
Only I Travel to Multiverse

A MULTİVERSE FANFİC After Peter's family died at the hands of a criminal organization, Peter began living an isolated and lonely life. As the years pass in this way, Peter one day meets the system, which tells him that he can become stronger by doing tasks in the multiverse, and at the end of the years, he agrees to merge with the system, thinking that he has the opportunity to avenge his family. Uzume, who was sent to Peter with the system, tries to make Peter a person who knows how to be happy again while traveling the multiverse. ------- Although the main character is smarter than a normal person, he did not receive a proper education or grew up in a family environment, so the main character's emotional intelligence is very low and Uzume tries to help the main character in this regard. -------- My native language is not English. If you indicate any errors you see with a paragraph comment, I can fix them as soon as possible. ------- first world : Oshi No Ko - over second worls : blue lock patreon.com/OLD_storage

OLD_storage · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

chibi uzume

Uzume was already aware that the system would edit her words and then forward them to Peter, but when she saw the system screen that appeared in front of Peter, she thoughtlessly scolded the god who sent her here for creating a corrupt system.

"Is it possible to confront such a fragile child with such a question? This nonsense of system regulation is a bit thoughtlessly designed."

While Uzume was complaining to herself about the system, she was floating in front of Peter in a spiritual form. Right now, Uzume had to do whatever she could to make Peter accept the existence of the system, otherwise Uzume would lose her integrity and completely disappear, according to the information she found among the memories added later.

Uzume saw Peter smile slightly as he complained about the system.

"Ahaha, even though the system could not fully convey what I said, this child is smart enough to understand what I was trying to say."

With a light and confident smile like a newly blooming flower on her beautiful face, Uzume waited for Peter to accept her offer, but when she heard the words coming out of Peter's mouth, her face shattered into pieces like a glass glass fallen on the ground.

"Oh that's right, I was already a mental patient suffering from hallucinations"

Uzume screamed, thinking to herself that the situation was worse than she thought. Maybe it was his destiny to become a part of nothingness while trying to save the life of another child.

Uzume suddenly raised both hands and slapped herself hard on both cheeks.

"Come to your senses, Uzume. Look at the child in front of you, those eyes look like a withered rose facing the winter. This is not an eye that a child should have. Uzume, get up and make sure this child gets the life he deserves."

With an old habit, Uzume ignited her passion by making a short speech to herself.

While Uzume was thinking of convincing Peter with a new opening speech, Peter suddenly tried to push the system screen in front of him with the back of his hand. Uzume, who was standing behind the system screen, was startled by Peter's sudden movement and fell off the roof.

Since Uzume was in spirit form, falling from a height would not hurt her. After getting up from the ground, Uzume raised her head and looked at the place where she fell.

While Uzume was thinking about how to get to Peter again, she learned in the memory she received from the system that among the things her current form could do was fly and pass through objects, and by closing her eyes, she began to float slowly, just like in her memories.

When Uzume went up to the roof again, she saw that Peter was not there and started to anxiously pass through the fire escape door and look downstairs.

After guessing in good faith that Peter might have entered her own house, Uzume started looking for Peter by entering each house from the top floor. Uzume found Peter's house, but during this time she made an interesting discovery. Apart from Peter, only a single father lived in the building where Peter lived, and all the other apartments were either empty or used as storage.

Uzume decided that it wasn't time to think about it and entered Peter's house without hesitation.

As soon as Uzume passed through the door, she encountered a beer bottle flying towards her head and tried to defend herself by raising her arms. Uzume's fear slowly disappeared as she looked at the shattered beer bottle on the wall behind her.

"Ahhh, for a moment I was so afraid it would hit my head..."

As Uzume wiped her non-existent sweat and was about to continue speaking, she saw Peter's house looking like a garbage dump and couldn't continue her words.

Uzume felt like she urgently needed to tidy up this room, but her body was preventing her from doing so, so Uzume turned her eyes back to Peter, who was acting crazy.

"System close previous message"

When the screen in front of Peter disappeared, Uzume started to think about how to convince Peter with a serious expression.

As Uzume continued to think, she saw Peter crying for no reason and scanned his later added memories to speed up her thoughts.

After thinking for a short while, Uzume opened the system screen. Uzume coughed twice and began speaking as she looked at the system screen floating in front of her, which had a microphone icon on it.

"You are a good boy, Peter, that's why I want to help you and protect you as much as I can. I don't know that I'm not worthy, but if you accept, I would like to offer my life to you."

While saying these words, Uzume was inspired by the words of a slave girl to the little king in a story placed in her memory. Uzume chose these lines specifically because she thought that the king in the story in her memory had looks like Peter, because in the story, the king accepted the little slave's words without hesitation.

After Uzume clicked on the microphone shape in front of her, the microphone in front of Uzume disappeared and a screen appeared in front of Peter.

When Uzume saw that the system screen opened in front of Peter was too small, she felt bad and walked behind Peter to read what was written on the screen.

Uzume realized that she was more angry than ever while reading the text on the small system screen. This damn system translation feature completely changed what Uzume said

"Why are you here again?"

Uzume reacted to Peter's words and quickly responded

While responding, Uzume tried to respond like a system so that the system would not interfere too much, and she was successful.

"To help you become strong enough to protect yourself."

[To make you stronger]

Peter looked at the screen floating in front of him, confused. Peter curiously tried to communicate with him, even if what he saw was a hanization.

"Why did you come to me?"

Uzume answered Peter's question honestly, saying that God sent her here, and repeated it verbatim in the system.

[The reason why the system came to you is because the God who created the system wanted it that way]

"God? Seriously?"


Since the day I was born, I had always denied that there was a god. After all, if there was a god, he would not allow me to live such a life, but the writings in front of me tell me that there really is a god.

So why . Why did the gods turn a blind eye to what I went through? Did the gods hate me? Maybe it's the kind of thing Asians say in their movies. Maybe I just need enough karma for God to help me

"Why did you disappear? I want you to answer me. Why did God ignore me until now and suddenly sent you to me?"

When Uzume heard the question asked by the boy, she started to think of an answer in panic.

(Okay, this is getting too long, let's do a time jump. This is a fan fiction after all)


While Peter was buying some beer from a market near his house, he hesitated at the last moment, withdrew his hand from the beer, and went and bought some eggs and cheese.

When Peter went to the cash register to pay for the things he bought, his elderly neighbor, the owner of the shop, looked with interest at the things Peter bought.

"So you've finally decided to buy something other than beer and canned food. Congratulations."

Peter looked up at the shop owner who was talking idly. Meeting Peter's eyes, the old shop owner smiled shyly and quickly packed all the products.

After leaving the shop and taking a few steps under the street lamps, Peter remembered that there was no oil to fry eggs at home. After a short pause, Peter decided to eat a boiled egg and went home.

After Peter came home, he realized that while he was preparing something to eat, he forgot to buy bread.

Peter had his breakfast and called out to the thing called the system that had been talking to him for hours, and as for the last few hours, he received no response from the system. Since Peter had to go to construction tomorrow, he decided to check the system tomorrow and fell asleep.

------- Peter's spiritual emptiness

After talking to Peter for hours, Uzume managed to convince Peter to merge with the system and a screen appeared in front of both Peter and Uzume.

Uzume's face was changing with each passing second as Peter stared emotionlessly at the screen showing the mating progress in front of him. Because Uzume also took Peter's memories during the reunion.

The merger was completed in a short time, Uzume now existed in Peter's spiritual void, and if she wanted, she could talk to Peter without a system correction, but Uzume had been sitting on the cold ground and crying loudly since the merger started. Peter's suffering was much greater than Uzume could have imagined.

After crying for a few hours, Uzume wiped her tears and looked at the sleeping Peter with determined eyes. At that moment, Uzume promised herself that she would give Peter a life that even a king would envy in return for the pain he had endured.

Taking advantage of Peter's sleep, Uzume opened the list of Level 0 quests. While looking at hundreds of thousands of Level 0 missions against Uzume, she began to eliminate tasks that she thought Peter could do.

With a wave of her hand, Uzume visualized the next task.

[ Challenge mission ( B+ )

Quest world: kuroku no basket

Estimated tenure: 4 years

Mission content: join any high school team and win a national basketball tournament within the same years as the generation of miracles]

After thinking for a while, Uzume threw this task aside because Peter had never played basketball in his life.

[ Challenge mission ( A+ )

Quest world: shirobako

Estimated tenure: 4 years

Quest content: help Aoi Miyamori create one of the top ten anime of the year before graduating high school ]

Uzume scratched her head and thought about this mission for a moment.

"Actually, we can do this with the information in my memory, but I can't think of how Peter will approach this girl without scaring her. Rust."

Uzume saw another quest related to kuroku no basket and stopped for a second to examine it

[ Challenge mission ( F+ )

Quest world: kuroku no basket

Estimated tenure: 4 years

Quest content: be a cleaner at any national basketball tournament within the same years as the generation of miracles ]

"What a ridiculous mission this is."

Uzume angrily closed the task and started looking at other tasks, and the whole night passed like this.


In the morning, Peter woke up in his sleep with the sound of the alarm and first checked whether what he experienced last night was real.


As soon as Peter said these words, a system screen appeared in front of Peter and a chibi girl with black hair and a long skirt sitting on the system screen.

While Peter was looking at this chibi girl in surprise, the chibi girl opened her mouth and introduced herself.

"Hello sir, my name is Uzume sir. From now on, I will be a system spirit responsible for serving you, sir."

"Is the system spirit? What can you do? Can other people see you?"

Uzume now appeared before Peter using her chibi transformation, which is a feature of the system, because Uzume thought that she could help Peter cheer up while in this form.

"No one can see the system screen or me except you, sir. I have chosen a few tasks that are suitable for you, sir."

Peter began to look at the chibi girl named Uzume with soulless eyes. When Uzume saw Peter staring at her for a long time without speaking, she realized what was going on and hit her head on the system screen, cracking the corner of the system screen.

As the system screen disappeared, Uzume floated in the air, approached Peter's head, leaned down 90 degrees and apologized.

"It was entirely my fault for forgetting to tell you what the system could do, please punish me sir."

Uzume knew she was overdoing it with acting like a royal slave, but she convinced herself that it was all for Peter's sake.

As Peter looked at Uzume floating in the air and apologizing, he remembered the characters from the Chinese Kingdom and Drama series that were on TV every morning with disgusting dubbing when he was in high school, and he wondered if God liked Chinese people. Peter soon decided that his idea was stupid and that God liked chibi slaves, not Chinese people

Luckily, Uzume couldn't read Peter's thoughts.

"If you want me to punish you, how about tidying up my room?"

Uzume threw away two lifetimes of not lying as she slowly turned her head and looked at the 50 square meters of garbage.

"Sir, I'm sorry, but Uzume cannot affect any being other than you."