly, seeing the wisdom in her words. "Alright. I can do that."

"Good." Yumi set her notebook aside, her expression turning serious. "Now, let's put it into practice. I'm going to ask you some questions, and I want you to answer as if this were a real interview. Ready?"

I took a deep breath, squaring my shoulders. "Ready."

Yumi picked up an imaginary microphone, her face transforming into a bright, media-ready smile. "Akira! Thanks so much for sitting down with us today. First off, congratulations on X-Factor's comeback. The fans are buzzing with excitement. How does it feel to be in the spotlight?"

I mirrored her smile, leaning forward slightly as if engaging with an audience. "It's incredible. The love and support we've received, it's beyond anything I could have imagined. We're just so grateful to have this opportunity to make music and connect with our fans."

Yumi nodded, her 'reporter' persona never faltering. "Speaking of fans, there's been a lot of curiosity about X-Factor's new leader. Akira, tell us a little about yourself. Who is the man behind the music?"

I took a moment, as if gathering my thoughts. "Well, I'm a pretty simple guy at heart. I love music, I love my group, and I love my family. They're my world, you know? Everything I do, it's for them."

"Family?" Yumi raised an eyebrow, a perfect picture of polite interest. "That's not a word we often hear from idols. Can you elaborate on that?"

I smiled, letting a touch of warmth enter my voice. "Of course. I'm lucky enough to have found an amazing partner. She's my rock, my inspiration."

Yumi leaned in, as if scenting a story. "That's certainly unusual for an idol. Aren't you worried about how fans might react? About the impact on your career?"

I met her gaze steadily, my voice firm but gentle. "I understand the concern. But for me, being an idol isn't about pretending to be something I'm not. It's about sharing my truth, my passion, with the world. And my truth is that I'm a man who loves deeply and fully. My family, they're not a hindrance to my career. They're the reason for it. They're my 'why'."

Yumi sat back, a genuine smile breaking through her reporter facade. "That's a powerful statement, Akira. I think your fans are going to see a whole new side of you."

She 'turned off' the imaginary mic, her media persona melting away. "And... cut! That was great, Akira. You came across as sincere, grounded, but still passionate. That's exactly the kind of image we want to project."

I let out a breath I didn't realize I'd been holding. "Thanks, Yumi. That was intense, but it felt good. Felt real."

She nodded, picking up her notebook again. "That's the key. No matter what questions they throw at you, always bring it back to your truth. Your music, your values, your love for your group and your family. That's what people will connect to."

I nodded, the lesson sinking in. It wasn't about being perfect. It was about being real, being me.

Yumi glanced at her watch, then stood. "Alright, I think that's enough for today. You've got a solid foundation. Just keep practicing, keep getting comfortable with your narrative. The more natural it feels, the more authentic it will come across."

I stood as well, shaking her hand. "Will do. And Yumi... thanks."

Yumi gathered her notes, slipping them into her bag. "Indeed. Now, off you go. Get some rest. You're going to need it."

With a final thanks and a wave, I left the room, my mind buzzing. The anticipation was killing me. What could this big announcement be?

Lost in thought, I almost ran straight into Kenji. "Whoa, sorry man!"

Kenji steadied me, his expression serious. "Careful, Akira. Mind on the task at hand, remember?"

"Right, sorry. Just got a lot on my mind."

Kenji's gaze softened a fraction. "We all do. But Takeshi's called a meeting. Best not to keep him waiting."

"A meeting?" My eyebrows shot up. "Now?"

Kenji nodded curtly. "Now. Let's go."

Together, we walked to the meeting room. The others were already there, murmuring among themselves.

Takeshi entered and stood at the front of the room, his presence commanding instant silence. "I have some exciting news. X-Factor has secured a major interview. Next Wednesday's, you'll be appearing on 'Music Buzz' to discuss your comeback and perform your new single."

Music Buzz? That was huge. The most popular music show in Japan, watched by millions. This was our chance, our moment to shine.

I saw the same realization dawn on their faces. Daisuke's smile, Hiroki and Satoru's excited exchange, Kenji's subtle nod of approval. We all understood the gravity of this opportunity.

"This is huge," Kenji said, voicing all our thoughts. "We'll be reaching millions of viewers."

Takeshi nodded. "Exactly. Which is why it's crucial that you're prepared. Yumi has briefed me on your media training, and I'm confident you'll be ready by then.

"Be yourselves," Takeshi said, his gaze locking with each of ours in turn. "Be authentic. That's what will resonate with people. That's what will separate us from the rest."

I nodded, my resolve hardening. I would be myself. The real Akira Ueno, flaws and all. That's what our fans deserved. That's what I deserved.

"Alright," Takeshi clapped his hands. "Get some rest tonight. Tomorrow, we make sure the choreography is perfect."

Next week's interview wasn't something to fear. It was an opportunity. A chance to show the world who we were, who I was.

But before that, I had a woman to officially ask out.