
welcome to forks

An: have a few ideas for the oairing. Will be an oc. Sorry. I just feel it'll be easier for me to portray my own character.

Some face cam ideas:

Margot Robbie

Jenna Ortega

Arianna grande

Alexandra daddario

Vanessa Morgan




As I pull into the small town that will be my new home I can't help but admire the atmosphere. The rain, the grey, I love it.

I'm from sticky Texas. Where it often gets so hot you wonder why even go outside. But here? It's perfect. A 55° misting masterpiece.

I have a decent sized cooler filled with blood that I procured across the states on my way here. Honestly? This needing blood thing is kinda nuts. I love how my Face looks.

The upgraded original face was hands down my favorite from the tvd universe. It had its charms on my now moonlight like skin, and also the dark skin of marcel in the tv show.

The veins moving along my face were immaculate to look at. Mix this with the two sets of fangs on both bottom and top jaw, completed by my glowing red eyes struck quite the figure.

I'm also thankful this body let his hair grow out. I look like the American assassin version of stiles rather than the skinhead he was in early seasons of tw.

I'm curious about everything in this world. Could my compulsion work on cold ones? Could I turn one? What about turning other people? Who knows honestly.

What I do know is I need an abode. A sanctuary. I make my way to the realtor who's about to give me a house. Such a kind person.


As I pull up to the address following the directions of the man I've compelled to stay quiet unless spoken to, I must say that the recommendation he had after hearing my specifications were incredible. Maybe I'll gift him with a car for Christmas as a thank you should the inside be as appealing as the outside.

Stretched out a little about the bank of a river surrounded by dense Forrest, i marveled at the property.


After I make my way inside. I decide I want it.

"Thank you for the service chuck. Forget my name and this house you sold me. But take it off the market. Be gone."

With that i was left to my own devices. I immediately began calling furniture stores around to get an idea of what I wanted. All it would take is a little compulsion.


After taking a few days to get my house together it's finally time to go out into the town and see if the vibe of the movies matches up.

Starting my car, the engine roars to life. Something I love. This baby is fast. I had quite a bit of time to get it going while driving across the country.

I'm just glad I'm actually here. I let my vampire out as I look into the mirror and see those shining red eyes looking back at me. A symbol of the substance that now sustained me. Something I do more often than I care to admit. A way to confirm I'm actually doing everything and it's not some crazy dream.

It was insane to me still. The way I could move. The strength I possessed. But more incredibly it was my senses I admired. I could hear a fly flapping it's wings from a football field away if i focused hard enough.

I haven't drank from a human since the woman in the Forrest of my hometown. I didn't like the experience truth be told. One of the main reasons I enjoyed the fact my species of vampire could live on blood bags with no issue.

This also led to me raiding a nearby blood bank of their stock. A decent haul truth be told. Another thing I acquired immediately was whiskey. A lot of it. Like a literal truckload of it was brought to my house. I wanted to make the, "every horizontal surface has a bottle on it" kind house hold.

I'm a bachelor. What can ya do?

Besides, I can't drink water. I need to drink something. Why not whiskey. It takes away the burn of not having blood.

I realize I've been driving while reminiscing and see I'm coming into the middle of town. I pull into a small diner with a police car parked out front.


3rd pov

Hearing the bell signaling the arrival of someone to the restaurant, many looked to see a young man in a winter cap with a hoodie and jeans on under it.

Nobody had ever seen him. He looked serious. His eyes scanned the room diligently as he walked to the end of the booths and sat down, before landing on the approaching waitress with beautiful dark brown hair and eyes, "hello how can I help you today?"

The young man replied evenly, "just some tea please. And if you could bring me a sugar bowl I'd really appreciate it."

He gave a soft smile that flustered the waitress. But she quickly resumed her professional demeanor and swiftly left to fulfill the order.


Across the diner Chief Charlie swan and his daughter were just getting their meals.

Charlie spoke to the women, "amber have you seen him before?" He asks gesturing to the young man who just walked in. He didn't recognize him.

Amber shook her head, "sorry chief. I'll go see about getting some info from the waitress okay? Please enjoy your meal. And Bella, it's good to see you. It'll do your dad some good as well." The named girl have an awkward smile and nod before continuing to pick at her plate.

With that amber was off. None of the three realizing their conversation had been eavesdropped on with such ease it was scary.



'So, Bella the protagonist? And her father the clueless but good hearted Charlie swan. Interesting.' I think just as the waitress brings my tea and sugar.

"Here tou are mr?"

Ah I can see now, fishing for info. Okay I'll bite. A little reveal won't do much harm. "I'm stiles O'Brien. I'm new to town. Just moved after the death of my parents. I start school tomorrow." I said with the appropriate amount of sadness at losing my parents but also at the unbreakable spirit of a kid trying to start fresh.

The lady smiled a sad smile at me before leaving me to my thoughts.

So engrossed was i that by the time I'd finished the tea, left a $5 on the table, and opened my car door I hear a voice from behind me.

"Hello son, welcome to forks!"

I turn around to see the most awkward father daughter duo i have personally ever seen grace cinema. It truly was masterful how they portrayed a teenage girl who hasn't seen her father in years try to move back in with him.

'Ah chief swan, i guess the man was too curious not to intro himself. Oh well. Might as well.' I think as I make my way over the 7 or so steps to he and his daughter.



Lmk about the face cam for the paring. Will intro soon. 🙏