
One Piece: The Defender of Justice

Atlas, a young man who was transmigrated into the One Piece world, witnessed the execution of the Pirate King in Logue Town. He decided to join the Marines and use his secret weapon: the twelve talismans from Jackie Chan Adventures. But he soon realizes that the world of pirates and marines is not as simple as he thought, and he has to face enemies and allies from both sides. Will he be able to survive in this chaotic world and reach his goal of becoming the STRONGEST? Disclaimer The first 50 or so chapter will have bad translation, so please just skim through it to get an idea of the background. The rest will be much better. Everything belongs to the original creator (And ODA). If the original creator wants to take it down, please leave a review below, just found the novel and I wanted to rewrite it here to increase my vocabulary and earn some pocket money. Support the original author in the Chinese site. Author name: Four evenings For mtl, you can go to mtlnation and search One Piece the Strongest Justice. If you have some extra pocket money, Support me on Patreon: patreon.com/CosmicKaminari Original name : 海贼:最强正文

CosmicKaminari · Tranh châm biếm
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420 Chs

419. Upgraded

A few bold headlines on the news read: "Admiral Hakuryu fights against the two emperors alone and does not fall behind!!"

Not a word was said about the heartbroken Big Mom.

Obviously, she was not dead. The Marine couldn't tolerate hiding such information and couldn't conceal it.

Moreover, the power of the Soul-Soul Fruit has been obtained by him, so Big Mom could not be unscathed.

Then there's only one possibility...

Atlas mused.

He remembered that in the original anime, the Soul-Soul Fruit's original ability should belong to the nun.

But after an accident, the nun disappeared, and Big Mom inexplicably developed the same abilities as the nun.

As we all know, there are no two Devil Fruits with the same abilities in the sea.

Although there is no explicit depiction in the original work, through the perspective of Streusen and the giant's observation, it is easy to infer—Big Mom swallowed the nun!

Where does Devil Fruit's ability reside? This has always been a mystery.

There is a heart theory and a soul theory.

But no one can justify it, and Brook is the most powerful refutation of the heart theory.

Especially with abilities involving the soul like the Soul-Soul Fruit and the Revive-Revive Fruit.

The most common theory is that Devil Fruits change the eater's bloodline factors, or genes. This theory was put forward by Vegapunk, the chief scientist of the Marine Science Corps.

According to Atlas's speculation, Charlotte Linlin is likely a triple personality patient.

Her kind personality is one, and her gluttonous personality is another.

The nun, because of the Soul-Soul Fruit's special nature, became a third personality after being consumed by Linlin in her gluttonous state.

Then, under mutual subtle influence, the nun Carmel with the Soul-Soul Fruit gradually took over as the main personality.

This explains why it took Charlotte Linlin some time to discover her ability to use the Soul-Soul Fruit.

Of course, these are all his personal guesses.

Regarding research on Devil Fruits, one should seek more advice from Vegapunk.

Atlas' eyes flickered. After returning to headquarters, it was time to visit Vegapunk.

At the very least, find out where that guy stands.

Closing the newspaper, Atlas led the two kids out of the tavern door.

The entire tavern was quiet, a sharp contrast to the heated scene just now, and the strange face had disappeared. It seemed to be just an illusion of the tavern owner.

Atlas walked out of the tavern and looked at the scorching sun in the sky, a relaxed smile on his lips.

"Gaia, where is the nearest tavern?"

Hearing Atlas's soliloquy, Maud and Elle stared at the ground with sadness.

They remembered that the name of that human face should be Gaia.

Suddenly, a clear arrow appeared on the originally flat ground, pointing to the center of the town.

This is the ability displayed by the Rat Talisman after absorbing the Soul-Soul Fruit.

The Soul-Soul Fruit's ability is to deprive those who fear its user of their life span, separating a part of the soul, and then injecting these souls into mountains, rivers, vegetation, and even inanimate objects. This is the origin of Homies on Whole Cake Island.

Not only that, but the ability user's own soul can also be cut out to create more powerful Homies.

Zeus, Prometheus, and Poseidon are all such creations.

The ability of the Rat Talisman is to make non-living things come to life and move, which makes it feel like inviting a god to take over.

It can neither resurrect the dead nor give mountains, rivers, and trees the power of thought like Big Mom.

Atlas remembered that the Rat Talisman was found on an old lamp, but the lampstand did not gain vitality.

However, it can imbue statues of humans and gods with life and the powers they are said to possess.

In other words, if Atlas carves out a Supreme Lord now, using the Rat Talisman, this legendary mythical figure can truly appear in the world of pirates!

However, Atlas has no intention of doing this.

Because the resurrected characters have their own will, although Atlas can withdraw the power of the Rat Talisman at any time and turn them back into sculptures, this kind of existence cannot be threatened by life or death.

Even Roger, Whitebeard, and others who are more realistic cannot allow themselves to be driven by Atlas.

Generally speaking, people with weak willpower are also weak in strength. They are not very helpful to Atlas, but it is very feasible to build an army of weaklings.

But now, the Rat Talisman, after swallowing the Soul-Soul Fruit, basically combines the effects of the two.

It does not require the power of the soul to give life to mountains, rivers, and vegetation, and its creations are not afraid of seawater.

Just like the island under his feet, the moment he landed on it, Moore Island had been infused with life and soul by the Rat Talisman.

He calls it Gaia.

The entire Moore Island is under Gaia's control, which is an effect the Soul-Soul Fruit cannot create.

Unless using Charlotte Linlin's own soul.

"Okay, let's go."

Looking back at the two brats who were paused, Atlas smiled gently and said, "Elle, you 'swim' over. Since you have made your choice, you should stick to it."

"Yes! Mr. Atlas!"

Elle gave a serious Marine salute, and then the ground rippled like water. His whole body began to sink into it, and his limbs began to swing like a frog.

There was no other way; he could only breaststroke. It looked a bit silly, but he could manage.

He is a Paramecia, a user with the Swim-Swim Fruit ability.

Yes, he has the same ability as his 'former captain'.

At the moment of Crest's death, there happened to be a fruit in Elle's arms that looked very similar to the Swim-Swim Fruit.

Then, under the one in a hundred million chance, the devil chose that fruit as the lodging of power.

Of course, the ownership of this fruit belongs to Elle.

The sun was just right, and a tall young man was followed by two little brats.

One of them was actually swimming on the ground.

A strange scene appeared before the eyes of the town residents.

On the other side of Moore Island, a tall figure sat cross-legged, surrounded by dense virgin woods.

Birds and beasts kept wandering around him, their eyes full of fear.

"Hey! Little Oz, the bastard who killed Dad is here on the island!"

Several figures kept moving through the forest, their faces full of angry and twisted expressions.


Marine Headquarters, Marineford.

Among the uniformly crowded warships, there was a black and white ship with a white flag flying and the World Government logo clearly visible on it.

Obviously, this is a ship from the World Government.

Several masked men in black suits and white cloaks walked down the gangway and stopped at the port.

They looked around Marineford with unconcealed interest, this war fortress that was stained with blood not long ago.

Marine soldiers on duty soon noticed the situation. Although they were a little reluctant, they quickly approached the group.

The Marine and CP departments have always been a bit difficult to deal with.

CP agents are proud to be lackeys of the Celestial Dragons, but Marines still have justice in their hearts, so they naturally look down on this group.

"What's the matter?"

The Marine colonel on duty had a stiff tone.

There were a total of seven people in front of him. Different from the CP agents who usually came to the headquarters, these guys were... CP0!

They serve only the top CP department of the Celestial Dragons.

The Marine colonel was confused. Why did they suddenly appear at Marine Headquarters?

"On the order of the Celestial Dragons, we are here to pick out a batch of interesting Devil Fruits from the Marine's warehouse for their amusement."

The leader of CP0 stepped forward, his tone calm, and he wasn't even slightly annoyed by the Marine's attitude.

Their emotions are no longer their own, but entirely in service to the Celestial Dragons.

"Wait, I'll go report to Fleet Admiral Sengoku."

With a curt word, the Marine colonel left them with an unhurried figure.

As the colonel disappeared from sight, the leader of CP0 turned his head. His eyes under the mask were like a lion's majesty as he stared at one of the masked men and whispered, "Remember our mission this time. The Five Elders will not allow failure, and..."

He paused, making sure no one was eavesdropping before continuing, "I hope your ability will not disappoint me. I specially selected this for you. Remember, it must be silent and must not be discovered."

The masked man remained unmoved, but strangely, the shadow under his feet nodded imperceptibly.

The person the leader was talking to was not the masked man in front of him, but the shadow hiding under the man's feet!

After receiving the order, the shadow suddenly twisted and squirmed, turning into a thin black line and slipping into the cracks in the floor tiles.


In Sengoku's office.

Knock, knock, knock! 

Sengoku, who was arguing with Garp, heard a gentle knock on the door. His face turned serious, and he sat back down at his desk solemnly.

He coughed lightly, "Ahem, come in."

The Marine colonel entered, saluting Sengoku and Garp, "Fleet Admiral Sengoku, Vice Admiral Garp!"

"What's the matter?" Sengoku asked.

"The people from the World Government are here. It's CP0."

Sengoku waved his hand, "Let them come in. The World Government has already informed me."

"Yes! Fleet Admiral Sengoku!"

After answering loudly, the Marine colonel carefully closed the office door and trotted back toward the port.

Garp was a little confused but didn't slow down while chewing his donuts. "Why is CP0 here at Marineford? Aren't those guys always following those scumbags in Mariejois?"

He's always been so outspoken.

Rules and other things have never been able to restrain him, except...justice.

"It's to find some Devil Fruits for the Celestial Dragons and provide them with entertainment."

Sengoku looked vaguely dissatisfied.

If a Devil Fruit is developed well, it can grow into a powerful combat unit for the Marine in a short period.

In the eyes of the Celestial Dragons, Devil Fruits are just tools for fun.

"Bwahahaha! It's indeed something those scum would do."

When Garp heard this, he burst into laughter, but there wasn't much joy in his eyes.

These guys... are still as annoying as ever!


New World, Moore Island.

Atlas, who had just settled down in the hotel, took out a Den Den Mushi.

The location of Moore Island is awkward.

It was originally Whitebeard's territory, but since Whitebeard's death, a large number of pirates, led by Big Mom, began to encroach on the surrounding sea areas.

Due to its lack of resources, Moore Island has become another pirate town.

The Marine Base had already been removed when the Three Emperors were established, so there was no base nearby at all.

The cost of staying in the hotel was advanced by the tavern owner.

After calling the Den Den Mushi, Atlas quickly got in touch with Marineford.

"Moshi Moshi~ I am Sengoku."

Sengoku, who had just sent Garp away, raised the receiver with a confused look on his face, and a calm voice came from the receiver.

"I am Atlas."

Atlas also had a smile on his face, and now he calmed down.

"Atlas? Are you okay?!"

Sengoku's voice suddenly rose in pitch, and a look of joy appeared on his face.

Although he was convinced that Atlas was fine, he still felt a little uneasy after having no news for so long.

"Where are you now?"

"Moore Island." Afraid that Sengoku might not know this place, he added, "The former territory of Whitebeard."

"Okay, it should be very close to the G-7 base, right? I'll ask Sakazuki to pick you up, and your sword happens to be there." Sengoku thought for a moment and said without hesitation.

"The area nearby should be the territory of the Big Mom Pirates, right? Can warships come in?"

"And, my sword?"

Atlas suddenly remembered that a piece of Charlotte Linlin's Napoleon was embedded in his body and was washed away by the current.

Although the quality is good, without the ability of the Soul-Soul Fruit, it is just a famous sword at the level of a Great Grade Blade.

"Recently, the Big Mom Pirates suddenly began to shrink their territory for some unknown reason. It should be that you broke Big Mom's heart last time and caused her to have an accident," Sengoku analyzed.

"As for your sword, Sakazuki helped you get it back."

Atlas nodded and said, "Okay, then I will wait on Moore Island for a while."

After briefly understanding the situation of the headquarters, the call between the two came to an end for the time being.

At this moment, two little brats, Maud and Elle, suddenly poked their heads out of the crack in the door.

"Mr. Atlas, here's a letter for you."

Maud raised the white envelope in his hand high, with a slight flush on his delicate face. (T/N: (⊙o⊙) )

These two kids were only about eleven or twelve years old. Seeing them reminded Atlas of the days when he was a handyman in Logue town.


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