
One piece: The Mob's Diary

Rell, a random guy from Earth, one day reincarnated into One Piece world after his death and became the small baby of a couple living in Loguetown. However, unlike most reincarnation stories, his life was pretty normal and average after that. No abnormal powers, no super talent in anything, no advantage over others... Nothing. There were no problems coming one after another, as reincarnators tend to have, and most of what happened around the world barely even affected him or his family. He was just another normal boy from Loguetown. Albeit, with the memories of an adult whom, you would say, knew about the future. That, however, was only until he became 8 years old, and a strange screen appeared in front of him. [Diary's System Activated! Write anything you want in your new digital diary, and you will be rewarded with special rewards depending on how important what you write in here is!] At that moment, Rell didn't really care all that much about the weirdness of his system. He was more focused on the free rewards other than anything. However, it was several years later that he finally noticed that something was wrong and that it probably was all his fault. "What in the world happened to the story?!" Some people say that diaries are a private thing. However, his system certainly didn't share that opinion ... °°° (A/N: The illustration of Nami is made by ᑕᕼᗩḰᕮ. If they suddenly want me to take the picture down or whatever, I will do so immediately. No problem there. One piece is not mine, and neither are the characters that exist there. I only have the rights to my main character and any other OC that I create for the sake of this story. I don't know what else to write here to not get sued, but if you read this, please don't sue me. UwU

Anonyrius · Tranh châm biếm
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9 Chs

The Life of a Background Character


... It was time to accept it.

Even if I had said otherwise a lot of years ago, I knew that some expectations still lingered within me at that point.

The expectations for the exciting life of a reincarnator. The expectations for adventures would maybe make my life incredibly fun. Even if I had said that I didn't want them in a beginning... Honestly, a life full of fun and where I can be the most OP surely was something that anyone would like to try, at least for a bit.

However, as I just said, I think it was time to accept it...

I was not gonna have one of those.

Eight years had passed by now, and not even once had something unordinary happened.

Sure, the world outside of this town was pretty eventful. With new Shichibukais being recruited by the World Government, epic battles between marines and Pirates, and all of that. However, my life was everything but something abnormal.

Well, maybe it was a bit egocentric to say that only my life was uneventful... Yeah, it was better to say that life in this city was completely uneventful.

The most important thing that had happened so far was the havoc that some pirates created while staying here some years ago. However, they were soon captured by the marines a few hours after that, so it doesn't count.

And if I had to be honest, I was kinda tired of expecting something abnormal to happen. Eight years of being on the edge, not knowing whether something bad would happen out of nowhere, had put a lot of stress on me.

Because of that, I finally came to the realization that nothing was going to happen.

And if it was... Then I couldn't care less.

Thus, finally having accepted my reality as a completely normal man with infinite possibilities in a world of fantasy... I started thinking about the future.

What was I going to do once I turned into an adult?

There was no university to study a profession here. If one wanted to gain money, then one would have to create his own job.

Do you want to be a fisherman? Get money from somewhere and buy your own equipment to start your own business.

Do you want to sell food? Plant your own crops and sell them after getting the hand of how to plant each one of them.

Do you want to be a carpenter? Practice on your own, or somehow get yourself a master.

In this world, there were no things like studying for seven years before working. No, here you worked when you found it necessary, or when your parents kicked you out of the house and told you to get a job.

It was also because of that that there were a lot of Marines. Not only because of all that peace and justice bullshit... No, it's because it was the easiest way to get money without really having to depend on money or something else.

If you passed their physical standards and seemed like you were going to be a proper marine, then you were probably already in.

In a world like this, where job opportunities came mostly from family or luck, being a marine was a good choice to start from 0, and in a certain way, it was also a good way to get enough money to start your business.

However, in my case... I really didn't want to be a marine.

Not because I hated them like most people used to do in my old world... No. While they weren't the best at capturing pirates, they were still useful in maintaining peace, so there was no way I could hate them or think of them as unuseful.


It was because the probabilities of dying were enormous.

I was just a common guy you could find anywhere. In fact, it wouldn't surprise me if, during one of my hours working as a marine, a lost bullet made its way into my brain, and gave an ending to the epic adventures of Rell right there.

I knew some Karate thanks to my parents sending me to a dojo, however, I was just average at it, and although I considered myself a bit more athletic than my peers, they weren't exactly a good example for someone to size their strength either.

People here could punch mountains, and I don't think being a little bit more athletic than 8 years old kids and knowing karate amounted much in this world.

Ugh... Being an average Joe surely was disheartening in this world... Now I knew how background characters felt when watching people as strong as Luffy fight.

As such, I was not going to enter the marine... No, that sounds like death to me.

Maybe being a merchant just like my father was a good idea... Or not... He constantly says that pirates attack his co-workers and that it's a miracle that he himself hasn't come across any yet. If I become a merchant, there's a great probability that I won't be as lucky as him and I will die stabbed by a random pirate called Joe.

Maybe a fisherman isn't really a bad idea... Or not... Giant sea monsters are a thing here, and I don't think I'm fond of having the probability of meeting one of them during a trip to fish.


Goddamnit... I feel like I'm just about to start university again. Completely indecisive about what should I work on.

Anyway, my ninth birthday was approaching... And as such, one less year from the ten that remained before I became an adult.

I still had a lot of time before I would be really pressed to make this choice. So I didn't really need to think that hard about it right now.

For now, I would just focus on the birthday to come... Hopefully, it would pass completely uneventfully like the others...


-To be continued-