
Only I Travel to Multiverse

A MULTİVERSE FANFİC After Peter's family died at the hands of a criminal organization, Peter began living an isolated and lonely life. As the years pass in this way, Peter one day meets the system, which tells him that he can become stronger by doing tasks in the multiverse, and at the end of the years, he agrees to merge with the system, thinking that he has the opportunity to avenge his family. Uzume, who was sent to Peter with the system, tries to make Peter a person who knows how to be happy again while traveling the multiverse. ------- Although the main character is smarter than a normal person, he did not receive a proper education or grew up in a family environment, so the main character's emotional intelligence is very low and Uzume tries to help the main character in this regard. -------- My native language is not English. If you indicate any errors you see with a paragraph comment, I can fix them as soon as possible. ------- first world : Oshi No Ko - over second worls : blue lock patreon.com/OLD_storage

OLD_storage · Tranh châm biếm
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"It's a shame you can't tidy up my room. Anyway, I don't want you to behave like a slave, let that be your punishment. Now raise your head and tell me what you mean by duty."

While Uzume was thinking to herself, "If you don't want me to act like a slave, what is this tone of conversation?", she raised her head and started telling Peter the details about the system happily like a freed slave.

After a short conversation, Peter understood what the system was like in general. If I complete the tasks given by the system, I will receive rewards at the end of the task according to my level of completion.

"Even though I was a little confused about the rewards, I understood what I had to do. Let's go do a mission when we get home from work."

Uzume was strongly against Peter's plan to go to work. In his opinion, the most important thing right now was for Peter to leave this gloomy world behind and have fun serving in one of the mission worlds he chose for him.

" But if I don't go to work, I can't earn money and I'll starve. Is that what you want to happen? "

"Don't get me wrong, I would never want anything to happen to you. What I'm trying to say is that if you complete the missions successfully, you can get stronger quickly and get money from the system store with the store points you will obtain at the end of the mission. Think of it as killing two birds with one stone."

When Peter heard the word power, he reacted and immediately accepted Uzume's offer.

Uzume took out the three different tasks she chose last night and placed them in front of Peter. Peter carefully looked at the 3 system screens that suddenly appeared and checked which one gave the most rewards.

[ Challenge mission ( F+ )

Quest world: kuroku no basket

Estimated tenure: 4 years

Quest content: be a cleaner at any national basketball tournament within the same years as the generation of miracles ]

After reading the content of the first mission, Peter turned his head and asked Uzume, who was sitting on one of the screens, what the mission rewards were.

"When you complete each task, you receive 3 different rewards depending on the difficulty of the task, the time it takes to complete the task, how you complete the task, etc. The first of these rewards is store points, thanks to these store points, you can buy all kinds of things from the system store, the second reward is experience points, thanks to these experience points, you become stronger by leveling up." 3 rewards: If you do the mission well enough, you will be given a random skill from the mission world before leaving the mission world.

Because Peter is suddenly exposed to such a large amount of information, he pauses briefly, digests the information, and then reads other tasks

[ Challenge mission ( D+ )

Mission world: New game

Estimated task duration: 1 month

Quest content: Help Aoba Suzukaze become a good character designer]

After thinking for a while, Peter thought that although he could copy some of the famous designs in his world in terms of character design, he would not be successful in teaching a little girl and looked at the other task.

[ Challenge task ( C+++ )

Quest world: oshi no ko

Estimated tenure: 10 years

Mission content: Become a part of the entertainment industry]

"This mission was better, but the term of office is too long. If I am going to serve every ten years, will the people I want to take revenge on be still alive when the mission is over?"

"No matter how much time you spend in the quest world, only one hour will have passed in this world. Of course, this time may vary depending on the world you go to. Additionally, when you go to a quest world, you can also do other quests in that world."

After thoughtfully considering his options, Peter asked Uzume if there were any other quests in the world of oshi no ko.

"There are many missions related to idols, singers and actors in that world. If you are going to go there, you might want to go online and memorize the lyrics of some songs in this world or the scripts of some famous movies before you go there. In this way, when you go to the mission world, you can get involved in the entertainment industry as a screenwriter or songwriter." you can be "

" You are very clever "

After leaving a one-sentence compliment, Peter grabbed his jacket and hurried out of the house.

Uzume was stopped in her tracks by the sudden compliment she received from Peter. When Peter got 10 meters away from Uzume, Uzume screamed and turned into a small ball of light that was dragged into Peter's body.

When Peter needed the internet, he would go to the house of his neighbor, an elderly shop owner, and use his computers in exchange for easy tasks given by the old man.

After Peter went to the end of the corridor, he knocked hard on the door several times, and soon the old man's shouting voice came from behind the door.

"I'm here, I'm here. Stop attacking my door."

After the old man who was standing in the market at night opened the door, he saw that the person knocking on the door was the spooky boy who was his neighbor across the street.

"So it was you, Peter, why are you here? Don't tell me again that you forgot to pay the water bill for your house and wanted to take a bath at my house."

Peter was about to open his mouth and say that he needed the internet, but when he heard the old man's words, he remembered that today was the last day to pay the water bill.

"I need internet urgently"

When the old man heard Peter's words, he briefly wondered if he had anything to do. When the old man realized that he had no urgent work to do, he was initially going to ask Peter to look after the shop at night, but then he sneakily asked Peter to owe him a job in the future. As far as the old man knew from his own experience, the best contract was an open-ended one. That way, if he had something to do, he could call Peter right away.

Peter accepted the old man's offer without hesitation and took a step to enter, but the old man stood in front of Peter and prevented him from entering.

"If you want to use my computer, go and take a good shower first. You smell like shit. Last time, I heard Rina scolding me all day long because I let you use my computer dirty."

After finishing his words, the old man closed the door hard. Before Peter thought the old man was right, he lifted his own T-shirt up to his nose, sniffed it, and quickly went back to his apartment and took a shower.

As Peter entered the shower and quickly began to undress, Uzume appeared in front of Peter, screaming.

While Uzume was screaming at Peter, who was standing in front of her in only his underwear, she covered her eyes with her hands and left the bathroom.

"Please let me know before doing such private work."

When Peter saw Uzume half-covering her eyes with her hands, he decided not to forget this next time.


Uzume was trying to make sure that the person in front of her was really Peter, while looking with wide eyes at Peter, who was combing his wet hair after getting out of the shower.

Peter was about to go back to the neighbor's house after taking a new pair of trousers and a t-shirt from his closet and putting them on, but Uzume appeared in front of him and stopped him.

"Peter, you still have a rookie reward chest to open."

"What's the rookie prize chest?"

Uzume decided to show this because she knew it would be a waste of time to explain it. And in the next moment, a large chest appeared in Uzume's hand.

"All you have to do to open the chest is to tap on it and something random will come out and it will be yours. Maybe this way you can become stronger from now on. But I warn you, there is a 99% chance that the novice reward chest will produce nothing but garbage."

When Peter heard that there was a high probability that garbage would come out of the beginner's chest, he immediately lost hope and quickly touched the chest and the chest disappeared and was replaced by a bean.

When Uzume saw the bean appear, she jumped in the air with joy and congratulated Peter.

"Even though getting a bean is better than a piece of garbage, I don't think it's really worth being so happy about."

"Don't get me wrong, this is not an ordinary bean. If you eat this bean, all the wounds on your body will heal instantly. Under normal circumstances, I would advise you to save this bean and consume it in the future, but as far as I saw while I was in the bathroom, there are a lot of bruises and scars on your body. The most important thing in the world you decided to go to is people's appearance." "I recommend you to eat this sacred bean now."

After looking at the small bean grain left in his hand by Uzume strangely, Peter followed Uzume's advice and put the bean into his mouth.

The moment the bean fell into Peter's mouth, Peter's body changed rapidly. Her hair, which was damaged due to extreme neglect, her teeth, which were almost all yellow, and her skin, which looked sickly pale, healed instantly.

Uzume noticed that Peter used to look in his 20s, but now he looked younger like a high schooler, which didn't matter, what was important was that Peter's current appearance would easily allow him to become a famous model or be preferred by a rich woman. Even Peter's body looked fuller under his T-shirt than before.

Noticing the changes in himself, Peter went to the mirror in his apartment and began to examine himself. Even the dark circles under the eyes caused by excessive alcohol consumption and lack of sleep disappeared without a trace. When Peter lifted his shirt a little and checked the wounds left over from construction, he saw that he couldn't see anything, and he also saw that he now had abdominal muscles on his stomach, which used to look dry due to hunger.

When Peter clenched his fist, he felt strong, as if he had been training muscles for a long time.

While Peter was checking the changes in himself, Uzume was hiding behind Peter and trying to calm herself down by covering her bleeding nose.

When Uzume saw Peter starting to unfasten the belt of his trousers, she couldn't stand it anymore and shouted at Peter not to forget to do his duty.

Peter came to his senses with the sound of Uzume's shouting and immediately put on the shirt he took off and went to the neighbor's.

Peter ignored Uzume sitting on his shoulder as he knocked on the door.

After the old man opened the door, he saw an extremely handsome white-haired boy and was upset, thinking that his grandson had already made a lover, but as a good grandfather, he decided to be nice to his grandson's girlfriend.

"I'm sorry, my son, my grandson is not home from school yet. Come in, wait inside and I'll prepare some snacks for you."

Peter looked at his elderly neighbor, who was behaving differently towards him than usual, and without paying much attention, he took off his shoes and went inside.

"Since I took a bath, I can use the computer, right, Uncle Ichiro?"