
One Piece: The Defender of Justice

Atlas, a young man who was transmigrated into the One Piece world, witnessed the execution of the Pirate King in Logue Town. He decided to join the Marines and use his secret weapon: the twelve talismans from Jackie Chan Adventures. But he soon realizes that the world of pirates and marines is not as simple as he thought, and he has to face enemies and allies from both sides. Will he be able to survive in this chaotic world and reach his goal of becoming the STRONGEST? Disclaimer The first 50 or so chapter will have bad translation, so please just skim through it to get an idea of the background. The rest will be much better. Everything belongs to the original creator (And ODA). If the original creator wants to take it down, please leave a review below, just found the novel and I wanted to rewrite it here to increase my vocabulary and earn some pocket money. Support the original author in the Chinese site. Author name: Four evenings For mtl, you can go to mtlnation and search One Piece the Strongest Justice. If you have some extra pocket money, Support me on Patreon: patreon.com/CosmicKaminari Original name : 海贼:最强正文

CosmicKaminari · Tranh châm biếm
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353 Chs

42. Actual Combat

Marineford, recruit camp campus.

"What a terrifying power..." Shuzo stood up slowly in the middle of the school field and sighed with a complicated look on his face. This is the first time he has said these words after meeting Atlas. Every time he fights with Atlas, he can feel this helpless power.

"I lost... Congratulations, Atlas!" Shuzo was a little depressed but at the same time, he was happy for Atlas.

"Thank you, Shuzo Instructor!" Atlas said modestly. Thanks to Shuzo's sparring, his strength has improved so quickly, so it's naturally impossible for him to show off his rhetoric at this time.

Moreover, they are not engaged in a life-and-death battle. This much is enough, and they just need to understand the gap between the two sides.

Sea Circle Calendar March 1504, Headquarters Recruit Camp Campus.

A young man about 2.8 meters tall with a resolute expression stood in the center of the school ground. His smooth muscles fit perfectly on his body, as if he was wearing a set of armor that could be used in battles, which was intimidating.

Opposite the young man is a burly, dark-skinned man with a black face. The man's hands are covered with a layer of black and purple shiny Armament Haki, and he is constantly beating the young man in front of him.

These two people were Atlas and Shuzo. Based on Zephyr's suggestion, Atlas shamelessly recommended himself as Shuzo's human punchbag.

Feeling the collision between Armament Haki and his body, Atlas' understanding of Armament Haki became deeper and deeper. He had a hunch that with just one opportunity, his Armament Haki would be completely awakened!

"Okay, today should be the day of actual combat training, so let's get here first!" Shuzo slowly took off his arms and said to Atlas, who looked enjoying himself.

Practical training is the second-year project of the Marine recruit camp. In the first year, a lot of resources are spent on training recruits. It is impossible to send recruits to the battlefield in the first year, which is tantamount to massacre. However, recruits cannot be cultivated in a greenhouse, so starting from the second year, recruits will often be led to experience the cruelty of war.

In the original work, Zephyr met the idiot Whitebeard II and Miss Buckin when he led Ain and Binz to conduct actual combat training. In order to protect the recruits, Zephyr was in dire straits, and because of Zephyr's asthma attack, his arm was amputated.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey... kids, we're going to the Sabaody Archipelago soon!"

A strong man with scars on his face and open clothes was holding a mace with dense barbs. He stood on the bow of the ship and smiled wildly at the crowd of pirates below.

"Oh oh oh oh oh..."

"Hahaha, New World is coming!"

"Captain, let's go first and pull Whitebeard down from the throne of being the strongest in the world... Hahahaha!"

"Of course, the captain is a pirate supernova with a bounty of 90 million!"

The pirates laughed wantonly; after all, they firmly believed that there was a man on their ship who could become the Pirate King!

Naval Headquarters, Marineford Harbour.

A row of serious-looking Marine soldiers stood in front of the port, headed by Marine Recruit Battalion Chief Instructor Zephyr!

"Recruits, justice must be poured out with blood. Today, I will lead you in the first actual combat training of the year. This is not an exercise, but a bloody battlefield!"

Zephyr looked around the faces of the recruits and continued: "Our target this time is the Mad Dog Pirates. The captain is the pirate Supernova Dias who has a bounty of 90 million berries, and the first mate Carlos has a bounty of 55 million berries, second officer Bukhara has a bounty of fifty million berries, and the rest of the pirates have bounties ranging from million berries to 10 million berries, and this is all the information I can provide you."

Soon, a group of recruits headed in the direction of Sabaody Archipelago, led by Zephyr.

"Teacher Zephyr, are we going to the Sabaody Archipelago?" Atlas leaned against the side of the ship and said to Zephyr with a smile.

"Yes, according to the intelligence, Mad Dog's group should want to dive from Sabaody's coating to The fish men island to go to the New World. After all, this is the tradition of pirates!" Zephyr said with a smile.

"Does the teacher have any other information about them? Hahaha..."

Atlas was a little curious. To be honest, this bounty pirate didn't really appeal to him, but Zephyr should have other deep meanings in choosing this pirate group as their target.

"Hahaha, you have to look for these with your own eyes. After all, you won't be able to get accurate information every time in future missions." Zephyr looked at Atlas who was full of curiosity and couldn't help laughing.

"Hahaha, that's right." Atlas heard the words and didn't go into details anymore. After all, he was not afraid of the changes in the mere 90 million pirates.

"Report to Chief Instructor Zephyr! There are traces of the Mad Dog Pirates ahead!" A Marine on the observation deck reported loudly.

"Okay! Keep going!"

On the other side of the Mad Dog Pirates' ship, Dias, whose face was covered with scars, looked at the Marine warship approaching at great speed, and unconsciously narrowed his eyes, showing a cruel look.

"Kids! Marine is here! This is a gift for me to enter the New World, hahahaha!"

It just so happened that he felt that his bounty was a bit low. Maybe if he slaughtered this warship, his bounty would go up!

Soon, warships and pirate ships docked not far from the Sabaody Archipelago!

"Boys, kill all these Marines!"

Dias put the mace on his shoulder and smiled ferociously at the Marines. Although he noticed Zephyr's presence, because Zephyr had long since retired to the background, Dias did not recognize the former Marine Admiral for a while.

"Recruiters, this battle is completely left to you!"

Super fast Soru!

As soon as Zephyr finished speaking, Atlas used Dias to rush away. After all, as the strongest recruit, he accepted the captain Dias without hesitation.

As for the deputy with a bounty of more than 50 million, it's up to Smoker and the others.


"Huh? Tekkai?"

Before Diaz could react, Atlas' fist was imprinted on Diaz's body! But what puzzled Atlas was that there was no feeling of penetrating the flesh. Instead, it was like hitting a piece of steel. Although he was just a casual blow, it shouldn't have achieved nothing!

"You guys, I am a Steel-Steel fruit user, hahaha..."

Although Dias is surprised by Atlas's speed, I am not afraid at all with his Devil Fruit. Ever since he got the Steel-Steel fruit, no one has broken through his defense!

"Tekkai Bokushingu Piasu (Boxing Piercing)!"


The huge fist fell on Dias again. Although I don't understand why people in the one piece world like to leak their information to the enemy, Atlas is not the kind of person who likes nonsense. Just a Tekkai teaches him how to behave.


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