
One Piece: The Visionary of Impel Down

Luo Ning, who traveled to the world of One Piece, was listed as a pirate and thrown in Impel down because he kills some corrupt Marines. At the same time, the system wakes up. Since then, Luo Ning has become the freest man on the sea. ______________________________________ This Fanfic is not mine. I just edited the MTL of this Fanfic with A.I's help (most part). So, some words are bound to be inconsistent and maybe feels kinda robotic. You can find this MTL Fanfic on MTLnation with the title: I, The Freest Man On The Sea. MC's power is Visionary from Gremmy (Bleach).

StaringCat · Tranh châm biếm
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Chapter 62: Alabasta

Luo Ning took Nami to stay in Sky Island for about a month, during which time he helped Nami develop her abilities besides sightseeing.

Luo Ning didn't let Nami just learn a few basic drumming techniques from him; that would be boring.

However, Nami could indeed learn some tricks from Enel, such as Vari and El Thor.

Of course, these are powerful moves, and Nami cannot use them at all at present. One reason is that her physical strength is not enough, and the other is that her ability development is not sufficient.

The awakening of the Logia devil fruit ability user should grant them the ability to solidify their element, and the awakening of Paramecia users allows them to affect the surrounding things. However, Logia users are different, as evidenced by Aokiji and Akainu.

The battle between Aokiji and Akainu permanently changed the environment of an entire island. If they had only used their abilities in their non-awakened forms, the magma would eventually cool down and the ice would eventually melt.

But what about the result? The result is that the environment of an entire island is permanently changed.

Logia's awakening should be the solidification of their ability, allowing them to truly embody nature. As for Kizaru, well, Luo Ning truly cannot imagine what Kizaru will become when his ability awakens. He can't become Ultraman, right?

Nami can only release hundreds of thousands of volts of electricity now, and the tricks she releases are not as good as Enel's.

This is also something that can't be helped. After all, Nami's strength isn't as good as Enel's, and her age and physical fitness aren't strong.

Nami couldn't hold onto the power of hundreds of thousands of volts for a short while, but she learned to elementalize.

Elementalization is the most basic skill of Logia. It wasn't difficult for Nami to learn, and the compatibility between the Thunder Fruit and Nami is indeed very high, so Nami could master it very quickly.

Now Nami's development of abilities has been hindered by her own physical strength. As the saying goes, how much water a bucket can hold doesn't depend on the longest board, but the shortest board. Nami's physical strength is the short board.

This can only be improved slowly by herself and accumulated over time.

When Luo Ning and the others left, Gan Fall also brought people from Sky Island. He became a god again and resolved the conflicts on Sky Island. This is now the new Sky Island.

The ship doesn't need the help of the octopus balloon on Sky Island. Luo Ning controls the ship to fly away from Sky Island and then heads towards Alabasta.

The next target was Robin. The ship descended slowly until it reached the surface of the sea. Luo Ning didn't control the ship and keep flying, except in some very harsh environments.

"Alabasta is also a very old country, but the current Alabasta seems to be in turmoil"

Nami also checked some information after learning that their next stop was Alabasta.

The plot hadn't yet begun. Luffy hadn't set sail, and the turmoil in Alabasta hadn't reached the level depicted in the original story. However, other areas had experienced several months without rain.

Crocodile, under the alias Mr. 0, had already spread rumors that King Cobra used Dance Powder to absorb all the surrounding rainwater, causing the drought. This had been going on for a few months, and unrest was already brewing within Alabasta.

As for the culprit, Crocodile, the internal turmoil hadn't escalated to full-blown war. He was busy defeating pirates who came to Alabasta, shaping himself as a hero.

In fact, Crocodile wasn't entirely stupid. He understood the importance of a positive public image.

However, he overlooked the most crucial point: strength. With enough power, Crocodile could have simply gone to the palace, found Robin, and forced her to translate the historical text. All this elaborate scheming wouldn't have been necessary. Look at Doflamingo – he directly overthrew the king and claimed the throne for himself.

Compared to Doflamingo, Crocodile's approach was far less efficient.

Otherwise, with Crocodile's abilities, he could have achieved great success in Alabasta.

"Don't worry about the turmoil, I know who the culprit's here"

Luo Ning smiled. The Shichibukai system had indeed benefited these powerful pirates a lot.

Doflamingo and Crocodile's underhanded activities weren't a direct result of the Shichibukai plan.

Among the current Shichibukai, the only ones who could be considered good were Kuma, Jinbe, and Mihawk. One was an undercover agent for the Revolutionary Army, another was protecting his own country, and the last was traveling the world looking for strong opponents to fight, doing whatever he pleased.

As for the others, Crocodile and Doflamingo were not worth mentioning. Hancock was pillaging everywhere, and Moria created zombies on his island, destroying any ships that dared to enter.

In short, the Shichibukai system had both its merits and demerits.

This was all a result of the World Government's lax oversight. As a time traveler, Luo Ning had no respect for such a government.

Perhaps he would help Dragon and his crew in the future. After all, he found them to be much better, far more agreeable, than the revolutionaries in the world he came from, who were just a bunch of ambitious powermongers.