

Story of Tammy and Williams They're completely opposite from each other She's dramatic, blubby, kind, beautiful, sassy and a waitress He's rude, Handsome, bossy, Stoic and a workaholic Do you think they'll fall in love? Well.... Let's find out

Tamunotonye_Brown · Thanh xuân
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36 Chs

Chapter 9


When we finally got to my mom and dad, my mom dragged me to the side

"What are you doing Williams? is that not your personal assistant?" I could see the disappointment in her eyes

"Mom chill, it's no big deal. We fell in love" I lied

"Since when, the last time I checked you don't believe in love" Mom asked almost shouting

"Mom do you have a problem with me loving someone"

"Of course not"

"We're done with this conversation then" I said

"Williams Andrew George, come back here" My mom shouted but I didn't even turn back to look at her.

Dad and Betty was standing but they don't look like they're happy to be in each other's presence, lol just lol

"Well dad, mom meet my fiancee Betty, as y'all know she's my personal assistant..."

"Fianceeeeeeeeeeee" I couldn't finish before Mark and Elsie cut me off.

I turned around and saw Tammy behind them, her face was plain, I couldn't read her reaction. The plan was to make her jealous and it has to work.

"Since when did she become your fiancee" Mark asked with a suspicious look "huh?" he folded his hands

"I'm surprised" El said

"Can you guys leave all this for later, don't make my sweetheart shy please" I kissed Betty's Cheeks. To be honest that sweetheart was hard for me to say

"Hmmm if you say so son" my dad said

"What do you mean Andrew" Mom said, Yes she called him Andrew, she calls him that anytime she's angry. But honestly I wasn't expecting it to go this way

"Sweetie if he says he loves her let him be" My dad said with soft eyes

"No, something doesn't feel right" mom said and turned to Betty, oh no

"Betty darling, since when did you fall him love with my son" Mom asked "First of all I'm sorry for making it look like a big deal but I'm just surprised" Mom smiled

"He he.. con...fessed his..s...s feelings to me to...to.day" Betty stammered, what the hell.

"Hmmmm" Mark said while looking at us, El and dad has a "I don't believe this look". Mom and Tammy's expression was blank. This was not what I expected, thank you Betty you're wonderful

"Betty darling, I'm like a mother to you. what's really happening" mom asked and at the look of things Betty will say the truth.

*You guys are unbelievable, I brought a girl and instead of accepting her you're asking silly questions. When El brought her boyfriend, it didn't go this way. Instead you guys called me unbelievable when I asked him questions" I said with anger

"Are you angry at them or the fact that Tammy isn't getting jealous" my subconscious mocked

"We're sorry Williams, we support you" my mom said and they all affirmed, except Mark and Tammy. "By the way this is Tammy" mom pointed towards Tammy. oh so mom invited her.

Tammy and I started looking at each other, I was breathing fast and my stomach was in a marathon, What's this feeling

"Hmm hmm" dad cleared his throat and we broke the eye contact. I turned and saw Mark smirking

"I know she's beautiful son" Mom came and whispered in my ears "and I also know you're not in love with Betty but I can't place my hands on the reason why you did this" she added. I looked at her and she smiled

"I'm your mother Willy" she winked.

I wanted to facepalm Myself so bad, thank you Betty for being a good actress, Angelina Jolie has nothing on you.

"And Tammy, meet my son Williams" mom said

we both look at each other briefly

"Why do I have this feeling that you guys know each other" El said

"We don't" I and Tammy said at the same time, everybody looked at us. Great just great

"Well I don't think so" Mark said "You guy definitely know each other" Mark added, he was smirking.

"We don't" I said while looking at him with the "if you say one more word, I'll kill you" look

and he chuckled

"What's seriously going on here" Dad asked, Betty has been quite the whole time

"Let's just say Tammy and Williams..."

"SHUT UP" I and Tammy shouted again.

"Something is definitely up" El said with a raised eyebrow

"Yes, Mark and Tammy know each other. infact they're in love with each other" Mark said in a rush

"We aren't, I don't know him" Tammy defended

"Wait did you say they're in love" Mom said "You mean they know each other?" Mom asked with a shock

"Of course they do, but they aren't in good terms for now, couple fight all those stuffs" Mark said and I cursed him under my breath. Tammy bowed her head

"Wow just wow" Dad said

"Wait a minute" mom raised her finger. "Did you know Tammy will attend?"

"is that why you brought Betty, to make her Jealous" Mom smirked.


"What do you expect from a lawyer" my subconscious said. Sometimes I forget my mom's a lawyer.

Aside the fact that my mom owns a company. She was a lawyer. she and dad met when she was handling his case and they fell in love..

"That's not the reason, I don not know her"

"Boss I thought you said I should act like your fiancee" Betty said and I looked at her, what the hell

" Ooops" she closed her mouth and bowed her head

"Interesting isn't it" Mark said, Everybody has a surprised look

"Thank you mom, you're so amazing" I rolled my eyes

"And smart" she added with a chuckle

"I didn't come here to make her jealous, yes I asked Betty to act like my girlfriend but not because of Tammy" I lied

"Then because of who" Mark added, I felt like Punching his face

"Yes who" El asked

"The last time I checked, we didn't pressurize you to bring a lady and this isn't a plus one party" Mom said with a smirk

"I have my reasons okay? and it's nobody's business. I don't know Tammy and that's final"

I said and walked away.

I noticed Betty was coming behind me

"What do you think you're doing" I shouted

"Sorry boss, I mean I was going to the buffet, yes the buffet" she said and ran away

Yes go there and fill your stomach, you don't want to get your letter with an empty stomach

"But she didn't do anything" my subconscious said

"she did" I replied and left the hall

"Mr Williams why are you leaving early"

"Is it one of your anger issues again"

"Did someone make you angry"

"Did you meet a rival"

"Where's your personal assistant"

"I thought you guys are in a relationship"

"Mr Williams"

"Mr Williams say something"

"SHUT UPPPPPPPPP" I shouted at them and everywhere became silent

I walked towards my car and Brog opened the door for me

"Are you okay boss" he asked

"Mind your business for the last time" I shouted and he nodded

"Sorry boss"

"Sorry for yourself, take me to my house" I commanded and the engine came to life


After Williams walked away angrily all eyes were on me. My shoe suddenly became interesting.

"Is it true?" Mr George asked and I raised my head, and why's she Happy "I'd really be happy if it's true" Mom said

"I honestly don't know what to say" I said truthfully

"It's fine dear" Mr George reassured

"Oh my God you're going to be my sister in-law" Elly squealed and hugged me tight, I fake smiled. I looked at Marky

"Sorryyy" He said and I rolled my eyes

"Why not come over to my house this weekend, I have a special recipe for you" Elly said with hopeful eyes

"Nooooooooooo" they all screamed, what's going on

"She'll not be hungry" Marky said and I looked at him with a raised eyebrow, mom was giving me the "say no" look

"How do you know, are you now a soothsayer? don't mind him dear, he wants the food to himself, greedy boy" Elly said and Mark gave her the "you must be joking look". I don't even know what's going on. I looked at Mark and he was whispering "Say no" and gesturing with his hands and I decided to turn down the offer and ask reminded myself to ask him later

"Sorry Elly but I'd be really busy, maybe next time" I said politely

"Okay fine" she pouted and I chuckled.

The party started, Mrs George made a speech and we all partied. They were lots of food, drinks and snacks.

Artists were invited and we danced our ass off. In all the party was amazing. I had so much fun.

Marky offered to take me home and I agreed

About thirty minutes later, we arrived at my house

"Thank you so much Marky" I said and gave him a side hug

"You're welcome Baby girl" he smiled

I opened the door to leave but changed my mind

"Why did you ask me to turn down Elly's Offer" I asked

"She's a really bad cook, trust me you're going to throw up or purge, and your stomach is going to run so bad" he laughed

"Are you serious?" I asked with shocked

"You don't wanna know, infact you should tell me a big thank you for saving your ass" he chuckled and I rolled my eyes "hey what's up with the attitude" he asked

''Why did you do that" he gave a confused look and later smirked, guess he now knows the reason

"I was just trying to help" he defended

"Oh really, thank you so much" I rolled my eyes and he started laughing, he's so unbelievable

"I'm not gonna apologise for helping out, don't expect an apology" he smirked. I pulled his shirt

"Apology right now" he raised his hands up in defeat

"Fine I'm sorry" he said laughing

"Better," I said and walked out of the car

"You're welcome" I heard him shout

"Whatever" I said and he chuckled again

I got inside and everywhere was so dark but before I knew it the light was switched on

"Welcome back" Ella said

"What was that for, you scared me" I said while holding my chest

"I didn't mean to" she chuckled "Now tell me everything" she sat down on the couch with a chips

"What's the chips for" I said while pulling off my shoes

"I know you got something interesting, so I want to be enjoying myself while listening" she shrugged.

I sat down and started narrating everything from the beginning


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I'd really appreciate that

I'll try and drop a new chapter tonight

I love y'all <3