

An: putting out some ideas I have just started thinking about recently. Seeing what I like writing as well as what gains the most traction.



Opening my eyes I see I'm surrounded by nothingness.

I remember my life. I had just turned 21 before being thrown into this abyss that is the afterlife. I don't exactly remember dying, my theory on that is it's too much trauma for the mind to grasp, so it locks it away tightly.

I'm thankful for not remembering it, whether my hypothesis is true or not.

I hear a voice ring out into the ether.

"You have passed child. Please, state your wishes."

I thought hard. What did I want to do? Where did I want to go? I'd read this situation countless times on the internet.

I didn't want to go somewhere like dragon ball where a literal multiverse could be deleted on the whim of a child.

Sure, anyone loved the idea of going super Saiyan. Hell, I saw screw ssjg and blue, I'd go right for ssj4 and just make that my natural state, never coming out of it.

anyway, no. I don't want that kind of life. While it would be fun, I don't fancy spending literally all my time training, because without the protagonists mark, you're basically screwed if you don't work your bones to dust in a reality like that.

Then it dawned on me, the cheesy teenage movies and tv shows I watched with girls who came over In highschool/college.

I ran through a multitude of different worlds. Tvd, supernatural, underworld, got,twilight and so on.

But my favorite had always been the angsty twilight universe. Seriously, what more of a laid back and supernatural world could you ask for?

With that in mind as well as the future events of the show I stated my wishes:

1. I would like to go to the twilight reality

2. I want my playlist to come with me from this world.

3. I would like to look like stiles

4. I want to be an upgraded original vampire

5.I want to be able to create daylight rings for those I turn.

6. I want to wake up after beginning my transition

With that my world exploded in a light show of the entire color spectrum and even some colors I'd never even imagined could be real.


My eyes shoot open as does my body.

I remember everything. The main thing on my mind however is blood. Quickly tossing on sweats and a hoodie I make my way out into the adjacent Forrest hoping to find someone on a morning jog. On my way I notice a distinct ring on my right pinky. Silver band set with a blue lapis lazuli stone. A daylight ring. 'Forgot about that wish,' I thought lazily before heading movement up ahead.

It didn't take long before I find a decently pretty 25-30 year old woman. A brunette with blue eyes and puffy lips. I ran up to her and caught my breath.

"Excuse me miss?" I ask with my head down. I can't believe I'm about to do this. But oh well. I have to.

"Yes, are you alright?" She asked me reaching out her black painted nails.

I didn't deign a response. I had acquired a small pocket knife used for fishing and grabbed her outstretched hand with my newly bloodied left one and sliced her wrist.

She let out a cry but I cared not. I simply covered her mouth with my bloodied left Palm to keep her quiet and drank.

I didn't even know id done that. For everything changed when I tasted it.

After the red liquid slid down my throat.


Third pov.

A young 16 year old boy can be seen biting a woman's left wrist with his own left hand covering her mouth.

What would be shocking to any passers by, however, is the veins running up the teenagers face as well as the glowing crimson eyes he bore.


In the blink of an eye the boy moved at super luminal speed across the path and into the woods with the woman in his grip.

Arriving at a tree the red eyed boy looked at the woman and spoke, "you will forget this ever occurred. You simply got tired quicker than usual in your run. You really should go to sleep in a more timely manner."

And with that he disappeared in a blur back into the Forrest after dropping the lady on her behind in the middle of the path.



Arriving back at my home I feel good. Great even.

That all comes crashing down when I can't step into my house.

'Damn it! I forgot about this aspect of vampires!' I raged. Forgetting completely that I could no longer enter a house that had a living owner.

From my body's memories, Dylan lived with his aunts family after his parents died in a plane accident. They were nice enough to him but it was clear he was in a secondary tier.

Although it hurt this body's feelings, I could give a rat. In fact? I'll compel each and every family member until they forget I exist before taking off into my new life. Time for Dylan Goodman to disappear for good.


1 week later

After successfully compelling any and all things about me from my aunts family, I walk out of the courthouse today a new man. An ID with my name, Stiles O'Brien. I thought it was a funny inside joke with myself.

Now thinking about the car situation I make my way into a dealership that has crazy looking cars.


I pull out of the lot riding in a beast. One that was free 99.

My dream car. The 67' Ford Mustang.

I already have so many ideas for how to modify it with my 21st century knowledge.

(Image now)

(Image future)

With that done it was time to make my way to forks. 'Though not without some blood along the way.' I think as I lick my lips at the thought. I'll need to find a blood bank close to forks I can raid ever so often. I think it'd be safer to do in Canada and other states like Oregon and California as well. But that can be done later. For now? Snatch, eat, Erase.


AN: hope you enjoy. Just wanted to put another idea i have out. Trying to put different ideas I have down and see what sticks.

Have a few more ideas I may post today as well 🤷🏼 most likely hotd. I'm obsessed with it right now.