
One Piece: The Strongest Female Pirate Crews

Kuke was transmigrated to the world of One Piece. The system tasked him with building the strongest all-female pirate crew. The more members the pirate crew had, the stronger they became, the greater their influence, and the more benefits Kuke would receive. He started by abducting Boa Hancock and persuading Vice Admiral Gion (Tsuru) of the Marines to defect. His journey began, searching the world for crew members. Eventually, his crew grew to include Boa Hancock, Gion, Stussy the Queen of the Pleasure District, Shakuyaku, Yamato, Charlotte Smoothie, Belo Betty, Koala, Makino, Nico Robin, and many others, forming a pirate crew of over a hundred members. This pirate crew would eventually surpass even the Yonko. However, when Kuke met Emporio Ivankov, the king of the Okama (transvestites), he discovered a major bug in the system. (This story and its characters are entirely fictional. Any resemblance to actual persons is purely coincidental. Please do not take offense.) Disclaimer: The cover image is not owned by me. Please let me know if you are the original owner and would like it removed. Note: This work is a translation. Original Author: 十戒11 Orginal work: 开局拐走汉库克,策反海军桃兔

Gered_Chuw · Tranh châm biếm
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82 Chs

Chapter 73: Journey to Sky Island, Searching for the Rumble-Rumble Fruit

"Who is she?" Stussy asked in disbelief, her gaze fixed on Shakky.

Could she really be one of the legendary top executives of a pirate crew from the old era, one of those ancient monsters?

"Did Captain Kuke really manage to recruit someone from such a bygone age?" Stussy wondered aloud.

Next to her, Belo-Betty overheard and asked curiously, "Is Shakky a famous pirate, Stussy?"

"The current Emperors of the sea once belonged to a single pirate crew, and Shakky was one of the high-ranking officers of that crew," Stussy explained, her tone filled with respect.

The Rocks Pirates were hardly known today, but anyone who was aware of their existence couldn't help but feel a deep-seated fear at the mere mention of their name.

"A former companion of the Sea Emperors?" those unfamiliar with Shakky exclaimed in surprise.

Shakky, however, was equally shocked by something else.

"A ship spirit?"

Shakky couldn't hide her excitement as she ran her hand across the Radiant Eclipse. As a navigator, understanding every detail of a pirate ship was essential, especially when guiding the ship through storms and harsh climates.

At first, Shakky had been concerned. A ship full of women without an experienced helmsman would be a major problem. But with a ship spirit present, all her worries vanished.

No matter how skilled a helmsman might be, they could never compare to the abilities of a ship spirit.

"A ship spirit appeared in less than a year?" Shakky looked at Kuke in amazement. The newspapers hadn't mentioned anything like this.

"Did the Rocks Pirates not have a ship spirit?" someone asked.

"No," Shakky said with a sigh. "That crew was full of lunatics. They would start fights over nothing, and the ship was damaged daily. It was impossible for a ship spirit to ever form."

Shakky clearly had little fondness for her former pirate crew.

"The Knock-Up Stream should appear in half a month. Until then, we'll need you to stay with us, Shakky."

"No problem," Shakky replied.

As they waited, the experienced Shakky, with decades of pirate life behind her, quickly won over the women on the ship. Before long, they were all happily calling her "big sister," and she seamlessly blended into the Radiant Eclipse crew.

"You've truly found yourself a wonderful group of comrades, Captain Kuke," Shakky said one evening during a celebration. "I'm sure your crew will surpass every pirate crew that's ever existed."

Even the likes of the Rocks Pirates or Roger's crew.

"It's not just me, Shakky," Kuke corrected.

"Oh, right! It's all of us," Shakky laughed, clinking her glass with Kuke's.

She took a deep drink, her eyes reflecting a hint of nostalgia. She couldn't help but feel a touch of wistfulness as she looked at the young crew. How wonderful it was to be young.

Two weeks later…

The long-awaited Knock-Up Stream finally appeared.

The sky was filled with lightning, and the previously calm sea turned violent.

Before their astonished eyes, a massive column of water shot up from the ocean, reaching into the clouds, disappearing beyond sight.

"Turn the rudder three times to the left, approach at a thirty-degree angle," Shakky commanded from the bow.

The Radiant Eclipse sailed into the storm, edging closer to the Knock-Up Stream. Approaching the stream head-on would be too dangerous—the ship couldn't withstand the force of the impact. But by angling their approach, they could use the stream's force to propel them upwards safely.

"Shakky, you don't have to worry too much. The ship has an invincible defense mode. As long as we get in, we don't need to worry about the ship's safety," Kuke said.

"Are you doubting my abilities, Captain?" Shakky shot back playfully, her focus unwavering as she continued giving instructions.

The ship spirit cooperated perfectly, and the Radiant Eclipse barely shuddered as it entered the Knock-Up Stream. Riding the powerful current, the ship rose into the sky, leaving the sea far below.

"We're going straight up without falling?" someone exclaimed.

This was an experience no one aboard had ever encountered before.

Everyone watched in excitement as the sky drew closer and closer. Kuke held onto Koala and Guina to keep them from falling, while Gion made sure the others were safe. The larger objects on the ship were securely tied down as well.

Despite the apparent danger, the Radiant Eclipse navigated the Knock-Up Stream without any real issues, eventually piercing through the storm clouds.

After some time...

The sky cleared.

The ship burst through the clouds and landed with a thud on a sea of white, formed from soft clouds.

"Captain Kuke, mission accomplished," Shakky said as she casually lit a cigarette.

Kuke gave her a thumbs-up in admiration.

"Is this the legendary Sky Island?" someone asked in awe.

"It's beautiful, like a paradise out of a fairy tale."

"Are those islands really made of clouds?"

"Look! There are people living here, and they have wings on their backs!"

"There's a real island too!"

The women were ecstatic, marveling at the sights of Sky Island. It was unlike anything they had ever seen before.

"This place doesn't seem dangerous. Let's stay for a few days and enjoy ourselves," Kuke suggested. "Oh, and there's plenty of gold on Jaya Island down below. Anyone interested in grabbing some to cover our future expenses?"

Seeing their excitement, Kuke indulged their desire to explore and have fun.

"Captain, you're the best!" Hancock cried, planting a firm kiss on Kuke's cheek in her excitement.

Immediately afterward, Hancock's face turned bright red, and steam began rising from her body as she teetered on the verge of passing out.

"Captain, me next!" Belo-Betty joked, also looking eager.

"Stop, stop!" Kuke quickly put an end to it, fearing things might get out of hand.

"Oh, Robin," Kuke called. "There's a Poneglyph somewhere in the forest. You might want to search for it."

Robin's eyes lit up in excitement. She nearly lost control of herself in her joy.

Sky Island, without Enel's reign of terror, was peaceful and friendly. The crew of the Radiant Eclipse enjoyed their time experiencing the island's unique culture, and the women spent their days frolicking through the sea of clouds.

Gion flew low, keeping watch over them as they played. Only Shakky remained behind, sitting beside Kuke on the shore.

"Shakky, are you really not going to continue traveling with us?" Kuke asked, extending the invitation once again.

"It's not that I don't want to, Captain Kuke. It's just... I can't," Shakky replied.

"Is it because you've been retired for too long?" Kuke asked, suspecting it had to do with her age.

"Captain Kuke, you can't go searching for rare treasures to help someone like me. Objects that can stop the ravages of time are incredibly rare, and many rulers of the sea have spent their lives searching for such things in vain. Please don't waste your efforts on something like that."

Shakky looked at Kuke earnestly.

Even the Rocks Pirates, with their vast influence over the New World, had never managed to find such a treasure. Shakky didn't want Kuke to waste his precious time on something so impossible.

"Promise me, Kuke. Don't waste time on me, or I'll be upset," Shakky insisted.

"Alright," Kuke agreed for now, planning to revisit the topic when he obtained the Mythical Zoan Vampire Fruit.

Afterward, Kuke clapped his hands and stood up. "Alright, everyone, it's time to move on."

"Okay, Captain!" A group of women in swimwear ran toward Kuke, all smiles.


After they had changed back into their regular clothes, Kuke managed to calm his mind.

"Let's set off for the island of Birka," he announced.

Over the past few days, they had managed to determine Birka's location. It was a small Sky Island to the south, and also the homeland of Enel, where the Rumble-Rumble Fruit was most likely to be found.

The Radiant Eclipse sailed through the treacherous seas of clouds toward the south. The ever-changing cloud formations made it difficult to navigate, and without Shakky's expert guidance, the ship would have plummeted from the clouds long ago. This was exactly why navigators were so crucial to any crew.

As Shakky steered the ship with ease, she found the time to chat with Kuke.

"There's a rumor spreading across the seas that the World Government is forming a special group made up of pirates, called the Seven Warlords of the Sea. They're seeking out powerful pirates to cooperate with them. Do you think this could pose a threat to your crew?"

"The Seven Warlords, huh?" Kuke mused, not particularly surprised. It was about time for the Warlords to come into play.

"The Seven Warlords are a joke," Kuke added dismissively.

Shakky blinked in surprise, then laughed. "You're a lot more confident than you were a year ago."

She recalled their first encounter on Sabaody Archipelago, comparing it to the present. "Kuke, you're becoming more and more like a king."

"Come on, Shakky, no need to flatter me. The others do that plenty," Kuke responded with a smile.

The conversation continued as they sailed.

"Kuke, what's the reason for putting so much effort into finding this small Sky Island?" Shakky asked curiously.

"I'm searching for the Rumble-Rumble Fruit," Kuke answered.

"The Rumble-Rumble Fruit?" Shakky gasped in astonishment.

The legendary fruit, known for its incredible power. Could it really be here on Sky Island?

"If you find the Rumble-Rumble Fruit, you could head straight for the New World and become an Emperor of the Sea," Shakky said, barely able to contain her excitement.

Kuke chuckled. "Do I need a Devil Fruit to become an Emperor?"

Shakky stared at Kuke for a moment, as though she were seeing the shadow of someone else. It wasn't just Rocks' shadow she saw; it was also Roger's.

No, she thought. Kuke would surpass them both.

"My job is to get the Radiant Eclipse safely to its destination," Shakky said, refocusing her thoughts.

She concentrated on the changing clouds, determined not to make any mistakes that could endanger the crew.

Ten days later...

With a loud crash, the Radiant Eclipse broke through the narrow river of clouds and landed on a small Sky Island supported by a sea of clouds.

The island wasn't large—only a few kilometers in diameter.

They had arrived at Birka.

"We've arrived," Shakky sighed with relief. Her constant vigilance had taken a visible toll on her.

"Makino, stay on the ship and help Shakky rest. The rest of you, follow me," Kuke instructed, leading the crew as they disembarked on Birka.

Having already experienced the larger and more vibrant Sky Island, the women weren't as excited as before.

"Kuke, do you know where it is?" Gion asked.

Everyone knew their mission was to find the Rumble-Rumble Fruit, a Logia-type Devil Fruit. They were determined to find it for Kuke, even if it meant turning the entire island upside down.

After all, only the Rumble-Rumble Fruit was worthy of becoming their captain's power.