
One Piece: The Legend of Wei

Wei0823 · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

Dragon D. Wei's Departure

Dragon D. Wei a 18 year old from the Black Drum Kingdom in the South Blue is finally leaving to become a pirate.

[Dragon D. Wei stands at the harbor, the sun shining brightly overhead, as he gazes upon his newly acquired ship, the Void Serpent. He takes a deep breath, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness as he prepares to embark on his journey to become the next Pirate King.]

Wei: [Grinning from ear to ear] Finally, the day has come! The Void Serpent is ready, and so am I! It's time to set sail and make a name for myself as a pirate!

[As Wei starts loading supplies onto the ship, a friendly dock worker approaches, curious about his adventure.]

Dock Worker: Hey there, lad! I couldn't help but notice your unique ship. Got a name for her?

Wei: [Proudly] Absolutely! I've named her the Void Serpent. The seastone lining underneath will keep me safe from those pesky Devil Fruit users. Plus, it sounds pretty badass, doesn't it?

Dock Worker: [Impressed] Aye, it does indeed! A ship lined with seastone is no common sight. You're thinking ahead, lad. How far do you plan to sail?

Wei: As far as the winds will take me! I'm setting my sights on becoming the next Pirate King. I won't rest until I've explored every corner of the Grand Line and surpassed all the legends that came before me!

[As Wei finishes loading supplies, a young girl approaches, her eyes shining with curiosity.]

Young Girl: Excuse me, sir. Are you really going to be a pirate all by yourself?

Wei: [Kneeling down to her level with a warm smile] That's right, little one. I believe in chasing my dreams and following my own path. But don't worry, I won't be alone for long. I'll meet new friends and allies along the way, just like the Straw Hat Pirates did!

Young Girl: Wow, that sounds so amazing! Can I be a pirate, too?

Wei: [Ruffling her hair gently] Of course you can! Anyone can be a pirate if they have the courage and determination to pursue their dreams. Remember, the sky's the limit!

[As Wei finishes his conversation with the young girl, an elderly sailor approaches, offering words of wisdom.]

Elderly Sailor: Son, I've sailed the seas for decades, and I can tell you this: the journey to become the Pirate King won't be an easy one. But with your spirit and that ship of yours, you've got a fighting chance. Just remember to stay true to yourself and never lose sight of what's important.

Wei: [Gratefully] Thank you, old sailor. Your advice means a lot to me. I'll carry it with me as I sail towards my destiny.

[With the supplies fully loaded and goodbyes said, Wei finally steps onto the deck of the Void Serpent, ready to set sail.]

Wei: Farewell, Black Drum Kingdom! The next time I return, I'll be a legendary pirate! Onward, to the Grand Line!

[With a resounding cheer, Wei's ship sets sail, leaving behind the familiar shores of his homeland as he embarks on his grand adventure, filled with hope, determination, and the spirit of a true pirate.]