
One Piece User in Remnant

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Jovami6729 · Tranh châm biếm
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44 Chs

Chapter 5: Under the eye of the Raven

~Third POV~

Kuro and Cinder left on their way to the Wind Path one of the crime infested areas in the Kingdom of Mistral where they are in hopes of getting their aura unlocked.

The path the two are currently going is filled with a winter-like forest in the winter area of Mistral that is close by the Lake Matsu an area filled with gravity dust as well as one of the places perfect to mine for Gravity Dust.

However, that area is infested with highly powerful Grimm that live in that area that occupies the floating islands of Lake Matsu making sure that it will be difficult for those who come and mine for Gravity Dust.

The most annoying and powerful of Grimm that live in that area are the Lancer have a three-segmented black body with three sets of legs. They have a white armored mask and armor along their back. On the back of their abdomen, the armor is in four overlapping plates. They have jagged pincers, an antenna, four red transparent wings, and a stinger.

They are oversized bugs in the form of wasps and are twice the height of an average adult and attack anyone that goes after the Gravity Dust that resides in the floating islands of Lake Matsu.

Cinder and Kuro are going on dirt road that follows the direction that borders on Lake Matsu and the route to the Wind Path city that lies inside the forest area of the Anima Continent…

Unaware that a certain raven was looking over at two kids going through Anima and was curious as to why they are armed so she follows them to see if they are worth watching…

~Kuro POV (8 years old) ~

Oh, man, I knew traveling was going to be difficult, but I didn't know it was going to be so BORING!!! traveling on foot like seriously when the RWBY shows Ruby and friends traveling around the continent of Anima I guess it took time to travel…

Well it's no use crying over spilled blood over it, besides the environment is literally not an actual concern since I'm basically immune to the coldness with my natural Ice body now, but I do find warmth…

I was interrupted by my friend talking to me in a studder voice, "U-Uh… Nero I know we're immune to the c-cold now b-but… why are you h-holding my arm!"

Well, she is literally a fire human now and the heat she radiates makes me so warm being near her or better yet cling to her arm… I didn't felt warmth like this for a while…

I look towards her with a smile, "Easy because your warm and it brings me joy teasing you Cindy Nya~."

I see she starts to blush aww, how adorable but as much as I like to tease her what should be my next step in this world…

As far as I know, I can probably give Devil Fruits to other people but why do that? When you give someone power, they do either follow you and betray you or wait till they ally to a different powerhouse faction just to capture me… not as I would do it…

In all seriousness, though I need to create my own forces somehow but not give out all my Devil Fruits to random strangers, but maybe to those who are loyal to me and only me, I can give them a devil fruit hmm…

At the age I'm at right now I was lucky to get Cinder loyal to me since we are friends in the orphanage, but I know for a fact that there have to be others like me abandoned by society and vulnerable…

Well, there is the White Fang I could possibly take over it if I join and reinforce that faction or there is Atlas with the Faunus there either soldiers or slavers under the Schnee current head those are some valuable allies to make…

Oh! I almost forgot there are already some people here that I can recruit, Nora, Ren, and maybe the Spring Maiden!

If my age is right, then Yang should only be 2 or 3 years old now while Raven hasn't found the Spring Maiden till 7 years which means there is 5 years left for her to get her Spring Maiden powers.

Well looks like I'm going to make a slight detour after we make a home base in Kuroyuri, sorry Raven but that maiden won't be yours to take, while I make her a valuable ally for me you will get nothing.

Let's see was there anyone else I could recruit hmm… well there is Neo, but I have no clue where she is but having Emerald is a must since I remember that she was only loyal to Cinder when she recruited her but… she should be about 2 or 3 years old as well…

Damn It! Why are all the good characters I know of are too young…

Well, whatever I can wait for them to grow up but the Spring Maiden, on the other hand, she will escape from Haven Academy and join under Raven in five years I can't let that happen but first I need to make sure I take care of myself first.

With that, I was out of my thoughts when Cinder says to me, "Nero! Look where almost at the forest area of Anima!"

I see that there were finally some trees and grass in the forest area of Anima I for one appreciate the nice lush forest filled with friendly plant life and a nice group of Lancer heading towards us that…


When I and Cinder saw a group of five Lancers coming towards us, we separated from each other already drawing out our weapons.

Cinder with her short sword and my Ice Saber on hand I have to admit these Wasps were defiantly bigger than the fight with Weiss but… "Cinder how about you let lose your new power on the two while I handle the three are you good!"

I see Cinder nods while I take care of the three of them one of them started to shoot me down with one of its stingers as a hook, well good thing for me…

When the Lancer stingers shoot out its stinger at me it stabbed me, but I just reformed myself back together again while I put both my arms in the air and make a slamming motion.

While training for a month I was not only trying to create my ice as just projectile attacks but make them close range as well with a little imagination, when I started to bring my arms down I created an Ice construct in a shape of a hammer big enough to squash the bug splat.

When the Lancer noticed the attack, it was already too late since its stinger was stuck on the ground only leaving it to be crushed then I see black mist coming out from the place where it was slammed down.

I see the other two coming towards me in close combat with their claws instead of shooting me like their first one failed to kill me.

While there were trying to get close to me, I used my Ice Saber to get in close combat while I use my Observation Haki to avoid some of the strikes coming to my directions they managed to hit me while I just reform myself again.

For each miss they did to me I made sure to slice off their limbs and wings to make them defenseless, but I keep on missing since they try to use the sky to their advantage…

With having enough of the bugs annoyance, I first crafted a bow from ice, that can launch multiple arrows at them at high speed towards the opponent easily piercing them and seeing that the both of them vanished into black dust.

I look over to see Cinder already dealt with the two Lancers by burning them with an onslaught of fire already burning into dust.

I see that I was done dealing with them, "Good grief that was annoying… but an eye-opener for me… when those Lancers hit me, I could've died right then… I need to learn how to fight…"

While I was thinking things over, I see Cinder is tired, "Hey Cindy are you alright we-"

That was when my Observation Haki kicked in but I wasn't fast enough to react to an attack at my neck…

That was before I was suddenly struck on the neck losing consciousness… what… the hell… happened…

I lost my consciousness after that…

~Cinder POV~

I was just finishing up the Grimm and looking at Kuro in my direction saying to me while a raven was going behind him, "Hey Cindy are you alright we- "

That was when I was surprised to see the raven transformed into an adult with long black hair I see her outfit consisted of a shallow cut black and red dress with black shorts underneath, with series of beaded necklaces and a belt that wrapped around her waist and carried her weapon's sheath.

But I was scared… the aura she's emitting left me shocked at what I'm seeing but she was first to say, "Well it looks like you brats did well against those Lancers by yourselves but the way you handle a weapon was bad… tell me who exactly are you two brats."

I just armed myself instead of answering her I see she looks amused at me, "Hmph… well at least aren't dumb but are you sure it's wise to attack me with your friend defenseless?"

I gritted my teeth at that I know she can't harm me, but I know the info I got from my fruit says that if we're caught off guard we can be hit and how were we supposed to know that a raven cab turns into an adult!

But I just stand there confused on what to do while the woman talked with a serious expression, "Well then from the looks of things you two are heading over to Wind Path I have to admit you are gutsy… but very stupid especially since you aren't ready to face people that can sneak attack you on the fly… even with your odd semblances…"

I see so she doesn't know about Kuro or me and assumes that our devil fruits are our semblances… I have no attention to let out my Kuro secret or else he won't have his freedom that can't happen!

While I was carefully guarding and thinking for a way to save my friend the lady suggested an offer to me and Kuro, "From the looks of things you two seem pretty much awaken your semblance without any aura very rare for trait for you kids… Hey brat how about I make an offer for you and your friend."

I listen in carefully what she says since she holds the power here with my friend she's holding, "How about you and your friend here joins my Bandit Tribe and in return I offer the both of you protection and training as long as you help my tribe."

I was hesitate to say anything but she continues to say, "Besides the people in Wind Path won't leave you alone with your friend since a Faunus having three animal characteristics is unheard of but to the wrong people they will treat him as a pet like a trophy so what do you say?"

I listen into the offer it was worthwhile and good for us, but Kuro wouldn't like the idea of following someone, but he told me to be smart at times when it's called for with that, I swallow my spit and put my weapon away.

I say to the lady in front of me and say nervously, "Very well I will accept on behalf of my friend, but who are you?"

The lady just looks annoyed but answers anyway, "Well since your joining my tribe I'm their leader Raven Branwen welcome to the Branwen tribe brats."


Status, Shop, Mission, Inventory, Devil Fruit Raffle

Inherited Skills: Aura (Locked), Semblance (Locked), Electro (Locked), Natural Enhanced Body, and Sulong Form (Locked)

Skills: Hunting, Observation Haki (Beginner), Swordsmanship (Beginner)

Devil Fruits: Hie Hie no Mi

Allies: Cinder Fall (Logia User)

Inventory: Curse Remover x2, Doa Doa no Mi, Ryu Ryu no Mi, Model: Pteranodon, Fuwa Fuwa no Mi

Lien: 157,200